NonDawg For the Trump supports on here, who would be your ideal pick for his VP & why?


That's what she said
Gold Member
Jul 15, 2016
Longmont, CO
I’d love for him to pick Ben Carson. I think it’s smart to have a VP that excels in areas the candidate struggles. He’s got an amazing “American Dream” story AND he’s literally a genius which can’t hurt.

My second choice would Tulsi Gabbard as she is a “recovering lib” that I think would bring a lot more women to the party and appeal to independents.
I’d love for him to pick Ben Carson. I think it’s smart to have a VP that excels in areas the candidate struggles. He’s got an amazing “American Dream” story AND he’s literally a genius which can’t hurt.

My second choice would Tulsi Gabbard as she is a “recovering lib” that I think would bring a lot more women to the party and appeal to independents.
I don’t think it will happen, but I would like somebody centrist and normal. Trump is an atypical candidate and needs some grounding.
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I don’t think it will happen, but I would like somebody centrist and normal. Trump is an atypical candidate and needs some grounding.
I'm not sure "normal" is what I'm looking for since it was promised by supposed centrist that Biden would return us to "normal". I'm not sure who the person is but I would like to see someone slightly right of historical center, and quite a bit right of what is considered to be centrist today that wouldn't cave to the bureaucracy. Gabbard has shown the heart of a fighter but she may be a little farther left than the person I would like to see as being a heartbeat away. DeSantis is someone I wouldn't mind seeing a heartbeat away and Tim Scott is intriguing. What I don't want to see is another neocon that is beholden to the establishment.
There is nobody “normal” left in the Republican Party, certainly not in Trump’s world.
You could be right if you believe the ideas listed below aren't normal:

Live and let live.
Women's sports, locker rooms and showers are reserved for those born without schlongs.
A citizen with a schlong that is a serial rapist doesn't belong in a female prison.
You don't have to be a biologist to know the difference between the 2 sexes.
Free trade should be our policy but reciprocation should also be part of our policy.
Trade with China is not a bad thing. However, dependence on China or other hostile countries is bad.
Immigration is good. Uncontrolled immigration without proper screening of the immigrants is bad.
The treasure of the U.S. belongs to the U.S. tax payer and is not an unlimited slush fund for corrupt pols and on and on.

If these idea's aren't normal, I'll gladly were the abnormal label.
I’d love for him to pick Ben Carson. I think it’s smart to have a VP that excels in areas the candidate struggles. He’s got an amazing “American Dream” story AND he’s literally a genius which can’t hurt.

My second choice would Tulsi Gabbard as she is a “recovering lib” that I think would bring a lot more women to the party and appeal to independents.
You hit the nail on the head. Both Dr. Carson and Tulsi are my top two choices. I love JD Vance too but we need more people like him in Senate so I wouldn’t take him from there just to be VP.
There is nobody “normal” left in the Republican Party, certainly not in Trump’s world.
Are you talking about transvestite army generals, bald headed transvestite cross dressing thief’s?

Are you talking about an incoherent black VP who has yet to say a single substantive word?

You talking about Dem management who thinks killing our energy independence fights inflation?

You speaking of Dem politicians who have made millions from elite privilege?

I ‘ll gladly take the abnormal Repubs.

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