Devastating storm to affect voters once again?

Boost Assendahm

Always Ready, Never Prepared
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Here's wondering what effect this weekend's Blizzard-zilla is going to have on good old normal, standard, middle of the road, real voters during the primaries if not during the general election. "Super storm," Hurricane Sandy (and of course, POTUS's disaster relief duties and associated photo-ops) was a godsend for Obama's second term re-election, very likely an equal to the poor voter turnout by the "religious right," many of whom feared Romney the Mormon's direct ties to Satan himself. We the peeps always prove to be a special bunch......blathering, but special.
Here's wondering what effect this weekend's Blizzard-zilla is going to have on good old normal, standard, middle of the road, real voters during the primaries if not during the general election. "Super storm," Hurricane Sandy (and of course, POTUS's disaster relief duties and associated photo-ops) was a godsend for Obama's second term re-election, very likely an equal to the poor voter turnout by the "religious right," many of whom feared Romney the Mormon's direct ties to Satan himself. We the peeps always prove to be a special bunch......blathering, but special.

I'm not sure if it's been determined if Sandy had a material effect on The 2012 General Election. Let's say it did in hard hit areas, weren't they all near Democrat locks before the storm ?
Unless it moved a state from red to blue, it really didn't matter in the count of electors.
Unless this storm is a lot worse than it seems now, I'm guessing it will be long forgotten by November.
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I'm not sure if it's been determined if Sandy had a material effect on The 2012 General Election. Let's say it did in hard hit areas, weren't they all near Democrat locks before the storm ?
Unless it moved a state from red to blue, it really didn't matter in the count of electors.
Unless this storm is a lot worse than it seems now, I'm guessing it will be long forgotten by November.

The ever popular, "undecided voters" (especially women) were decidedly affected from the emotional perspective of good people helping distressed people. We all know the concept/image sells tickets and get votes. It always has. And we ALL also know that all sides in a political battle will run incessant ads on whatever theme or banner works best for the longest. Will be surprised if photo ops from Sandy aren't feathered in down the stretch with the ones resulting from this most recent devastation. "Never waste a crisis," right? And for the record, I dislike all politicians and business as usual in DC.
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The ever popular, "undecided voters" (especially women) were decidedly affected from the emotional perspective of good people helping distressed people. We all know the concept/image sells tickets and get votes. It always has. And we ALL also know that all sides in a political battle will run incessant ads on whatever theme or banner works best for the longest. Will be surprised if photo ops from Sandy aren't feathered in down the stretch with the ones resulting from this most recent devastation. "Never waste a crisis," right? And for the record, I dislike all politicians and business as usual in DC.

There will be other storms, both literal and figurative before November.
No doubt calamity can effect elections. Bush used 9/11 like a business card.
I'm just wondering if THIS storm will be big enough or fresh enough to matter to The General Election. We have the first primary in 2 weeks, but I don't see anybody in position to gain from the weather. Well, maybe The Donald will stand in a NYC street and shoot somebody. The visual of blood seeping into pure white snow might gain Him a point or 2.
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