dems wouldn't want it both ways , would they ?


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2001
when george bush had 18 months left in the white house , chuck schumer said that they shouldn't approve any nomination that he would make for the rest of his term . now the shoe is on the other foot and he is singing a different song , so typical !
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when george bush had 18 months left in the white house , schumer said that they shouldn't approve any nomination that he would make for the rest of his term . now the shoe is on the other foot and he is singing a different song , so typical !
Oh, They could never be called Hypocrites could they? They are like whiny little brats that want to ( and Generally do)change the rules when they are losing. They need to be taken out behind the wood shed this election year, and taught how adults act and behave responsibly. They are none the less incapable of learning anything but taking handouts and screaming catchy two or three line slogans to protest. Not even useful idiots.
Oh, They could never be called Hypocrites could they? They are like whiny little brats that want to ( and Generally do)change the rules when they are losing. They need to be taken out behind the wood shed this election year, and taught how adults act and behave responsibly. They are none the less incapable of learning anything but taking handouts and screaming catchy two or three line slogans to protest. Not even useful idiots.

if the repubs " cave " and let a radical be appointed to the court , the repub party will dry up and blow away .
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when george bush had 18 months left in the white house , chuck schumer said that they shouldn't approve any nomination that he would make for the rest of his term . now the shoe is on the other foot and he is singing a different song , so typical !

The democrats confirmed 28 lifetime district judges from April of 2008 to October of 2008.
15 of them were nominated in 2008.
8 were nominated in JULY.

They confirmed 4 to the appellate courts in 2008. (not far off "normal"... 5 were confirmed in 2007, 9 in 2006, 6 in 2005, 7 in 2004... for comparison ONE apellate judge was appointed in 2015 by the GOP senate)

Regardless of what Schumer said... what the senate actually did was confirm judges.
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if the repubs " cave " and let a radical be appointed to the court , the repub party will dry up and blow away .

The dumb thing the GOP did was say they'd reject anyone. If they had gone through hearings and called any nominee "too liberal"... nobody would have said much. But by blanket saying "No judges for you"... they are painting themselves as partisan obstructionists... even if the end result is the same.

Stupid decision to do that to themselves.
Oh, They could never be called Hypocrites could they? They are like whiny little brats that want to ( and Generally do)change the rules when they are losing. They need to be taken out behind the wood shed this election year, and taught how adults act and behave responsibly. They are none the less incapable of learning anything but taking handouts and screaming catchy two or three line slogans to protest. Not even useful idiots.

As opposed to useless idiots like you and your full retard Konservativ ilk.
if the repubs " cave " and let a radical be appointed to the court , the repub party will dry up and blow away .

If they block the nomination, the Democrats will use it as a campaign issue, win the White House for the third consecutive election, win control of the Senate, and put a solid progressive nominee on the Supreme Court. You rubes are in a no-win situation and are too stupid to see it.
The dumb thing the GOP did was say they'd reject anyone. If they had gone through hearings and called any nominee "too liberal"... nobody would have said much. But by blanket saying "No judges for you"... they are painting themselves as partisan obstructionists... even if the end result is the same.

Stupid decision to do that to themselves.

The Republican Party is in the hands of lunatics who are determined to go full retard. History is replete with similar examples of willful ignorance.
If they block the nomination, the Democrats will use it as a campaign issue, win the White House for the third consecutive election, win control of the Senate, and put a solid progressive nominee on the Supreme Court. You rubes are in a no-win situation and are too stupid to see it.

it cuts both ways , odumma will nominate a liberal radical and that will be used against the odumma ilk . when you say stupid , are you looking in the mirror ? remember 0nly 24% of registered voters claim to be liberal .
As opposed to useless idiots like you and your full retard Konservativ ilk.
Is Norf--k Va close to Washington D.C. ? If so, you're a Commie and deserve your special place in Hell as prescribed by Mad-eline Not too Bright!!!
it cuts both ways , odumma will nominate a liberal radical and that will be used against the odumma ilk . when you say stupid , are you looking in the mirror ? remember 0nly 24% of registered voters claim to be liberal .

Why wouldn't you expect him to nominate a judge similar to the two he already has nominated?

Kagan got 5 GOP senate votes in her confirmation... which would be enough GOP support to be confirmed today (were a vote allowed). She was part of his white house staff.

Sotomayor got 9 GOP senate votes.

Of course, neither would have come to a vote if the GOP had filibustered. But the idea that Obama would obviously nominate a justice that enough GOP senatorys wouldn't be willing to confirm due to ideology is false... as it's already happened twice.
If they block the nomination, the Democrats will use it as a campaign issue, win the White House for the third consecutive election, win control of the Senate, and put a solid progressive nominee on the Supreme Court. You rubes are in a no-win situation and are too stupid to see it.

We'll see. The nomination of any justice by Obama will be blocked one way or the other. Repubs in congress know they have no choice. The repub base is already in open rebellion against the establishment. Approving a lib justice would be the end of the party. It just won't happen.
National polls show that Hil loses to all repubs except for Trump who is within a few points. Sanders beats them all but no one is afraid of him in the general. So Pug u are whistling past the graveyard.
Why wouldn't you expect him to nominate a judge similar to the two he already has nominated?

Kagan got 5 GOP senate votes in her confirmation... which would be enough GOP support to be confirmed today (were a vote allowed). She was part of his white house staff.

Sotomayor got 9 GOP senate votes.

Of course, neither would have come to a vote if the GOP had filibustered. But the idea that Obama would obviously nominate a justice that enough GOP senatorys wouldn't be willing to confirm due to ideology is false... as it's already happened twice.

i said i expected him to nominate a radical, and to most americans that's enough reason to stop it any way you can. we know who kagan is, she did the legal work to cover up odummas background , grades , who paid for his college, etc. .the supreme court appointment was pay for the job well done .
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Why wouldn't you expect him to nominate a judge similar to the two he already has nominated?

Kagan got 5 GOP senate votes in her confirmation... which would be enough GOP support to be confirmed today (were a vote allowed). She was part of his white house staff.

Sotomayor got 9 GOP senate votes.

Of course, neither would have come to a vote if the GOP had filibustered. But the idea that Obama would obviously nominate a justice that enough GOP senatorys wouldn't be willing to confirm due to ideology is false... as it's already happened twice.
We should expect fairness and transparency throughout the whole process, If fairness and transparency mean screwing the US citizens and obscuring the facts as the dems usual method of operating.
The democrats confirmed 28 lifetime district judges from April of 2008 to October of 2008.
15 of them were nominated in 2008.
8 were nominated in JULY.

They confirmed 4 to the appellate courts in 2008. (not far off "normal"... 5 were confirmed in 2007, 9 in 2006, 6 in 2005, 7 in 2004... for comparison ONE apellate judge was appointed in 2015 by the GOP senate)

Regardless of what Schumer said... what the senate actually did was confirm judges.

Supreme Court Justices !!!!! Sigh....
Why wouldn't you expect him to nominate a judge similar to the two he already has nominated?

Kagan got 5 GOP senate votes in her confirmation... which would be enough GOP support to be confirmed today (were a vote allowed). She was part of his white house staff.

Sotomayor got 9 GOP senate votes.

Of course, neither would have come to a vote if the GOP had filibustered. But the idea that Obama would obviously nominate a justice that enough GOP senatorys wouldn't be willing to confirm due to ideology is false... as it's already happened twice.

We agree, lot of pussies in the GOP
i said i expected him to nominate a radical, and to most americans that's enough reason to stop it any way you can. we know who kagan is, she did the legal work to cover up odummas background , grades , who paid for his college, etc. .the supreme court appointment was pay for the job well done .

Scalia apparently loved her. He was lobbying for her to get the spot when Sotomayor was selected.
We should expect fairness and transparency throughout the whole process, If fairness and transparency mean screwing the US citizens and obscuring the facts as the dems usual method of operating.

Not sure how that relates to what I posted. I was simply stating that enough GOP senators voted for Obama's previous two nominations to get to 51+ using today's senate.

The only real difference between those situations and this one is the GOP hopes they can put a GOP president in place to nominate the judge... so a qualified justice that enough GOP senators view acceptable to achieve a confirmation (like Sotomayor and Kagan were given their GOP votes) won't be considered.

The level of radicalism doesn't change given that it's a election year. Obama's going to nominate the same sort of justice. They just won't get a hearing due to political partisanship... not due to their "radicalism".
Supreme Court Justices !!!!! Sigh....

None retired or died in election years under Bush.

The democrats did confirm one in an election year under Reagan (Justice Kennedy). That was the last opening that was available in an election year.

For the record, Schumer wasn't talking about Supreme Court Justices. He was talking about the lifetime judicial appointments that I linked the data for. The democrats confirmed more in 2008 then the GOP has for Obama the year BEFORE the election year (2015). A lot more.
when george bush had 18 months left in the white house , chuck schumer said that they shouldn't approve any nomination that he would make for the rest of his term . now the shoe is on the other foot and he is singing a different song , so typical !
Did the Democrats approve Bush's nomination to the court?
None retired or died in election years under Bush.

The democrats did confirm one in an election year under Reagan (Justice Kennedy). That was the last opening that was available in an election year.

For the record, Schumer wasn't talking about Supreme Court Justices. He was talking about the lifetime judicial appointments that I linked the data for. The democrats confirmed more in 2008 then the GOP has for Obama the year BEFORE the election year (2015). A lot more.

Of stop. You libs when you lose the argument you try and change the topic.
Did the Democrats approve Bush's nomination to the court?

Yes. They approved every Supreme Court nomination that the GOP members allowed to come to the floor. The only SC nomination that didn't get confirmed under Bush was Harriet Miers... who was withdrawn by Bush in the middle of confirmation proceedings due to GOP opposition (most notably from Arlen Specter who was the Judicial Committee GOP chair).

They approved 4 appellate court justices and 28 district court justices in 2008... an election year. Some as late as October, a couple of weeks prior to the election. All of them the "lifetime" posts that Schumer was arguing against. While he may have disagreed with the idea of confirming those justices... he did it (and voted for most of them... most were 97-0 type confirmation votes).
Yes. They approved every Supreme Court nomination that the GOP members allowed to come to the floor. The only SC nomination that didn't get confirmed under Bush was Harriet Miers... who was withdrawn by Bush in the middle of confirmation proceedings due to GOP opposition (most notably from Arlen Specter who was the Judicial Committee GOP chair).

They approved 4 appellate court justices and 28 district court justices in 2008... an election year. Some as late as October, a couple of weeks prior to the election. All of them the "lifetime" posts that Schumer was arguing against. While he may have disagreed with the idea of confirming those justices... he did it (and voted for most of them... most were 97-0 type confirmation votes).

Thank you for answering my question.