Hope we never have to invade a country that has…..

You are pulling against our Military. Maybe you didn't realize it?
I take it you think a military which is well on the way to spending a half billion of our dollars building a pier which waves blew apart in two weeks, and beaching two LCMs while losing control of a piece of the pier, should be lavished with praise. I only hope DEI and woke spawned this level of incompetence because they can be reversed once enough people figure out how insane it is to divert time and resources from training to fight wars, and build piers, to getting everybody’s pronouns and bathroom choice right.
I take it you think a military which is well on the way to spending a half billion of our dollars building a pier which waves blew apart in two weeks, and beaching two LCMs while losing control of a piece of the pier, should be lavished with praise. I only hope DEI and woke spawned this level of incompetence because they can be reversed once enough people figure out how insane it is to divert time and resources from training to fight wars, and build piers, to getting everybody’s pronouns and bathroom choice right.
this is the most crazy thing I have ever heard can't believe we are doing this .
I resent your comment. My son is one of those "running". Their education and professional requirements are beyond belief.
What did you do for our military, Mr Krebs?
Did they cancel Pier Building class and substitute Ball Tucking Techniques?

And before you ask, I sold to militaries C-130s like those used stupendously in Low Velocity Airdrops of palletized MREs to the Gazans. USAF and USCENTCOM put the pallets on the mark. Only problem was nobody on the ground thought to tell the Gazans not to try to catch the 3000 pound pallets.

It was decided that squished Gazans was a bad look, so much effort was expended convincing Gazans that pallet catching was unwise. USAF and CENTCOM airdrops continue successfully while the Army awaits Plan B on Biden’s pier from Biden and his team of experts. Since it involves transportation, the team’s head (poor choice of words) is naturally ……………………..
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