Good morning Dawg brothers and sisters !! **


Lady soccer tied North Georgia. Damn isn't that Dahlonega? We can't beat Dahlonega?

Lady golf in first place in no name tournament. 9 strokes over par gets you first place.

Last nights nugget needs an Audience.
mornin' Top Row. Thanks for the update. Not

much going on in Dawg sports right now. I read the Audience thing this morning. Interesting stuff. Only listened to House on the Hill. It just wasn't my gig.
Good morning UJD. Still laughing at comment as to

why Coach Ball venter said...CJP
told CMR he couldn't recruit....he gone.
Have a great day.
good morning Brewster. Great story about

your grandfather. I bet he was a special person. Hope you have a great Good Friday and Easter weekend.
good morning FIELDARTILLERYDAWG. Have been

missing most of it around here. Hope you have a great weekend.
Mornin' UJD! Just got to Athens for the Vet School open house and it's

going to be a beautiful day in the best ol' place around. Hope you have a great Friday!
good morning 81. Glad you made it for that. I missed the

open house at the new Pharmacy School and regret it. It was actually only an addition that more than doubled the size, but a fantastic upgrade. Hope you have a great time.
Good morning Uncle John and all you hairy hunker down dawg people

have a great and safe Friday, little late today but hope all is well with everyone, high of 80 yes 80 expected with rain later in the day. huge pickup by our football team yesterday, keep the bus rolling dawgs.........God Bless...
Good morning, Uncle!

On our way to the ATL.

Supposed to be cloudy all weekend. Flowers got to eat, too.
good morning 49. Gonna be hot here today too. I

believe the cold weather might be gone until Fall. Yes. Great addition to the Dawg Nation yesterday. Hope you have a great Easter weekend.
good morning JohnnyBee. Gonna be sunny and hot

up in here this weekend. Hope you have a great trip to the ATL. Safe travels.
PUBs didn't cave in to the 5% of geigh Prgressives

They caved in to massive pressure from the parade of Fortune 500 CEOs who rushed to the microphones and Op Ed columns telling how "asinine" and "idiotic" and "discriminatory" a law is that limits government power. Those were the only voices that mattered to the PUBs.

Tim Cook may hold a dick while lounging around in a silk kimono and poofy slippers, but he also has more info on every powerful American than J. Edgar Hoover ever did. Come to think of it...J. Edgar held a dick while he lounged around in a silk kimono and poofy slippers, too.