Gonna be fun watching the Bidens go down (link)

the Bidens are not going down... but enjoy hoping so.

chain of custody on that laptop is... not good
I know you like to think of yourself as intelligent and informed, but he’s opened himself and everyone on the laptop to discovery. The fact is that the Dem hierarchy doesn’t want Biden or Harris running again. It’s why CNN ran the story. Hunter thinks he’s smart by selecting the forum, but that’s why appellate courts exist.

But I agree Biden isn’t going down. For the same reason Hillary didn’t and Trump won’t.
No, he’s just the current front runner for the 2024 republican nomination.

My reply was to a comment about how corrupt the Biden family is, yet the same person has been an enthusiastic supporter of the most openly morally compromised president in our history. So, just be consistent in applying the moral outrage.

If it is proven that Joe Biden broke laws then I’ll support impeachment and charges for the same reason I never voted for either Clinton. I believe laws still matter and that no one in this country, including current and former presidents, should be above them.
Good enough. I don't consider Trump the front runner, just the only one who has formally announced he's running.
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I know you like to think of yourself as intelligent and informed, but he’s opened himself and everyone on the laptop to discovery. The fact is that the Dem hierarchy doesn’t want Biden or Harris running again. It’s why CNN ran the story. Hunter thinks he’s smart by selecting the forum, but that’s why appellate courts exist.

But I agree Biden isn’t going down. For the same reason Hillary didn’t and Trump won’t.
Hillary and Trump didn't / won't go down for different reasons. Hillary because she withstood direct scrutiny and Trump because he's avoided it with motions upon motions to delay and outwait prosecution, which was his method back when he was in business. I don't fault him for this. This is the way the system works here in America. And as you note - we will just see it play out again in the case outlined in the CNN article.

Regarding discovery - see motions upon motions, a, and, b, again, you don't get discovery if the evidence is inadmissible, and there are limits as to what is discoverable even then, which are constantly being tested.

Hunter's a dipshit, and not really worth our time. If they can sully Joe politically, that's one thing, but I haven't seen anything to suggest to me that he is in any real legal jeopardy.
No, he’s just the current front runner for the 2024 republican nomination.

My reply was to a comment about how corrupt the Biden family is, yet the same person has been an enthusiastic supporter of the most openly morally compromised president in our history. So, just be consistent in applying the moral outrage.

If it is proven that Joe Biden broke laws then I’ll support impeachment and charges for the same reason I never voted for either Clinton. I believe laws still matter and that no one in this country, including current and former presidents, should be above them.
The one that started cleaning up the corruption in DC is the bad guy. I see how it works.
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Hillary and Trump didn't / won't go down for different reasons. Hillary because she withstood direct scrutiny and Trump because he's avoided it with motions upon motions to delay and outwait prosecution, which was his method back when he was in business. I don't fault him for this. This is the way the system works here in America. And as you note - we will just see it play out again in the case outlined in the CNN article.

Regarding discovery - see motions upon motions, a, and, b, again, you don't get discovery if the evidence is inadmissible, and there are limits as to what is discoverable even then, which are constantly being tested.

Hunter's a dipshit, and not really worth our time. If they can sully Joe politically, that's one thing, but I haven't seen anything to suggest to me that he is in any real legal jeopardy.
Disagree. Hillary quietly paid a fine and nothing happened.

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But that does not count, that was a Democrat. They can cheat, lie, steal, murder and pad their resumes with the “non crimes”
No need to be reductive - it's not that she is a democrat, it's that she is wealthy and powerful and can do those things - among many many of the power class, Trump has done the same. I would be willing to wager that he was given many options to cut all this short, but he hasn't because he likes fighting it out in the press. For all his life, seeing his name in print (and onscreen) has been his raison d'etre.
wrong - she is wealthy and powerful and can do those things - Trump has done the same. I would be willing to wager that he was given many options to cut all this short, but he hasn't because he likes fighting it out in the press. For all his life, seeing his name in print (and onscreen) has been his raison d'etre.
I’m not saying Trump has not done anything that could get him in trouble, just pointing out how Ted Kennedy, the Clinton’s, Al Gore, horse face ( can’t remember his name) ran for president from Massachusetts, Biden,etc. they all have broken the law, but the law only applies to the sheeple, not the law makers. It is wrong no matter what side it is on. I want 1set of laws, that apply equally to all who habitat the United States. It’s really that simple
No need to be reductive - it's not that she is a democrat, it's that she is wealthy and powerful and can do those things - among many many of the power class, Trump has done the same. I would be willing to wager that he was given many options to cut all this short, but he hasn't because he likes fighting it out in the press. For all his life, seeing his name in print (and onscreen) has been his raison d'etre.
Hence my comment earlier that neither will go down for the same reason.