How did these juveniles get guns? We have laws which…..

1) armed people we are supermarket. Did not help. Armed people responded quickly. Did not help
2) locked doors will help. Can kids go outside for recess? 10 foot walls at all schools?
A fence and a couple of security cameras would help.

Once again:
How is it that an armed idiot can walk unabated into an elementary school?
How does he have 12 minutes to walk around outside, shooting at the school, and nobody knows where he is?
How does one teacher with a doorstop neutralize a school's entire security system?
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There are a couple of "AR fear piece" articles out there. Some of which mix characteristics of different guns as if they were talking about all AR's as having high velocity, maximum tissue damage and high accuracy, and comparing to a handgun rather than another, less fearsome, rifle. They forget to mention that the maximum tissue damage comes from older versions with less spin so the bullet tumbles through the target and the accuracy comes from newer guns that produce more spin to increase accuracy, at the expense of stopping power, and using bullets with more gunpowder than what most people have.

And gun laws still don't solve mental health issues.

Exactly. One characteristic of the AR attractive to the military was its propensity to wound rather than kill. You kill a guy, he just lays there dead, the enemy is down one guy. But you wound a guy, they’re down one plus two more to drag him off.

There has been a lot of misinformation about the AR over the years, such as the early reliability issues, which turned out to be caused by the military changing the charge composition. Now you have liberal journalists characterizing it as some mystical killing machine when it is just a small-caliber rifle round which has been around for 70 years. The US military has recently dumped it because it is not effective enough against light body armor. It has served its purpose but it is really just a small centerfire rifle cartridge which is fairly flat shooting, easy to train on, with moderate recoil, and lethal enough (but barely).
A fence and a couple of security cameras would help.

Once again:
How is it that an armed idiot can walk unabated into an elementary school?
How does he have 12 minutes to walk around outside, shooting at the school, and nobody knows where he is?
How does one teacher with a doorstop neutralize a school's entire security system?
Those are the questions that need to be answered. In all seriousness, in the same circumstances he could have killed the same number of children armed with nothing but a sword.

If you refuse to accurately identify the problem because you are either stupid or duplicitous or both, you will never solve it. Now, if solving the problem of mass killings is not your ultimate goal, then it becomes another matter.
Background checks are supposed to limit the ability to get guns. But, our government can’t even enforce that. Now they want to make background checks universal. Why? So they can not enforce that law too? Too many of these assholes are buying their guns legally when they shouldn’t be.

And if the government can’t even enforce something as simple as a background check do you really want to task them with confiscation? Whose guns do you think they will be able to get, the law abiding citizen or the career criminal? Or are you OK with only criminals being armed?
exactly. criminals commit crime. simple concept. but hard for progressive libs to understand.
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There are so many points to make here I don’t know where to start. But:
1. There is no such thing as an “assault rifle.” That is a term made up by the media and other progressive to scare people.
2. There are many weapons more deadly than the standard AR-15. For example, an AR in 6.8 SPC which fires a bullet about twice as large as the .223/5.56. Or, a Ruger Mini-14 or Mini-30. Ask the FBI agents involved in the great Miami shootout what they think about the Mini-14. For those of you who do not know, that’s the event that made the FBI realize that using 9mm handguns left them outgunned. With all due respect to that noted firearms expert Joseph Biden.
3. The most destructive weapon in the world from 12-20 yards is a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with 00 buck.
4. Kill these bastards on the spot and do not release their names so they can be immortalized. They should die as the unknown POS they were.
5. Maybe hire former military personnel as security officers. Many need employment when they leave the military and have the necessary skills to do the job. Much do the carnage from Columbine, Parkland and Uvalde could have been decreased with a modicum of common sense by law enforcement personnel.
6. Legitimate gun owners such as DDD, myself and many others own maybe 400 million weapons and have over 1 trillion rounds of ammo. If we were the problem, you’d have known it by now.
I’m tired of typing so will stop now. There are SO many other things that need to be discussed, but it‘s too big and important topic for even the Chat to resolve.
There are so many points to make here I don’t know where to start. But:
1. There is no such thing as an “assault rifle.” That is a term made up by the media and other progressive to scare people.
2. There are many weapons more deadly than the standard AR-15. For example, an AR in 6.8 SPC which fires a bullet about twice as large as the .223/5.56. Or, a Ruger Mini-14 or Mini-30. Ask the FBI agents involved in the great Miami shootout what they think about the Mini-14. For those of you who do not know, that’s the event that made the FBI realize that using 9mm handguns left them outgunned. With all due respect to that noted firearms expert Joseph Biden.
3. The most destructive weapon in the world from 12-20 yards is a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with 00 buck.
4. Kill these bastards on the spot and do not release their names so they can be immortalized. They should die as the unknown POS they were.
5. Maybe hire former military personnel as security officers. Many need employment when they leave the military and have the necessary skills to do the job. Much do the carnage from Columbine, Parkland and Uvalde could have been decreased with a modicum of common sense by law enforcement personnel.
6. Legitimate gun owners such as DDD, myself and many others own maybe 400 million weapons and have over 1 trillion rounds of ammo. If we were the problem, you’d have known it by now.
I’m tired of typing so will stop now. There are SO many other things that need to be discussed, but it‘s too big and important topic for even the Chat to resolve.
“6. Legitimate gun owners such as DDD, myself and many others own maybe 400 million weapons and have over 1 trillion rounds of ammo. If we were the problem, you’d have known it by now.”

That’s the part that burns me up. They focus their hysteria on 100% of gun owners instead of on the sliver of a fraction who are violent offenders. For years liberal judges and DAs have been releasing violent offenders to offend again and now they blame it on all gun owners.

One thing is for sure, liberals are incapable of solving or even diminishing this problem for one of two reasons: They are total loons, or, solving the mass murder problem is not their actual goal. They are not smart enough or tough enough to solve it. But, they are currently in power enough to take steps toward de-arming the populace.
There are SO many other things that need to be discussed, but it‘s too big and important topic for even the Chat to resolve.
Nah, you guys just listen to me, Mitchell, and Wildup and we'll set you straight in no time.
Absolutely, a lot of damage, and those velocities are close to correct. To get 3251 fps from a .223 or 5.56 you’d have to use a light bullet or a hot handload, I believe. In the energy formula e=mv2, energy equals the mass of the projectile times velocity squared, so the fact that velocity is squared indicates how important it is to energy. The old maxim is that if you can get a grain of sand moving fast enough you can obliterate an elephant.

Now, to the AR-15 round and tissue damage. As far as centerfire rifles go, the AR is no big game rifle, in fact, very far from it. It is illegal to deer hunt with in most states out of consideration for the animal. It is a 22 caliber rifle which will propel a small bullet at good speed and great accuracy and has desirable battlefield characteristics such as being able to easily carry a 300 round load due to the small size and weight of the rounds.

But, if your question arises from some fear of the AR round being some sort of mystical killer, that is far from the truth which is why the military recently selected a replacement round. The .223/5.56 just doesn’t get it done compared to newer loads. And any hunter in a deer stand is carrying something that will impart far greater wound profile than the smallish .223/5.56.

Edit: the AR bullet speed, normally 2900 or so fps, compares to most other centerfire rifles faster than some, slower than others. The difference is in the size of the projectile and the design. The AR uses a measley 55 to 75 grain bullet while the infantry and deer rifle .308 commonly uses a 168 grain bullet or even larger. The larger diameter allows more creative and deadly bullet designs. Much more. .308, the military 7.62X51, is only regarded as a sort of mid-range killing tool and has been largely replaced as a sniper tool by calibers such as .300 Winchester Magnumm, .338 Lapua Magnum, and others. The scale keeps going up to the .50 BMG, which is about the largest shoulder fired rife. Its projectile is 10 times the size of the AR’s.

In the overall scheme, the AR is pretty puny, but there are many dead people who might disagree.
The AR’s main advantage however, is that soldiers can carry many rounds (many magazines), and there’s little kick when shooting.
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So if guns make us safer than the U.S would be the safest country in the world. Nonsense things like, "It's not guns that kill people, it's people who kill people." And you think, "It's not toasters that make toast, it's people that make toast. Toasters exist to make toast." Guns exist to kill people. You can say "make sure criminals don't get them or people with mental health issues." If that happened it wouldn't have made a difference with Uvalde May 2022 (21 DEAD), Buffalo May 2022 (10 DEAD), San Jose May 2021 (9 DEAD), Boulder March 2021 (10 DEAD), Dayton Aug 2019 (9 DEAD), El Paso Aug 2019 (23 DEAD), etc.,
So if guns make us safer than the U.S would be the safest country in the world. Nonsense things like, "It's not guns that kill people, it's people who kill people." And you think, "It's not toasters that make toast, it's people that make toast. Toasters exist to make toast." Guns exist to kill people. You can say "make sure criminals don't get them or people with mental health issues." If that happened it wouldn't have made a difference with Uvalde May 2022 (21 DEAD), Buffalo May 2022 (10 DEAD), San Jose May 2021 (9 DEAD), Boulder March 2021 (10 DEAD), Dayton Aug 2019 (9 DEAD), El Paso Aug 2019 (23 DEAD), etc.,

Toasters are made for a person to make toast.
However, toasters could also be used to throw into the bathtub while your mother in law is bathing.
Guns are made for personal protection as well as hunting and sport shooting.
However, a micro percentage of people use them to hurt other people.

Toasters do not jump into bathtubs and neither do guns kill people. They are inanimate objects. People perform actions.
So if guns make us safer than the U.S would be the safest country in the world. Nonsense things like, "It's not guns that kill people, it's people who kill people." And you think, "It's not toasters that make toast, it's people that make toast. Toasters exist to make toast." Guns exist to kill people. You can say "make sure criminals don't get them or people with mental health issues." If that happened it wouldn't have made a difference with Uvalde May 2022 (21 DEAD), Buffalo May 2022 (10 DEAD), San Jose May 2021 (9 DEAD), Boulder March 2021 (10 DEAD), Dayton Aug 2019 (9 DEAD), El Paso Aug 2019 (23 DEAD), etc.,
You should study the demographics of gun crime. Nearly 100% of Switzerland and many other countries are armed. Why are their guns not killing people while ours are. Look into it.
So if guns make us safer than the U.S would be the safest country in the world. Nonsense things like, "It's not guns that kill people, it's people who kill people." And you think, "It's not toasters that make toast, it's people that make toast. Toasters exist to make toast." Guns exist to kill people. You can say "make sure criminals don't get them or people with mental health issues." If that happened it wouldn't have made a difference with Uvalde May 2022 (21 DEAD), Buffalo May 2022 (10 DEAD), San Jose May 2021 (9 DEAD), Boulder March 2021 (10 DEAD), Dayton Aug 2019 (9 DEAD), El Paso Aug 2019 (23 DEAD), etc.,
Chicago, 6 dead, 33 wounded last weekend, 9 killed, 42 wounded Memorial Day weekend. Why is it off limits to talk about?
Give up your right to own a gun, give up your right to free speec, give up your Bill of Rights. Then our Democratic poster on here would be happy, because this is going to effect only a few of us that thinks our founding fathers had the right idea about how precious freedom is. We deserve things we no longer need to earn them..
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Give up your right to own a gun, give up your right to free speec, give up your Bill of Rights. Then our Democratic poster on here would be happy, because this is going to effect only a few of us that thinks our founding fathers had the right idea about how precious freedom is. We deserve things we no longer need to earn them..
How in the heck did you interpret that from my post? BTW, I'm a registered republican and gun owner. I'm suggesting mental health and criminal background checks and a 2 day waiting period for gun purchases. And no ARs.
How in the heck did you interpret that from my post? BTW, I'm a registered republican and gun owner. I'm suggesting mental health and criminal background checks and a 2 day waiting period for gun purchases. And no ARs.
Buying a rifle already requires a background check in most states, definitely in flarda where I happily reside. But how is this mental health screening supposed to work. Do you think there is a "Current Whacko Registry"?
Such a list would soon contain anyone who is opposed to the administration in power.
You know, like all the crazy people who believed covid came from a lab or oppose mandatory unproven vaccines which have now been proven to hurt as much as they help. Or, people who support Donald Trump.
And don't kid yourself. It would happen that way. The democRATs are capable of anything bad you can imagine and they will not hesitate to pull any scam they can for political power.
It is the exact reason the founding fathers made sure that it never can legally happen.

The AR bull crap is ridiculous. How much damage do you think a shooter can do with a 12 gauge semi-auto or pump and 00buck? You can reload the thing in 30 seconds. You can kill or wound multiple people with one shot.
Absolutely, a lot of damage, and those velocities are close to correct. To get 3251 fps from a .223 or 5.56 you’d have to use a light bullet or a hot handload, I believe. In the energy formula e=mv2, energy equals the mass of the projectile times velocity squared, so the fact that velocity is squared indicates how important it is to energy. The old maxim is that if you can get a grain of sand moving fast enough you can obliterate an elephant.

Now, to the AR-15 round and tissue damage. As far as centerfire rifles go, the AR is no big game rifle, in fact, very far from it. It is illegal to deer hunt with in most states out of consideration for the animal. It is a 22 caliber rifle which will propel a small bullet at good speed and great accuracy and has desirable battlefield characteristics such as being able to easily carry a 300 round load due to the small size and weight of the rounds.

But, if your question arises from some fear of the AR round being some sort of mystical killer, that is far from the truth which is why the military recently selected a replacement round. The .223/5.56 just doesn’t get it done compared to newer loads. And any hunter in a deer stand is carrying something that will impart far greater wound profile than the smallish .223/5.56.

Edit: the AR bullet speed, normally 2900 or so fps, compares to most other centerfire rifles faster than some, slower than others. The difference is in the size of the projectile and the design. The AR uses a measley 55 to 75 grain bullet while the infantry and deer rifle .308 commonly uses a 168 grain bullet or even larger. The larger diameter allows more creative and deadly bullet designs. Much more. .308, the military 7.62X51, is only regarded as a sort of mid-range killing tool and has been largely replaced as a sniper tool by calibers such as .300 Winchester Magnumm, .338 Lapua Magnum, and others. The scale keeps going up to the .50 BMG, which is about the largest shoulder fired rife. Its projectile is 10 times the size of the AR’s.

In the overall scheme, the AR is pretty puny, but there are many dead people who might disagree.
Uncle Scam bought me an M82 Barrett with the second round of PPP a snow plow.
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