What do you make of the June 27 date / CNN Presidential Debate??

It might have been the Irish, but not the poles.

Without comment, they should be asked a series of yes or no questions first:

1. Is abortion a state or federal government issue?
2. In your opinion as a human being, husband and father, should abortions be allowed up to birth of child?
3. Are there just two sexes, male and female?
4. Is there biological differences in male and female?
5. Should biological males be allowed to participate in female sports?
6. Are the differences permanently physical?
7. Should immigrants be allowed in our country without being vetted?
8. Should someone entering the country illegally be arrested and deported?
9. Should we complete the border wall?
10. Should all energy sources at our disposal be used to bring costs down for US citizens?
11. Should energy changes be allowed to happen naturally instead of forced by the Fed?
12. Should any elected official be allowed to profit from his or her position beyond the salary and benefits provided by the government?
13. Should taxes be lowered for every citizen?

Then you can allow them discussion, but cannot speak about their opponent, only about themselves and what they do.
14. Was Tyler Simmons offside?
Sounds like you don't trust Trump iin a debate. If you don't trust him in a debate, how can you trust him to run this country? If I were you, I would be more concerned about him staying awake. That has been a problem during the day.
I think Trump has the easy ability to absolutely boatrace Biden in a debate. Literally all he has to do is rein in is tendency to talk over him and be a jackass. I actually think he has shown some discipline this time around, and he likely has come around to the fact that his performance in the first debate last time probably cost him the Presidency.

Biden on the other hand has zero ability to beat Trump. He is a shell of what he was in the clip below, and even in 2020, he had 5x more juice. The only way he legitimately "wins" is if DJT drops an N-bomb.

Fall asleep? Makes me laugh when folks try to compare the cognitive abilities and energy of the two candidates. Biden literally had resting corpse face the entire CNN 14 minute friendly interview last week. He's done.

Compare these two videos and tell me Joe hasn't totally lost it. This guy is gonna be Prez in 2027?:

Sounds like you don't trust Trump iin a debate. If you don't trust him in a debate, how can you trust him to run this country? If I were you, I would be more concerned about him staying awake. That has been a problem during the day.

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
So...the strategy i see being promoted here is that trump should just be completely different than who he actually is???

Good luck with that...
I would be surprised if many voters change their minds one way or the other because of these shows but I certainly do hope.
The country is polarized, not just politically and socially but worst of all "spiritually".
The majority on one side is God haters and deniers with some exceptions.
The majority on the other side with some exceptions, believe in or know, and to varying degrees, trust in God.

We can dream that the middle ground between heaven and hell is earth. But that's all it is, a dream.

As much as some of the posters here want there to be this "garden" in the middle where everyone plays nice and the rules of gentlemanly conduct prevail ... well, it ain't the 1930s.

This is a crossroads and you gotta choose your path. Most people have already done that.
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