Good morning Dawg brothers and sisters !! **

mornin' teddy.I'll check out the link in a little while. I knew

of the album but not much about it. Have a good one.
Yea. I miss them both. I remember old Harold would write

a long poem after big Dawg victories (usually Tech or Florida). Always were good. Believe he lived in St Simons.
Good morning, Uncle ...

Going back and forth on whether to go over to Charlotte or not. I'd like to see the Dawgs play in person, but I also love sitting on my ass and watching all the games. Basically, I'm pretty damn sorry and trying to fight it. Sorriness is winning, though.
mornin' _Keef_. Agree about the fight with the

sorry "disease". I'm trying to fight, but it appears I'm going down.
Good morning, Uncle!

Back into the salt mines. Getting after it.
Commie Bar was PACKED full of slackers for St. Paddy's day.
Good stories, but no time to tell them. One involved a hot chick with sustainable soy based printer ink refills to get us off oil dependency. I asked how we will ever get off soy dependency. It went good from there.

Have a good one.
Good morning UJD. The man must've given hump day

to us like fool's gold. We think we're halfway
but he's in control of your week.
Have a great day.
Johnny says he is neutered and tired of being President ..

I sure hope Johnny is right. I think he may be right about him being tired of the Presidency and he is slightly neutered, but he can do a lot of damage with executive actions and regulations before he's gone. Not to mention that he is totally ignoring the laws already on the books that he does not agree with.

But it sure was nice watching Israel pimp slap him last night. His opposition was running a carbon copy of the hope and change campaign and it was beaten back. Israel is a pretty liberal country in a lot of respects, but enough of them saw through that shit. Barack's way is a step beyond typical American liberalism. Barack is a step beyond Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton (I think Hillary is a true believer in his vein, though). Glad the Israelis rejected that. Refreshing.
I used to do an interpretive dance to reenact Ulysses. Had to quit

As I no longer fit in any of the outfits.

Ok. Clients will be here in 15 minutes. I must stop posting now.
good morning JohnnyBee. LOL. Can't wait to hear the

rest of that. "We must wipe out soy dependency in our lifetime".
mornin' EufaulaDawg. You got that right. The Man usually

pulls some of his best counter punches on Friday afternoon. Have a be ready for The Man all week. Have a great day.
good morning JC-DAWG83. GATA. Time to get after

it. Show them what ole JC's got. Good luck. Think I'm going to start taxes this afternoon.