NonDawg Fess up, who’s gotten a photo speed citation recently

Because I’ve gotten 2 now within 2 weeks of each other. One in Jefferson and another in Athens. School zones going 45 in 35. Both within 5 minutes of the lights stopping flashing. $100 x 2 plus $3.90 processing fee. What sucks is I don’t even speed. I drive like a grandpa most of the time. So be aware. Ticket goes to the registered owner. Money making machine I bet. For those that have gotten one, I feel our pain. For those that haven’t, you’ve been warned.
I got one in Tampa for running a red light, but I didn’t really run the red light, my car was just a little over the line.
Because I’ve gotten 2 now within 2 weeks of each other. One in Jefferson and another in Athens. School zones going 45 in 35. Both within 5 minutes of the lights stopping flashing. $100 x 2 plus $3.90 processing fee. What sucks is I don’t even speed. I drive like a grandpa most of the time. So be aware. Ticket goes to the registered owner. Money making machine I bet. For those that have gotten one, I feel our pain. For those that haven’t, you’ve been warned.
The new one in Brookhaven on ashford Dunwoody by the catholic school is killing me.
This is actually a big issue across the state. Georgia legislature is working on this right now is my understanding. These speed cameras are writing tickets even when the lights aren't flashing and school is empty.
Many, many complaints coming from teachers who leave way after hours and it sends them tickets.

People are furious. I would dispute it and not pay right now.
Yeah, I wish they would save these cameras for the very busy intersections (red Lights) where it is just too busy to safely pull someone over. That seems like he best use of cameras.