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Literally as soon as they collected the last gun in their gun confiscation campaign the riots and violence started. This is no accident, the globalists love this anarchy.
Are ya’ll following this? Busy week for me. I didn’t see it until now.

The whole thing started when a Muslim driver in a traffic stop fought with police and tried to drive off with an officer on his car. Driver was shot and killed.

The police are fighting back but are overwhelmed in many areas. People are having to protect themselves with sticks, rocks and knives against automatic weapons.

The loud fellow in the video below is saying: “Allahu akbar. We are not afraid, we are muslims. If cops kill us we have the right to kill, it is written in the Quran : the one that kills you, you can kill him. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth : no justice, no peace. It’s over for all of you.”

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The whole thing started when a Muslim driver in a traffic stop fought with police and tried to drive off with an officer on his car. Driver was shot and killed.

The police are fighting back but are overwhelmed in many areas. People are having to protect themselves with sticks, rocks and knives against automatic weapons.

The angry fellow in the video below is saying: “Allahu akbar. We are not scared, we’re Muslims—proud Muslims. If they try to kill us, we will kill them back. We are allowed, it is written in the Quran.”

antifa has been activated in France and Belgium, this will spread to other countries in Europe and the spread of this has nothing to do with the death of a muslim.
antifa has been activated in France and Belgium, this will spread to other countries in Europe and the spread of this has nothing to do with the death of a muslim.
I am in no position to disagree.

I didn't mean to imply that was the only reason, or even the main thing. More like that was the trigger point used to start the riots.

It is also a big stretch for the guy in the video to assert that the Koran says if someone kills a Muslim, they can go out and kill whoever they want. Misinterpretation of religious text for one's own purpose is certainly nothing new.
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The stupid liberal French government let them in and now the bill is starting to come due.
its the UN and the WEF and their agenda 30, thats why our border is wide open. They want to dissolve all the nations into one so they can create their new world order that they crave so bad.
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Sooner or later the bill
Comes due. They, like our progressives, lived in an imaginary world where consequences don’t exist. Maybe this is what they wanted after all?

Socialists love nothing more than complete government control, which what they are now under
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Some of them now have AK’s and other guns.
Some of them now have AK’s and other guns.
They have belt feed fully automatic rifles and other military grade equipment. All, of course, illegal in France. The people must defend themselves with arms from Home Depot. Police are trying to control rioters with nightsticks and it doesn't always work very well, to say the least.
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