Harris was asked yesterday, "How will YOU strengthen the border"

That's like literally what happened. We've got a bill ready to go and Trump killed it.

Terrible bill and had little to do with actually stopping illegals. Below explains some of the worst parts.

The bill contains a raft of items from the Democratic wish-list that have nothing to do with securing the border, some of which would actually make things worse.

For instance: Why does a border-security bill increase green cards? The Lankford bill boosts family-based green cards by 32,000 a year for five years, and employment-based ones by 18,000 a year. Gallup last year found that 72 percent of Americans wanted the level of immigration reduced or kept the same.

The bill also gives automatic work permits to the relatives of certain temporary workers and others, speeds the issuance of work permits to illegal aliens seeking asylum (thus increasing the incentive to come), and provides taxpayer-funded lawyers to certain illegal aliens, which is currently prohibited by law.

But even worse is the fact that even the actual border provisions reflect the Democrats’ perception of the problem. It’s not that too many foreigners are using asylum claims as a gambit to illegally move here, which is how most people see it.

Rather, the problem for the administration and Democrats in Congress is a political one driven by damaging news coverage of chaotic conditions at the border.

The Republicans supporting this bill have bought into to the idea that everyone in the developing world has a right to be let into to the United States to make an asylum claim.

It’s just that they prefer it happen in “a safe and orderly process” through the ports of entry, so as to avoid news footage of hundreds of people climbing through or around the fence and camping out waiting for their Border Patrol ride to show up.

That’s why, for instance, even when the border is “shut down” by the new emergency power the bill creates, it mandates the admission of “a minimum of 1,400 inadmissible aliens each calendar day” through the ports of entry.

It also effectively codifies an unlawful asylum process the Biden administration is already using, which reduces protections against fraud and incentivizes more bogus asylum claims.
Her answer, "We had a bill and Trump stopped it"

No ideas. Just blame Trump
Add more government is her answer, Trump had the border handled now they want to add border agents. It is a mainstay of the left agenda, create gov jobs that tax payers have to pay for. The only jobs Walz created in Minnesota were government jobs. They screwed up the border so bad it probably isn't fixable without just shutting it down completely, it is utterly laughable that she says she wants to get tough on the border now and stop the drugs and crime coming through after fours years of just what they allowed.
Terrible bill and had little to do with actually stopping illegals. Below explains some of the worst parts.

The bill contains a raft of items from the Democratic wish-list that have nothing to do with securing the border, some of which would actually make things worse.

For instance: Why does a border-security bill increase green cards? The Lankford bill boosts family-based green cards by 32,000 a year for five years, and employment-based ones by 18,000 a year. Gallup last year found that 72 percent of Americans wanted the level of immigration reduced or kept the same.

The bill also gives automatic work permits to the relatives of certain temporary workers and others, speeds the issuance of work permits to illegal aliens seeking asylum (thus increasing the incentive to come), and provides taxpayer-funded lawyers to certain illegal aliens, which is currently prohibited by law.

But even worse is the fact that even the actual border provisions reflect the Democrats’ perception of the problem. It’s not that too many foreigners are using asylum claims as a gambit to illegally move here, which is how most people see it.

Rather, the problem for the administration and Democrats in Congress is a political one driven by damaging news coverage of chaotic conditions at the border.

The Republicans supporting this bill have bought into to the idea that everyone in the developing world has a right to be let into to the United States to make an asylum claim.

It’s just that they prefer it happen in “a safe and orderly process” through the ports of entry, so as to avoid news footage of hundreds of people climbing through or around the fence and camping out waiting for their Border Patrol ride to show up.

That’s why, for instance, even when the border is “shut down” by the new emergency power the bill creates, it mandates the admission of “a minimum of 1,400 inadmissible aliens each calendar day” through the ports of entry.

It also effectively codifies an unlawful asylum process the Biden administration is already using, which reduces protections against fraud and incentivizes more bogus asylum claims.
It was a terrible bill but they don’t tell you that. It would have allowed up to 5000 crossings per day. Does anyone in their right mind think that 5000 per day is a secure border. People would be lining up at the border just waiting their turn to get in. Sorry, you’re number 5001 today so you’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
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It was a terrible bill but they don’t tell you that. It would have allowed up to 5000 crossings per day. Does anyone in their right mind think that 5000 per day is a secure border. People would be lining up at the border just waiting their turn to get in. Sorry, you’re number 5001 today so you’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
Trump had it under control. Biden/Harris screwed it up. Why can't they just reverse what they did and fix it? They don't want to fix it. They don't need any new bill and they didn't even want this bill passed. They only wanted a talking point for the election.

Not one undecided/independent voter is buying this nonsense.
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That's like literally what happened. We've got a bill ready to go and Trump killed it.

"like literally what happened"... I'm not sure that word means what you think it does... and while we are at it... what exactly is "like literally". Definitionally, something is either literal, or it's not. What exactly is "like literally" (other than bad grammar)? Do you mean literal-adjacent? Or is literal now non-binary, and viewed on a spectrum, like sex?

Please cite the reference in either the Constitution or a law, as published in the Federal Register, that allows for a Private Citizen to either veto a passed congressional bill or to pass it unilaterally, outside the congressional process. Because that is what "literally", or in your new-speak, "like literally", means. and, in case you aren't clear - Politico is not the equivalent of the Federal Register.

News flash for you idiots: Trump hasn't been the President for almost four years.

I like literally died, bro, when I read this...
Which is more of a threat to democracy, asking your party to vote down a terrible bill during election season or blatantly ignoring a SCOTUS decision on student loans or ignoring laws in place on illegal immigrants pouring in to the country.
One party is thumbing their nose at the rule of law and it’s not the GOP.
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I am constantly amazed that illegal immigration to this country has been in place for decades......yet we NOW need to pass a bill to make illegal immigration illegal.
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And they already have a LAW that allows the POTUS to close or restrict border crossings unilaterally whenever he believes it is needed. You don't need a law that allows a POTUS to act in some manner or not when border crossings reach 5K per day.
The “border” bill was about more money to pamper illegals. Wish Trump would explain that better when they try to use the bill against him. It wasn’t about limiting the invasion.
That's like literally what happened. We've got a bill ready to go and Trump killed it.

Your response like literally missed the point.
Does she have an idea, besides blaming Trump?

This ridiculous strategy of blaming Trump for the border needs to stop.

The Democrats tried 1 bill. It was opposed. And they blame Republicans for the entire mess? When the problem is directly tied to Bidens efforts on Day 1 of his presidency.

They caused the problem
Did nothing for 3 years
Finally put together a crappy bill

Then blamed Trump.

Your response like literally missed the point.
Does she have an idea, besides blaming Trump?

This ridiculous strategy of blaming Trump for the border needs to stop.

The Democrats tried 1 bill. It was opposed. And they blame Republicans for the entire mess? When the problem is directly tied to Bidens efforts on Day 1 of his presidency.

They caused the problem
Did nothing for 3 years
Finally put together a crappy bill

Then blamed Trump.

The keep omitting the HOUSE BILL that was sent to the senate but chuck u schumer does not bring up for a vote.
hopefully trump can get a true border bill passed. Typically feel split government is best. But we really need 4 years of republican house, senate,presidency. There is so much that needs to be completely dismantled.
Don’t need a new bill. Just enforce the current bill Trump had. Biden/Harris purposely opened the border.
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And they already have a LAW that allows the POTUS to close or restrict border crossings unilaterally whenever he believes it is needed. You don't need a law that allows a POTUS to act in some manner or not when border crossings reach 5K per day.
Exactly, most ridiculous bill. And even after the 5000 the POTUS may decide not to act.
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