For all you CNN acolytes...


I’m right. Just ask me
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2013
Just wanted to make sure you knew its just been broken that your Covid hero, Andrew Cuomo, has been exposed by his top aide for intentionally concealing the nursing home deaths significantly. Even state Dems are furious.

Seems CNN somehow forgot to cover this story.

I suppose that when they do cover it, after Cuomo is impeached, the headline will be “Trump Pressure led NY to alter numbers”
That aide must be making a deal, she is saying they did it to ride out a potential DOJ investigation until after the election, multiple Governor's up North had similar policies, not surprisingly the ones that began blaming Trump for everything, Whitmer and Cuomo being front and center on that
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Just wanted to make sure you knew its just been broken that your Covid hero, Andrew Cuomo, has been exposed by his top aide for intentionally concealing the nursing home deaths significantly. Even state Dems are furious.

Seems CNN somehow forgot to cover this story.

I suppose that when they do cover it, after Cuomo is impeached, the headline will be “Trump Pressure led NY to alter numbers”
And Faucci said cuomo handled situation perfect .......let that sink in
Just wanted to make sure you knew its just been broken that your Covid hero, Andrew Cuomo, has been exposed by his top aide for intentionally concealing the nursing home deaths significantly. Even state Dems are furious.

Seems CNN somehow forgot to cover this story.

I suppose that when they do cover it, after Cuomo is impeached, the headline will be “Trump Pressure led NY to alter numbers”
They grilled him intensely over many sessions. He was brave to subject himself to that. All while having so much goin on, running a state, dealing with pandemic, dealing with riots, holding the pressing avpccountable and writing a book. In the words that f Chaz, what a loser
Just wanted to make sure you knew its just been broken that your Covid hero, Andrew Cuomo, has been exposed by his top aide for intentionally concealing the nursing home deaths significantly. Even state Dems are furious.

I don't think anyone on here touted him as a covid hero or, really, touted him at all. Here is what I wrote on this forum August 4 2020:

"Only place anyone is loving Cuomo is CNN.. and increasingly New Yorkers. He's up to 60% approval from 30% back in 2019. (And he was 30% because he's as corrupt a corporate toady as any American politician. Real Tammany Hall stuff.) As to why his approval has gone up despite that I think the nursing home story is pretty widely known, I will tell you that I am in New York where everyone has a clear sense of what to do and is doing it and cases are way way down. Could Covid rebound here? sure. I am sure it will in the fall. But the point is that in a crisis, approval for leaders tends to skew high. Any response is generally seen as a good response. Trump's numbers are the exception."

That this is a nail in Cuomo's national, political coffin is welcome news.

Just wanted to make sure you knew its just been broken that your Covid hero, Andrew Cuomo, has been exposed by his top aide for intentionally concealing the nursing home deaths significantly. Even state Dems are furious.

Seems CNN somehow forgot to cover this story.

I suppose that when they do cover it, after Cuomo is impeached, the headline will be “Trump Pressure led NY to alter numbers”
What a POS! He better be impeached! Should be tried for 3rd degree murder ..and there‘s actual evidence! kudos to his aide for reporting that POS!
Just wanted to make sure you knew its just been broken that your Covid hero, Andrew Cuomo, has been exposed by his top aide for intentionally concealing the nursing home deaths significantly. Even state Dems are furious.

Seems CNN somehow forgot to cover this story.

I suppose that when they do cover it, after Cuomo is impeached, the headline will be “Trump Pressure led NY to alter numbers”

CNN actually has been carrying this story pretty prominently. Below is the front page article from CNN that I posted on here nearly 3 weeks ago.... but if you never watch or read CNN you wouldn't know how much they are covering it. For the record, I tend to flip around to all the news channels and I have on many occasions in the last few months heard CNN personalities being critical of Cuomo... specifically Jake Tapper and Anderson Cooper.

The CNN love affair with Cuomo started ending last summer when Cuomo started bragging about his handling of the pandemic and talking like New York had "beaten" covid. Personalities like Sonjay Gupta and other medical guests who have been overly cautious about this whole thing started warning Cuomo about this attitude during on-air segments... by the middle to late fall I was seeing different personalities being regularly critical of New York and Cuomo since then.

Obviously with his brother being such a prominent voice at CNN there is some tightrope walking going on, but they have certainly been critical of him on the air and at and have definitely been covering the story.
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I don't think anyone on here touted him as a covid hero or, really, touted him at all. Here is what I wrote on this forum August 4 2020:

"Only place anyone is loving Cuomo is CNN.. and increasingly New Yorkers. He's up to 60% approval from 30% back in 2019. (And he was 30% because he's as corrupt a corporate toady as any American politician. Real Tammany Hall stuff.) As to why his approval has gone up despite that I think the nursing home story is pretty widely known, I will tell you that I am in New York where everyone has a clear sense of what to do and is doing it and cases are way way down. Could Covid rebound here? sure. I am sure it will in the fall. But the point is that in a crisis, approval for leaders tends to skew high. Any response is generally seen as a good response. Trump's numbers are the exception."

That this is a nail in Cuomo's national, political coffin is welcome news.

The media controls the approval ratings. They choose who the sheep like and don’t like.
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The media controls the approval ratings. They choose who the sheep like and don’t like.
Whoa, dude... not just the media, but social media, too. China is right in one aspect, 100% wrong on the other hand that the world wants a 100% controlled media.
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