Huge W by Louisiana let’s hope Georgia is next

As long as youre cool with other religions being required to post their stuff as well...
Gotta break ranks and agree with you here. I did me some 10 commandments but don’t think it needs to be in school classrooms. Certainly not “all” classrooms.

Politically - this is the kind of shit that isn’t that important but feeds a narrative that works against conservatives.
Gotta break ranks and agree with you here. I did me some 10 commandments but don’t think it needs to be in school classrooms. Certainly not “all” classrooms.

Politically - this is the kind of shit that isn’t that important but feeds a narrative that works against conservatives.

I knew we had some common ground
Gotta break ranks and agree with you here. I did me some 10 commandments but don’t think it needs to be in school classrooms. Certainly not “all” classrooms.

Politically - this is the kind of shit that isn’t that important but feeds a narrative that works against conservatives.
Probably right, times have definitely changed.
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Good news is, the literacy rate in LA is the worst in the country, so half the students won't be able to read this state sponsored religious propaganda anyway.

I’m sure if democrats were in charge of these school boards (hint- they are), education would be a lot better, right?

There’s a lot of good arguments against this ten Commandments in the classroom thing. I think it is stupid. Both from a general principal standpoint and from a political one.

But the tweet you reference reeks of elitist and dare I say it? Wait for it……..racist undertones?

You and I know there are inherent factors in that State, rooted in history, that make it very different than Massachusetts or California that lead to those rankings in obesity, education, healthcare, etc. Those “my State is better than yours” points are hypocritical as hell coming from the party who screams racism at every turn and loves to be offended.
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Gotta break ranks and agree with you here. I did me some 10 commandments but don’t think it needs to be in school classrooms. Certainly not “all” classrooms.

Politically - this is the kind of shit that isn’t that important but feeds a narrative that works against conservatives.
Completely disagree about it not being politically important.

But despite that quibble, states will have religion. It’s either going be Christianity or gay race communism. It’s better for everyone if it’s Christianity
While I agree with many of the above statements, I also feel that we shouldn't look at this sideways if we are displaying BLM, gay pride flags, pro palestine, etc. Classrooms are for learning. I personally don't have a problem with the 10 commandments being displayed as they portray a very positive message. But if we aren't careful our classrooms will look like a NASCAR racecar with so many flags, stickers, etc that we lose sight of the primary mission.
Completely disagree about it not being politically important.

But despite that quibble, states will have religion. It’s either going be Christianity or gay race communism. It’s better for everyone if it’s Christianity
These immigrants come to America to supposedly become American’s. They are suppose to acclimate to our culture, they are supposed to learn the English language and not speak their native language and they are not supposed to form their own country within our country. These immigrants now are doing this and that’s the reason they have to be deported.
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Boy, what a stupid, condescending, senseless & insensitive thing to say.

Gotta say, whatever grief you get from some on here, it is very deserving.
Hold on now....take a step back....

Is he wrong? What was condescending/insensitive/senseless/stupid about his comment? Is it any of the above to state a fact that half of the kids in LA can't read? If so, how? Do facts hurt people's feelings now?

That's not his fault. That's LAs fault. And they should be focused on that rather than culture wars. I feel like that's his point here...

others have said way worse about groups of people, especially our president, in other threads if we are being fair...
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Hold on now....take a step back....

Is he wrong? What was condescending/insensitive/senseless/stupid about his comment? Is it any of the above to state a fact that half of the kids in LA can't read? If so, how? Do facts hurt people's feelings now?

That's not his fault. That's LAs fault. And they should be focused on that rather than culture wars. I feel like that's his point here...

others have said way worse about groups of people, especially our president, in other threads if we are being fair...
His arrogance sticks out like a sore thumb. You can color it any way you want.
I’m sure if democrats were in charge of these school boards (hint- they are), education would be a lot better, right?

There’s a lot of good arguments against this ten Commandments in the classroom thing. I think it is stupid. Both from a general principal standpoint and from a political one.

But the tweet you reference reeks of elitist and dare I say it? Wait for it……..racist undertones?

You and I know there are inherent factors in that State, rooted in history, that make it very different than Massachusetts or California that lead to those rankings in obesity, education, healthcare, etc. Those “my State is better than yours” points are hypocritical as hell coming from the party who screams racism at every turn and loves to be offended.
I wasn’t making a statement about political parties at all and I realize the history of LA impacts its performance on a comparative basis. More a comment about priorities and focus.

LA does have the worst literacy rate in the nation.

There is literally not a single good reason for mandating the Ten Commandments in every classroom. We aren’t a Christian nation, have never been a Christian nation and the first commandment instructs that there is no other God beyond the Judeo-Christian God.

We have more non-Christians as a percentage of the population than ever before and many are positive, contributing members of society. They are just as much citizens of this country as any of you who chose to be Christians. They should be respected as such.
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I wasn’t making a statement about political parties at all and I realize the history of LA impacts its performance on a comparative basis. More a comment about priorities and focus.

LA does have the worst literacy rate in the nation.

There is literally not a single good reason for mandating the Ten Commandments in every classroom. We aren’t a Christian nation, have never been a Christian nation and the first commandment instructs that there is no other God beyond the Judeo-Christian God
Not a single good reason? When did the literacy rates start to down in the US?

Do you think the most of the principles that are outlined in the 10 commandments are beneficial to our society?
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Not a single good reason? When did the literacy rates start to down in the US?

Do you think the most of the principles that are outlined in the 10 commandments are beneficial to our society?
The Dems do not want anything in schools like that. They want to keep indoctrinating the children with commie rhetoric and forcing them to accept transgender bs. The federal Education Department needs to be abolished and the teachers union also. Let the states take back the education of our children.
the weird thing is forcing every classroom to display it by state edict,....

Although the "separation of church and state" was meant to negate the federal government from intervening on the basis of religion,,...US states could and did have official state religions well into the 1800s...but they all have been abolished over time by the states themselves, a culture war battle that died 150 years ago,...

But the governor didn't come out of the blue as a bible thumping tyrant, it's a reaction to school systems developing curriculum from a more slanted perspective, ..and the governor won his campaign with a pledge to do something about it, while it's been a long time since their was a state established religion,..never has their been sexualized books in schools and drag queens reading books to children ,...

In a perfect world, governors didn't require the 10 commandments in classrooms, and drag queens were not invited to speak to children, and coaches were not fired for leading prayer on a football field,..but in the culture wars of today one slight victory by either side is deemed a slippery slope into the abyss by the other and so the perpetual trench warfare
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I wasn’t making a statement about political parties at all and I realize the history of LA impacts its performance on a comparative basis. More a comment about priorities and focus.

LA does have the worst literacy rate in the nation.

There is literally not a single good reason for mandating the Ten Commandments in every classroom. We aren’t a Christian nation, have never been a Christian nation and the first commandment instructs that there is no other God beyond the Judeo-Christian God.

We have more non-Christians as a percentage of the population than ever before and many are positive, contributing members of society. They are just as much citizens of this country as any of you who chose to be Christians. They should be respected as such.
Agreed on most of that.
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Not a single good reason? When did the literacy rates start to down in the US?

Do you think the most of the principles that are outlined in the 10 commandments are beneficial to our society?
Correct, not a single good reason.

The Ten Commandments is a list of moral directives that begin with a demand of absolute fealty to the Judeo-Christian God. It’s yet another effort of a subset of society to impose their religious views on the rest of the country and it’s unconstitutional.
Agreed on most of that.
I agree with parts. It was just an overreaction stating there was not literally not a single good reason to have the 10 commandments in the classroom. He just doesn’t like where that is coming from. If it was a list of things to abide by(not all of them) would there be the same reaction?
There are truths in this world and there should be principles to live by as well. That has be removed from our society and we are suffering dramatically as a result. Today everyone lives, acts and reacts mostly according to their own feelings. Our feelings a lot times do not line up with truth and what is best for us as individuals and definitely not what is best for society as a whole. We tend to be very selfish, me included, and that is why our country is spiraling out of control in my opinion. Others might not agree and that’s fine.
Correct, not a single good reason.

The Ten Commandments is a list of moral directives that begin with a demand of absolute fealty to the Judeo-Christian God. It’s yet another effort of a subset of society to impose their religious views on the rest of the country and it’s unconstitutional.
Ignoring my part about some of the principles and whether adhering to them is best for our country and society?
I know you don’t like where it comes from but it can be beneficial.

When did literacy rates start going down?
Didn’t answer that as well.
Even some devout atheists agree that those principles are good for our society.
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I wasn’t making a statement about political parties at all and I realize the history of LA impacts its performance on a comparative basis. More a comment about priorities and focus.

LA does have the worst literacy rate in the nation.

There is literally not a single good reason for mandating the Ten Commandments in every classroom. We aren’t a Christian nation, have never been a Christian nation and the first commandment instructs that there is no other God beyond the Judeo-Christian God.

We have more non-Christians as a percentage of the population than ever before and many are positive, contributing members of society. They are just as much citizens of this country as any of you who chose to be Christians. They should be respected as such.

3/4 of the signers of the declaration of independence had seminary degrees. We may not be now, but we were a Christian nation at one point. America doesn’t happen w/o the influence of christianity.
3/4 of the signers of the declaration of independence had seminary degrees. We may not be now, but we were a Christian nation at one point. America doesn’t happen w/o the influence of christianity.
Christianity was at the core of the founding. They didn’t not want the federal government to decide the denomination for the whole country. Several states had their own state sponsored churches and that is what the founding fathers wanted. The states to make most of the every day decisions.
Correct, not a single good reason.

The Ten Commandments is a list of moral directives that begin with a demand of absolute fealty to the Judeo-Christian God. It’s yet another effort of a subset of society to impose their religious views on the rest of the country and it’s unconstitutional.
God have mercy on your atheist soul.
Ignoring my part about some of the principles and whether adhering to them is best for our country and society?
I know you don’t like where it comes from but it can be beneficial.

When did literacy rates start going down?
Didn’t answer that as well.
Even some devout atheists agree that those principles are good for our society.
I’m not ignoring it, it’s immaterial to the discussion. All of the world’s major religions include principles that are beneficial for society. Our government shouldn’t pick and chose which ones are worthy of being promoted by the state.
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3/4 of the signers of the declaration of independence had seminary degrees. We may not be now, but we were a Christian nation at one point. America doesn’t happen w/o the influence of christianity.
And over a half of them were free and accepted Mason’s. Our first President was a free and accepted Mason. Wonder why the far left hates Mason’s and lie about the so called secret societie.
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I’m not ignoring it, it’s immaterial to the discussion. All of the world’s major religions include principles that are beneficial for society. Our government shouldn’t pick and chose which ones are worthy of being promoted by the state.

I’m not ignoring it, it’s immaterial to the discussion. All of the world’s major religions include principles that are beneficial for society. Our government shouldn’t pick and chose which ones are worthy of being promoted by the state.
When did literacy rates start going down?
Didn’t answer that as well.
Even some devout atheists agree that those principles are good for our society.

You will only answer what you want to answer and it is impossible to find a middle ground with you at times.
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Christianity was at the core of the founding. They didn’t not want the federal government to decide the denomination for the whole country. Several states had their own state sponsored churches and that is what the founding fathers wanted. The states to make most of the every day decisions.
It's comes pretty close to violating, if not violating, LA constitution regarding freedom of religion.
When did literacy rates start going down?
Didn’t answer that as well.
Even some devout atheists agree that those principles are good for our society.

You will only answer what you want to answer and it is impossible to find a middle ground with you at times.
I don’t see a correlation between literacy rates and state sponsored religion in the classroom.

We’d probably agree on the fact that the moral framework that used to be provided by religion has been degraded by the diminishment of the role of religion in this country. It’s just that my view is that the state should not and can not attempt to fill that gap.

Personally, my opinion is that if people would simply treat others as they want to be treated, we would all be a lot better off.
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I don’t see a correlation between literacy rates and state sponsored religion in the classroom.

We’d probably agree on the fact that the moral framework that used to be provided by religion has been degraded by the diminishment of the role of religion in this country. It’s just that my view is that the state should not and can not attempt to fill that gap.

Personally, my view is that if people would simply treat others as they would wish to be treated, we would all be a lot better off.
Thank you. That is all I was saying. The decline of most of society is that people quit holding to beliefs/truths and started believing in what feels right. Feelings vastly ebb and flow and what you end up with is chaos. We have quit holding people accountable for their own decisions and actions. We end up with people saying this is my truth and what I believe. That is how a society crumbles with in.

I understand your position and I see what you are saying. Thank you for looking at the issue outside of the framework of the original post. That was my fault and I should have started a new thread or framed my question better.
What do you find so offensive about the Ten Commandments? I'd say they apply to ALL humanity regardless of religion.
Not offended. Just really like my freedom to attend church at my own discretion.

The state needs to stay out of sponsoring religion. That's all. Open that door to all or none.
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