Here's the truth behind the thugs at MIZZU..

A much better source with in-depth information would be the Mizzou student newspaper.

MU has the best journalism program in the country.

Like being the tallest midget. No, those ppl seem to take this crowd seriously. I think its funny, The liberals that gave birth to these moronic racist buffoons get run off by their creation.

Higher education at its finest.....turning out one moron after another
Like being the tallest midget. No, those ppl seem to take this crowd seriously. I think its funny, The liberals that gave birth to these moronic racist buffoons get run off by their creation.

Higher education at its finest.....turning out one moron after another

Bet you're sorry you didn't go to college! It sounds like you would have been a PERFECT fit!
Bet you're sorry you didn't go to college! It sounds like you would have been a PERFECT fit!
I went when education was important and critical thinking was promoted. Unlike today when you have chicken shit professors who try and silence speech and bend over to cow tow to nasty racist thugs like this group of pigs at Mizzu
I went when education was important and critical thinking was promoted. Unlike today when you have chicken shit professors who try and silence speech and bend over to cow tow to nasty racist thugs like this group of pigs at Mizzu

Yeah, things were SO much better in the old days...rolls eyes...

Do you still have the "No, Not One!" button Governor Vandiver gave you?
Yawn, whatever. You go ahead and support these stupid hyenas . This whole thing is made up from the start, just BLM BS
He is one of the hyenas Rolo. A strange calling indeed. Rationale replaced by bitterness. Critical thinking replaced by talking points and name calling.
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What a doggone shame! You poor white males just can't catch a break!
Try to keep up here pug. We're discussing your issues. Lay off the Jack Daniels at 3 AM as that can be distracting. "Us" po white boys can't help you with that.
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Try to keep up here pug. We're discussing your issues. Lay off the Jack Daniels at 3 AM as that can be distracting. "Us" po white boys can't help you with that.

Forget Jack Daniels...I'd need to take LSD to understand your twisted mindset.
A much better source with in-depth information would be the Mizzou student newspaper.

MU has the best journalism program in the country.

Yeah, the timeline is the one I saw on Sunday, then linked the wrong one. This started months ago and finally morphed into a black racism thing, which is what the press wants to make it, imo. But there were lots of issues that affected many, not just blacks, and the admin just ignored.

For the Chancellor to resign too, must be more coming of accusations or facts or how they dismissed them.
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Forget Jack Daniels...I'd need to take LSD to understand your twisted mindset.

We know lying isn't an issue for ppl like you. But for the thinking ppl here we see these clowns for what they are. Just a bunch of rabble rousers with their hands out, And because our Universities are chock full of liberal pussy's these mobs get what they want. Its exactly what these morons deserve. They step up in support of the mob thinking how open minded they are.....and the mob turns on them. Priceless
I have been trying to follow this story unsuccessfully. Can someone tell me what the president did wrong? From what I can tell, two individuals on campus used racial epithets. I haven't figured out what the president did to promote racism.
I have been trying to follow this story unsuccessfully. Can someone tell me what the president did wrong? From what I can tell, two individuals on campus used racial epithets. I haven't figured out what the president did to promote racism.

He was white.
He was white.

No, I'm not making a political statement at all. It's just that I was trying to figure this out this morning and I can't find anything in the news about anything racist that he did. I know it's a weird place to try to get my news, but I do like the GAS method of research the best. (Go Ask Someone)
No, I'm not making a political statement at all. It's just that I was trying to figure this out this morning and I can't find anything in the news about anything racist that he did. I know it's a weird place to try to get my news, but I do like the GAS method of research the best. (Go Ask Someone)

No, not accusing you of doing that....I'm just telling you what he did....he was white. There are no issues on campus except you have the black lives matter morons organizing morons by race baiting.
Like being the tallest midget. No, those ppl seem to take this crowd seriously. I think its funny, The liberals that gave birth to these moronic racist buffoons get run off by their creation.

Higher education at its finest.....turning out one moron after another

All people like you accomplish is to make the protesters' point.
I think this movement might prove very damaging to universities. Yours and others clear hatred and use of buzz words like ''thugs'', etc can only escalate things though.
The truth is more about the power of dollars though. These officials resigned to get those football players back in time for Saturday's kickoff.
All people like you accomplish is to make the protesters' point.
I think this movement might prove very damaging to universities. Yours and others clear hatred and use of buzz words like ''thugs'', etc can only escalate things though.
The truth is more about the power of dollars though. These officials resigned to get those football players back in time for Saturday's kickoff.

No, the resigned because they didn't want the stench of racism on them. The coach supported these low lifes because if he took a stand he'd have been next on their target list. This is racial black mail plain and simple. Nothing to do with football or race...but power. Look at the videos I linked and get back to me. These ppl are THUGS.
I have been trying to follow this story unsuccessfully. Can someone tell me what the president did wrong? From what I can tell, two individuals on campus used racial epithets. I haven't figured out what the president did to promote racism.

From what I read in MO student paper and other articles, there have been many issues over the last few mos. Starting with anti Jews, something with women (of any color), racist epitaphs being said or written, or in one case, lining a building with cotton balls and something about picking cotton, canceling health insurance with 13 hrs notice on grad students. Asking for meetings with him, to know avail till ultimately, some blocked his car in the homecoming parade and he still didn't address them. There was one report over the weekend he had his driver rev up his engine at them. But haven't seen anymore about that.

Then last week, they asked football players to stand behind them because they figured they had the biggest voice that WOULD be heard. it morphed into an all out black racism thing. Hate the Jews still haven't had their concerns addressed.

Bottom line: Stuff happened to many groups (read there were 35 Jewish groups who had tried to set up meetings) and he didn't respond. Till Friday. Although, I think I heard on tv he offered up diversity classes for FR 2 weeks ago.

Just a mess. But I wonder if the Chancellor told him to ignore? That was strange he resigned. Although, the Repub legislature was on the Prez on Sunday sending out messages of no support for the Prez. Knew when that happened he'd be gone.
From what I read in MO student paper and other articles, there have been many issues over the last few mos. Starting with anti Jews, something with women (of any color), racist epitaphs being said or written, or in one case, lining a building with cotton balls and something about picking cotton, canceling health insurance with 13 hrs notice on grad students. Asking for meetings with him, to know avail till ultimately, some blocked his car in the homecoming parade and he still didn't address them. There was one report over the weekend he had his driver rev up his engine at them. But haven't seen anymore about that.

Then last week, they asked football players to stand behind them because they figured they had the biggest voice that WOULD be heard. it morphed into an all out black racism thing. Hate the Jews still haven't had their concerns addressed.

Bottom line: Stuff happened to many groups (read there were 35 Jewish groups who had tried to set up meetings) and he didn't respond. Till Friday. Although, I think I heard on tv he offered up diversity classes for FR 2 weeks ago.

Just a mess. But I wonder if the Chancellor told him to ignore? That was strange he resigned. Although, the Repub legislature was on the Prez on Sunday sending out messages of no support for the Prez. Knew when that happened he'd be gone.

Yep gutless repubs are afraid to be called racist too. Just lefty buffoons being lefty buffoons. If they said it happened it must be true....these Black lives matter morons would never lie,
No, the resigned because they didn't want the stench of racism on them. The coach supported these low lifes because if he took a stand he'd have been next on their target list. This is racial black mail plain and simple. Nothing to do with football or race...but power. Look at the videos I linked and get back to me. These ppl are THUGS.

''low lifes'', how are they low lifes ?
The HC likely did support his players for team unity, but the REAL powers moved because there is a stadium to fill in 4 days.
I did watch videos, I didn't see any violence or thuggish behavior, hell, the guy on hunger strike and the President of the student body are about as threatening as the average interior decorator.
Yep gutless repubs are afraid to be called racist too. Just lefty buffoons being lefty buffoons. If they said it happened it must be true....these Black lives matter morons would never lie,

You're clearly hate filled and angry.
Bizarre. The entire thing, the way they acted was as if the President used the racial slur or did the disgusting paint job or put the cotton balls there. Seems that all of those are a police matter. The choice not to prosecute as a hate crime was on the DA.

Truly strange behavior...and a Bonfire of the Vanities.
''low lifes'', how are they low lifes ?
The HC likely did support his players for team unity, but the REAL powers moved because there is a stadium to fill in 4 days.
I did watch videos, I didn't see any violence or thuggish behavior, hell, the guy on hunger strike and the President of the student body are about as threatening as the average interior decorator.

Did you even open the link? These are the scum of the Country. Bunch of angry Democrat plantation leeches that bitch and moan about the same BS year in and year out all the while voting for the very ppl that put them in their current state

"The woman screaming in that video is quoting a convicted terrorist, currently on the FBI’s Most Wanted List under her real name Joanne Chesimard. The lines come from revolutionary communist Assata Shakur’s “Letter To My People,” which Breitbart News has pointed out is quoted at every event by the Black Lives Matter founders. You’ll note the reference of Marx’s “nothing to lose but your chains” line:"
Did you even open the link? These are the scum of the Country. Bunch of angry Democrat plantation leeches that bitch and moan about the same BS year in and year out all the while voting for the very ppl that put them in their current state

"The woman screaming in that video is quoting a convicted terrorist, currently on the FBI’s Most Wanted List under her real name Joanne Chesimard. The lines come from revolutionary communist Assata Shakur’s “Letter To My People,” which Breitbart News has pointed out is quoted at every event by the Black Lives Matter founders. You’ll note the reference of Marx’s “nothing to lose but your chains” line:"

''plantation leeches''. nooo, you're not angry and racist.
Yea, and those "protesters" are the reasonable and loving ppl. LOL.

I never said they are loving, I said you're hate filled and angry, it shows up in every discussion where blacks, other minorities or democrats are mentioned. Besides, we're responsible for our thinking and behavior, not that of others.
''plantation leeches''. nooo, you're not angry and racist.

What do you call ppl that depend on other ppl for their well being? Dependents....Slaves were dependents. Democrats starting with Johnson devised a scheme to keep blacks dependent....on the democRAT plantation. And they seem to be comfortable with that arrangement.
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I never said they are loving, I said you're hate filled and angry, it shows up in every discussion where blacks, other minorities or democrats are mentioned. Besides, we're responsible for our thinking and behavior, not that of others.

I don't care for leeches. IDAS about ppl who use the power of gov to rob their fellow citizens. I don't care for losers that demand we accept their disregard for our freedoms and labor.
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What do you call ppl that depend on other ppl for their well being? Dependents....Slaves were dependents. Democrats starting with Johnson devised a scheme to keep blacks dependent....on the democRAT plantation. And they seem to be comfortable with that arrangement.

It is your prejudice that leads you to assume those protesters are on welfare, I'm betting most of them come from working parents.
I don't care for leeches. IDAS about ppl who use the power of gov to rob their fellow citizens. I don't care for losers that demand we accept their disregard for our freedoms and labor.

Again, more assumptions born of prejudice.
You saying liberals don't use gov to fleece their fellow citizens?

Are you saying Johnson didn't design the Great society programs to enslave blacks as Democrat VOTERS?

Johnson accurately predicted Democrats would lose the south because of his ''great society'' agenda, he was correct in the long run. it just took a decade longer than he thought it would.
So how did his agenda favor democrats ? On balance it didn't.
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I was referring to your statement that they are leeches on government dole. That is just assumption based on your prejudices.

Its what they vote for pal. Truth hurts huh? This whole thing is about THEM getting some free shit.