Going forward, I expect a hard pivot in focus, from the left.

That may be true. But I expect an eerily silence from the left for a few days/weeks while they regroup and then drop the bomb of who their next candidate will be. Biden will be lauded as an unselfish American who understands his limitations as ability to serve and steps down as an "American hero". There will be heavy praise for him as the honest face of all Americans and the pats on the back will be many and often as "old Joe" walks into the sunset.
Then the new candidate will step into the spotlight and we will move on. Joe will praise him/her as a great successor to the throne and tell all Americans that they can be saved from the evil right if they vote democrat one more time.
I expect the message to shift today

From Biden’s disastrous performance to Trump’s lies. Despite the fact that Joe told several himself....I expect CNN and the rest to change the conversation. Quickly.
President Trump did not lie, have someone check the real facts.
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