Did trump supporters have a blackout in Kansas? He's getting his

a$$ whipped . The lights went out in Kansas.

Kind of odd for sure. Saw where some walked out on Cruz today at CPAC when he started bashing Trump.

Cruz is scary, imo. I know lots like him, but not me.
I like him : the win in Kansas is the type win trump needs some where . Cruz may pick up another State: where there no cross over Cruz cruise for the win .
The middle of our country are some of the dumbest citizens in these United States...Dust bowl Rubes who don't deserve a vote...They are allowing an illegal alien to win their primaries...Morons!!!
He got slaughtered in the last debate and was made to look like a fool. Maybe some people are wising up.
He got slaughtered in the last debate and was made to look like a fool. Maybe some people are wising up.

There's that. But I've also thought all 3 top contenders have looked like fools.
I know y'all know this but I'm not very smart but we heading to the broken promises land . Either way .