What do you call ppl that depend on other ppl for their well being? Dependents....Slaves were dependents. Democrats starting with Johnson devised a scheme to keep blacks dependent....on the democRAT plantation. And they seem to be comfortable with that arrangement.
Yea, but you're a fcking dumbass...so ya know..
When you spew insults, it's a "tell" that you're on the losing end of an argument.
Its what they vote for pal. Truth hurts huh? This whole thing is about THEM getting some free shit.
After watching the ConcernedStudent1950 vs the media I'm wondering a. if they are all actual UM students and b. if so, how did they get admitted to college? The Asian media photographer was obviously smarter, better spoken and had a better, well said understanding of the first amendment than any of the so-called "protesters."
Nothing 8 weeks on Paris Island wouldn't straighten out. Hope we never have to try to defend the country with those kind - we're doomed...
From my understanding, President Wolfe didn't have the support of the faculty from the get go...he was a businessman, not an academic, which the faculty would prefer. Also, President Wolfe "only" had a bachelors, which, according to the faculty, proved that Wolfe wasn't educated enough. The faculty also had it out for the Chancellor as well: he didn't endorse the Ferguson "protest" and he cancelled Mizzou's contract with Planned Parenthood. It wouldn't take much for the Faculty to turn on these two, and if they could get some social justice points, then its a no brainer to them. They better watch themselves though, just as the Russian Revolution turned on its founders, this monster they're feeding will turn on them too. It already has.
Johnson accurately predicted Democrats would lose the south because of his ''great society'' agenda, he was correct in the long run. it just took a decade longer than he thought it would.
So how did his agenda favor democrats ? On balance it didn't.
He wasn't even thinking about the south, he was thinking about black ppl, who use to vote Republican. But his programs were designed to ruin black families and make them dependent on DEMOCRATS
What a doggone shame! You poor white males just can't catch a break!
Wow, I watched some of those videos. It's hard and impossible to really understand the story by reading what the media says or to a lesser degree watching these videos. The videos don't give you an context; it's several students who are p-ssed off protesting. That being said I would say the state of Missouri has some major race issues. Again it's impossible to really understand what is going on by reading CNN or watching these videos. I think there could have been some similar issues here in Georgia with the Stone Mt protest. They appeased the NAACP by agreeing to erect an MLK monument on Stone Mt. The point is the president of Mizzou failed to recognize the situation was escalating and then it became too late to do anything to appease these groups.
You need to lay off the far right news rags. Your view of history is distorted.
I was referring to your statement that they are leeches on government dole. That is just assumption based on your prejudices.
I guess a boss is the modern master and employees are the modern slaves according to your description.Seems to me the slave owner was the leech and the true dependent. Or, as you like to put it, the slaves were the MAKERS and the slave owners were the TAKERS.
if i was black i would not go to mizzou if its that bad, leave simple as thatThe article still don't say why mizzou hates black people
bingoThat's the whole reason for being a Democrat....Using gov to take things from others and give them to you. Without victims there'd be no democRAT party. That's why Democrats work so hard to keep them as victims.
lol good pointA lot of the same thugs and race pimps from Ferguson just happened to end up in Columbia. Coincidence? I think not. Of course, the big dogs (Jesse and Al) didn't make the trip. There was definitely not enough upfront cash for those two.