Trump: If Kamala (mispronounced....again) will lie to you so brazenly about Joe Biden's mental capacity, she will lie to you about anything.

So no good argument I take it? Just name calling?

A tyrannical government in 2024 is WAY different than 1700s. "The military could just wipe you out" has to be considered, no? I'm pretty certain that if a tyrant had the backing of the US military, they wouldn't stop because Jim Bob has 3d printed AR 15 in his possession...
Just like they wiped out the Taliban!
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So no good argument I take it? Just name calling?

A tyrannical government in 2024 is WAY different than 1700s. "The military could just wipe you out" has to be considered, no? I'm pretty certain that if a tyrant had the backing of the US military, they wouldn't stop because Jim Bob has 3d printed AR 15 in his possession...

I think you’re underestimating a well armed citizen population. Sure they’d be no match for the government but there is no denying that a disarmed population would make things EXPONENTIALLY easier.

(I’m not saying this is going to happen. I feel like I have to provide this disclaimer now a days. However nobody is immune to tyranny)
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Just like they wiped out the Taliban!
Afghanistan has been the graveyard of empires for a few thousand years. Say what you will, they are tough and relentless fighters.

Unlike Meal Team Six here in the US.

In all seriousness, the radicalization of service personal in this country is a real thing and could be an issue. I just don't think that enough people will ever have their brains broken enough for it to become a true civil war.

Check this report out. It's mind blowing that an entire town, and their police department, could get sucked in to stupid QAnon BS, but here they are. How many more like them are there out in the country? I bet more than a few.

Also, while we have never had a TRUE military attack on our soil from a foreign military that’s possible as well, though again highly unlikely.. I don’t think it’s significant enough to add to the argument, just throwing it out there
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She can never, ever be trusted.

Trump lies since Kamala Harris became the front runner on the Republican ticket. Not all, but a decent collection.

In his press conference from Mar-a-Lago

"We're substantially leading in the polls"- Polls at the time he said this showed and continue to show a tight race. It's arguable you could even say Trump had a substantial lead over Biden.

"I'm leading fairly big in swing states. In some polls, I'm leading very big."- Polling shows he's behind in some swings states and has marginal leads in others. Unless the word "big" has no meaning, all of this is a lie.

"She was the first one defeated" speaking of the 2020 Democratic race for nomination - Ten others had dropped out before Harris did.

“And I'm no Biden fan, but I'll tell you what, from a constitutional standpoint, from any standpoint you're looking at, they took the presidency away. … And they took it away.” - Two things here. He means the nomination not the presidency as Biden is still POTUS. The Constitution says nothing about how parties choose their president. Harris was chosen according to the Democrat party rules.

"They said they're going to use the 25th amendment" - The 25th amendment would be used if Biden's cabinet members felt he was unfit to be POTUS, and congress then voted to remove him from the office. It is not used to take him out of running for POTUS. This has never been something a Democrat has raised that I can find. A few Republicans brought it up, but not Democrats. They were bringing it up in terms of removing Biden from office. Again, it has nothing to do with preventing a candidate from running.

“She couldn't pass her bar exam.”- Harris passed her bar exam on the second try. California has a very hard bar exam. Each state's state portion of the exam is different and less than half pass it on the first try in California. She did pass it on the second try. Those trying to pass on the second try have less than a fifty percent success rate.

“I know Josh Shapiro. He's a terrible guy. And he's not very popular with anybody.” - Shapiro, like Kemp in Georgia, has an approval rating of over 60% in his state of Pennsylvania. This would mean he has people from across the aisle that approve of his leadership.

“What did she have yesterday? 2,000 people? If I ever had 2,000 people, you'd say my campaign is finished. It's so dishonest"- Harris has had ten thousand or more at every rally she had held to that point.

"You wouldn't have had Oct. 7th of Israel (if I were still POTUS)"- This is pure speculation just as it is with saying Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. But unlike Ukraine (where Putin would have been less worried about NATO expansion under Trump), Hamas had no reason to think Trump would do anything different than Biden that would've made them think twice about striking Israel. Trump's policies actually infuriated Hamas and Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank even more than most POTUS by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The former US POTUS that were the most ardent supporters of Israel never did this. The original boundaries, which Israel accepted when forming their state, only included a portion of Jerusalem but not all. They occupied East Jerusalem (supposed to be Palestinian land) after the 1967 6 Day War. In 1980 they proclaimed the whole of Jerusalem as their capital city. But the US along with everyone else in the world only recognized Tel Aviv as capital. Trump changed this in 2017.

“The weight of a car, the weight of a truck, they want all trucks to be electric. Little things that a lot of people don't talk about. The weight of a truck is two-and-a-half times, two-and-a- half times heavier.” - A battery for a truck would increase the weight by 30%, not 250%. I currently live in a country where electric cars are quite popular and electric buses for public transportation are becoming more popular. There seems to be little problem with the transition.

“We're leading in Georgia by a lot. We're leading in Pennsylvania by a lot.”- even using the most broad definition you can find for "a lot" and using the most Republican friendly polls you can find, this just isn't factually true. Trump has never had a substantial lead in Pennsylvania ever. He won PA over Clinton by less than 1 percentage point. He lost PA to Biden by 1.2 percentage points.

“So I won Alabama by a record. Nobody's ever gotten that many votes. I won South Carolina by a record. You don't win Alabama and South Carolina by records and lose Georgia. It doesn't happen.”- Well obviously it did. Georgia is less white than Alabama and S. Carolina. Georgia is younger than S. Carolina and Alabama. Non white voters are more likely to vote Democrat. Younger voters are more likely to vote Democrat.

“Of course there'll be a peaceful transfer. And there was last time.” - Do we really need to go over this one? I still say gaslighting is not really a term that should be used for media or politician lies, but this would be about as close as it gets in terms of someone trying to get you to deny what you actually see happening. Still, it's not personal enough to actually be gaslighting.

"Nobody was killed on Jan. 6th"- Ashley Babbitt was killed. An officer died of a stroke a day later. Not uncommon for middle aged and older people involved in stressful situations to have heart attacks or strokes a few day after the stressful event. A cop lost an eye, several others have injuries they will deal with for the rest of their lives and several have committed suicide since the event which their loved ones think was influenced by the assault on the Capitol.

“And, you know, it's very interesting, the biggest crowd I've ever spoken to. … The biggest crowd I've ever spoken before was that day (Jan. 6th)."- The biggest crowd Trump has ever spoken to was at his inauguration. And even the truth of that crowd's numbers wasn't big enough for him. Had to lie about that one as well.

“If you look at Martin Luther King, when he did his speech, his great speech, and you look at ours, same real estate, same, everything, same number of people. If not, we had more. …You look at the picture of his crowd, my crowd, uh, we actually had more people.” - MLK's audience was five times as big as Donald Trump's Jan. 6th rally.

“We have a Constitution. It's a very important document, and we live by it. She has no votes.” - There is nothing in the Constitution about how a party goes about choosing their candidate.

“As you know, and I think it's when I look for 52 years, they wanted to bring abortion back to the states. They wanted to get rid of Roe v. Wade and that's Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, and everybody. Liberals, conservatives, everybody wanted it back in the states. And I did that.” - One of the most divisive Supreme Court rulings, both when it was ruled the constitution protected women's right to choose and when it was ruled that the constitution did not. It may literally be the most divisive issue in American politics and he says everyone wanted Roe V. Wade gone. You can't make it up.
“I think that abortion has become much less of an issue. It's a very small.” - He lives in an alternate reality.

“Previous to [Virginia Gov.] Glenn [Youngkin], the governor, he said the baby will be born, we will put the baby aside, and we will decide with the mother what we're going to do. In other words, whether or not we're going to kill the baby.” - A lie in two different ways. This is not the VA governor who said this. And this misses some very key context. VA governor Ralph Northam had his quotes taken out of context. He was talking about a third trimester abortion performed when a fetus isn't viable or so severely deformed life wouldn't be possible for very long. At this point, ignoring this is intentional and nothing more than riling the base up with a lie.

“She wants to take away everyone's gun.” - She wants a ban on assault weapons. That's not all guns.

“She's been very, very bad to Israel, and she's been very bad and disrespectful to Jewish people.” - Trump offers not one shred of proof here. Harris is married to a Jew. Has hosted and celebrated Jewish holidays in her house. He has tried to say she will try to block Israel from obtaining and using US weapons. But there is no proof of her ever saying this and the Biden administration has posted several times that she supports Israel and their right to defend their country.

“Well, I know Willie Brown very well. In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him. We thought maybe this is the end. We were in a helicopter going to a certain location together and there was an emergency landing.” - According to Brown, he's never been in a helicopter with Trump. Trump was in a helicopter with another Black man who looks nothing like Brown and they had to do an emergency landing.

“This was not a pleasant landing, and Willie was— he was a little concerned. So I know him. I know him pretty well. I mean, I haven't seen him in years. But he told me terrible things about her.”
“He was not a fan of hers very much at that point.”
- Brown also denies ever discussing Harris in a negative way with Trump and supports her candidacy for POTUS. It is unlikely that Holden would've said anything about Harris (as if Trump is just mistaking the two men) as he was a city councilman in LA at the time. Harris had just accepted an assistant DA job in the SF Bay area when the helicopter flight took place.

“Our tax cuts, which are the biggest in history… .”- Trump's 2017 tax cuts, as a share of the economy, would barely make the top ten all-time.

“The polls have suggested, there are some polls that say we're going to win in a landslide.” - This was not even true the weeks between Biden's terrible debate performance and Harris' becoming the front person on the ticket. Not one poll has suggested such.

“...they're paying 50, 60, 70 percent more for food than they did just a couple of years ago.” - Not true. Consumer Price Index says grocery prices have gone up 25% since before COVID and 21% since Biden became POTUS. Wages have gone up 17% since Biden took office. Bad? Yes, but greatly exaggerated by Trump.

The Strategic National Reserve is “virtually empty now. We've never had it this low.”
“He's sucked all of the oil out. Essentially the gasoline to keep the, to keep the price down a little bit. … But you know what? We have no strategic national reserves now. He's emptied it. It's almost empty. It's never been this low.”
- Another lie. The reserve has more than half of the barrels it had at its highest point in history under the Obama administration. Quick fact: Since the oil reserve was started under Jimmy Carter, the only Republican to leave less oil in the reserve than what was there when they came into office? That's right. Donald J. Trump.

"I see her going way down on the polls now.” - Harris was gaining then and still gaining now.

“A lot of the MAGA, as they call them, but the base. And I think the base is, I think the base is 75% of the country, far beyond the Republican Party.” - Trump has never gotten 47% of the popular vote. Romney got more than 47%. Gore got more than 47% both in losing efforts. Trump needs to do a better job of getting his base out to vote and getting them to read ballots properly it seems.

“They're either really stupid, and I don't believe they're stupid, because anybody that can cheat in elections like they cheat is not stupid.” - More than 60 cases were brought by Trump and his team claiming voter fraud. Almost all were lost due to lack of evidence. His own DOJ investigated and found nothing, at least nothing that would come close to overturning the election.

At NABJ conference: “She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now, she wants to be known as Black,” Trump said. “So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?”- Harris has always identified as Black while acknowledging her Indian heritage well. She went to a historically black university. There is no evidence of her ever denying she's Black.

On his social media this past weekend “Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd’ of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST!.” - This has been proven false countless times. Fox was covering the event live and the crowd was in their camera shots. Sad really.

Yeah his ideas suck. That’s why heels up has been copying so many of them. Quit whining
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Yeah his ideas suck. That’s why heels up has been copying so many of them. Quit whining
Who's whining? This is great stuff. Keep him talking. You got him coming to your town, boss?
I have LGBTQ friends and family and have never encountered the pronoun or misgendering issue. Have you? Have your children? How about someone you know well who has a story?

I'll admit to finding the new use of pronouns excessive and, frankly, annoying, but I'm happy to call someone whatever their preference is as long as they are not jerks when they first communicate this request. But again, I've never had the experience, and I lived in midtown Atlanta for thirty years.

My kids were in public school in Atlanta, and we didn't have a single instance of attempted indoctrination. Regardless, we are comfortable as parents that they get what they need at home to have a strong sense of right and wrong and how to apply that to different circumstances. Now that we are in private school in SC, they are more likely to hear right-leaning comments from teachers, and when it has happened, we discuss it over dinner and talk through it. We don't tell them what to think but are proud of how they draw their own conclusions.

I'm quite sure the things you described above happen, I just have zero sense for how widespread it is and thus what kind of problem it actually is. Generally speaking, I am supportive of allowing people to live however they want to live as long as they apply the golden rule and do the same. It's amazing to be that same sex marriage wasn't fully protected by the SCOTUS until 2016 and I feel VERY strongly about any backsliding on that specific issue, which I think is absolutely a threat right now.

try harder.
word salad and BS won't cut it.
just say it in a small paragraph.

I can cut you down with less than 10 words.
So no good argument I take it? Just name calling?

A tyrannical government in 2024 is WAY different than 1700s. "The military could just wipe you out" has to be considered, no? I'm pretty certain that if a tyrant had the backing of the US military, they wouldn't stop because Jim Bob has 3d printed AR 15 in his possession...
I believe the British had the most dominant military force in the world and yet a few patriots that were out armed and outnumbered beat them. No one needs to give you a reason for it. It is our right to bear arms under the constitution. Not to hunt, but to protect ourselves from what happened prior to us becoming a country.
I believe the British had the most dominant military force in the world and yet a few patriots that were out armed and outnumbered beat them. No one needs to give you a reason for it. It is our right to bear arms under the constitution. Not to hunt, but to protect ourselves from what happened prior to us becoming a country.
Legalize the rocket launchers!!!
And you weren't with the Jim Bob comment?
No. I never called the poster in question "Jim Bob"...Jim Bob is basically Hannibal lecter....not a real person.

Yet... the poster referred to me as "commie" (albeit loosely) and "stupid" (way more directly) and has yet to provide a substantive rebuttal to my question.

The only rebuttal has been name calling....which I guess is on brand for a trump supporter.

I believe the British had the most dominant military force in the world and yet a few patriots that were out armed and outnumbered beat them. No one needs to give you a reason for it. It is our right to bear arms under the constitution. Not to hunt, but to protect ourselves from what happened prior to us becoming a country.

At the time of the bill of rights....there was no standing army (disbanded after defeating the British; except for small force guarding our western frontier). So for a well regulated state militia, we needed to have freedom to own guns so states could muster troops if needed. That reason changed quickly when the US Army as we know it was established shortly thereafter. To my knowledge, the government supplies our troops with their weapons now.

So the "protecting ourselves" is done so through the armed forces now...just like it was with the continental army against the British. This is where I struggle to see the application of 2A today as it was written....

At the end of the day....I'm fine with folks owning guns (just not automatic weapons). I look forward to quail hunting every year. But, it is a healthy discussion to ask "why" or provide a good reason for 2A to exist in today's America (something beyond "it's our constitutional right!"). It's a different time and the constitution is an evolving document. Just because something was so in the 1700s doesn't mean it has to always be so (see: term limits for president; age minimum for president; voting rights expansion; etc.).

"Shall not be infringed" is a strong statement...why do we restrict access to guns for those with felony convictions? Is that not unconstitutional? One could argue that it is...(I dont think convicted felons should own guns btw, just making a point that 2A has it's flaws).
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This is all they have, seven year old lie, no policy. Obama's former aide said today on the CNN the price gouging policy, her first and only policy that she came up with is silly, and is more a vibe than a policy. It doesn't work and is an unserious policy. LOL on CNN

for those that haven't seen the clip of Trump at Charlottesville

No. I never called the poster in question "Jim Bob"...Jim Bob is basically Hannibal lecter....not a real person.

Yet... the poster referred to me as "commie" (albeit loosely) and "stupid" (way more directly) and has yet to provide a substantive rebuttal to my question.

The only rebuttal has been name calling....which I guess is on brand for a trump supporter.

At the time of the bill of rights....there was no standing army (disbanded after defeating the British; except for small force guarding our western frontier). So for a well regulated state militia, we needed to have freedom to own guns so states could muster troops if needed. That reason changed quickly when the US Army as we know it was established shortly thereafter. To my knowledge, the government supplies our troops with their weapons now.

So the "protecting ourselves" is done so through the armed forces now...just like it was with the continental army against the British. This is where I struggle to see the application of 2A today as it was written....

At the end of the day....I'm fine with folks owning guns (just not automatic weapons). I look forward to quail hunting every year. But, it is a healthy discussion to ask "why" or provide a good reason for 2A to exist in today's America (something beyond "it's our constitutional right!"). It's a different time and the constitution is an evolving document. Just because something was so in the 1700s doesn't mean it has to always be so (see: term limits for president; age minimum for president; voting rights expansion; etc.).

"Shall not be infringed" is a strong statement...why do we restrict access to guns for those with felony convictions? Is that not unconstitutional? One could argue that it is...(I dont think convicted felons should own guns btw, just making a point that 2A has it's flaws).
Yeah the only people that will own guns is the elites if the democrats have their way. Just like in Britain.

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