Like all organizations outside political parties and religious organizations and a select few others I would suspect the membership roles overall are fairly small. I would guess single digits as a % of the total pop. In fact the organization's leader claims some over 4M members. If that is close then that would be just over 1% of every man, woman and child in the USA.Might be easier to ask who doesn't!
Like all organizations outside political parties and religious organizations and a select few others I would suspect the membership roles overall are fairly small. I would guess single digits as a % of the total pop. In fact the organization's leader claims some over 4M members. If that is close then that would be just over 1% of every man, woman and child in the USA.
This!I did, but damn, they are annoying with the phone calls.
Paw raised! Lifetime member, since al gore tried to institute gun control.