For all of you worried about our "democracy"


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jun 10, 2021
These are the ones you call protectors,,, LMBO

They all should be impeached themselves. They are what’s wrong and corrupt in Washington today.
This should come as a surprise no one, the leaders of the Democrat Party are abhorrent people who have no shame or morals. They make everything political & want nothing but power & control over everyday, working Americans lives.Hopefully, the voters will reject the libs vision of America at the polls this November!
This should come as a surprise no one, the leaders of the Democrat Party are abhorrent people who have no shame or morals. They make everything political & want nothing but power & control over everyday, working Americans lives.Hopefully, the voters will reject the libs vision of America at the polls this November!
No, they should be dragged through the streets and hung then burned.
Wow let’s slow down a little bit bro. We are better them but I know how you feel.
Wow let’s slow down a little bit bro. We are better them but I know how you feel.
The forces behind the RAT party are the enemy and they will not change. You see how useless it is to talk to even the moron, lowlife, nobody RATs on here. They have no love for this country or what made it the greatest on earth. But mostly, they are just stupid. The top end of the RAT is much, much worse. It is dedicated evil. There is no changing it.
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