So Jake Tapper is the moderator........

GOP voters won't be happy with anyone. They are perpetually unhappy and have to find grievance in everything (and their problems are always caused by democrats and never their own making). Now tapper being a moderator for a presidential debate is a new grievance. What will tomorrow bring?

On the O'Reilly video, tapper has as much a right to say what he wants to the president. But nothing he said was off base. He said his him getting covid was a product of his own making (not untrue) and that he hoped he had a speedy recovery (doubt you get that from Hannity or tucker if it was Biden). On the Hitler bit, if you don't want to be compared to Hitler, you shouldn't invoke Hitler rhetoric or brag that you love Hitler's book. I love how O'Reilly calls it No Spin yet that's all he's doing is spinning. Par for the course I guess. Oh..and he admittedly hates tapper so let's take his unbiased opinion as gospel.

Trump most likely got Covid from seeing covid screened Gold Star families, I would call that being President. He choose to keep his office open much like many other businesses in Georgia. I think Tapper called that reckless, i called it trying to keep some normalcy while balancing some level of cautiousness.

Regardless, Trump needs to worry more about himself in the debate than the moderator. He needs to answer questions, shut up and let Biden ramble, we'll see if he takes good advice, certainly questionable.........
So I guess you think Trump is just an honest Christian man who cares so little about himself but he only cares about the country and all of its citizens? Not!

He is a total piece of sh.t. He lies about everything everyday. He has no character. He is a narcissist . He does not care about the country - only himself. The majority of the cabinet members and military officers he worked with say his return would be awful for the country. He sucks up to Putin (might suck Putin if told to). There could be no worse person to be the leader of the USA. Biden might be old, but he is honest; he is experienced; he is wise; and he surrounds himself with smart folks who are public servants and put the good of the country first.
Man when did they let you out? You sound like you have been locked in a padded cell for the last four years.
GOP voters won't be happy with anyone. They are perpetually unhappy and have to find grievance in everything (and their problems are always caused by democrats and never their own making). Now tapper being a moderator for a presidential debate is a new grievance. What will tomorrow bring?

On the O'Reilly video, tapper has as much a right to say what he wants to the president. But nothing he said was off base. He said his him getting covid was a product of his own making (not untrue) and that he hoped he had a speedy recovery (doubt you get that from Hannity or tucker if it was Biden). On the Hitler bit, if you don't want to be compared to Hitler, you shouldn't invoke Hitler rhetoric or brag that you love Hitler's book. I love how O'Reilly calls it No Spin yet that's all he's doing is spinning. Par for the course I guess. Oh..and he admittedly hates tapper so let's take his unbiased opinion as gospel.
Problem is...y'all don't think anyone in "mainstream media" is fair...

Biden: trump, debate me on CNN; no audience, just you and me pal.
Trump: I'm there. Gonna be wild. I agree to all terms.

I swear some of y'all are perpetually unhappy. So much fun at parties.
Who's y'all? You're dumping yourself in with a lot of y'alls that don't have an honest bone in their bodies. CNN is not honest, is not unbiased and they lie as a normal course of business. The left does not want to know the truth about anything, they are perfectly happy being lied to as long as it is anti trump and pro leftist fascist propaganda soothing their itching ears. Anyone defending CNN is totally out of the know, and it is pointless to talk to them. Not saying they don't accidentally let the truth out on occasion, but for the most part, they are just part of the propaganda wing for the dnc.
You really can't make this stuff up. After sitting thru weeks of a trail with the Judge who is a Biden Donor and with a jury that most likely votes 100% democrat you now go debate the President with the moderator who has said the nightmare is over when you lost the election in 2020. If Trump wins in 2024, he would have earned it, unbelievable what comes off as fair and balanced in a Presidential Election now..........
But he isn't moderate at all, he's liberal. He should be called the Liberator.
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GOP voters won't be happy with anyone. They are perpetually unhappy and have to find grievance in everything (and their problems are always caused by democrats and never their own making). Now tapper being a moderator for a presidential debate is a new grievance. What will tomorrow bring?

On the O'Reilly video, tapper has as much a right to say what he wants to the president. But nothing he said was off base. He said his him getting covid was a product of his own making (not untrue) and that he hoped he had a speedy recovery (doubt you get that from Hannity or tucker if it was Biden). On the Hitler bit, if you don't want to be compared to Hitler, you shouldn't invoke Hitler rhetoric or brag that you love Hitler's book. I love how O'Reilly calls it No Spin yet that's all he's doing is spinning. Par for the course I guess. Oh..and he admittedly hates tapper so let's take his unbiased opinion as gospel.