I am sick and tired of folks like the fools at UC Irvine (a rare rant)


Circle of Honor
Aug 9, 2004
After members of the student government association at the University of California at Irvine voted on March 3 to remove the United States flag from their student government offices, the executive leadership of the student government vetoed the measure and restored the flag to its place. As disgusted as I was with the actions of the six fools who voted to remove the flag because, they say, "the American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism," I was equally gratified that the leadership of the student government at UC Irvine had the good sense to reverse the action banning the flag. In addition, the UC Irvine administration issued a statement calling the decision "misguided" and that the decision "was not endorsed or supported in any way by the campus leadership, the University of California, or the broader student body." So I shelved the column that I was going to write.

I see now that as many as 60 professors at UC Irvine have joined another 1200 or so people (and the number is growing) who have signed a letter supporting the six students who voted to remove the flag. A quick scan of the signatories to the letter reveals that most of the supporters appear to be either students, faculty or alumni of UC Irvine or of other California universities. The letter states that, "The resolution recognized that nationalism, including U.S. nationalism, often contributes to racism and xenophobia, and that the paraphernalia of nationalism is in fact often used to intimidate." I suppose that "paraphernalia of nationalism" is their preferred reference for the United States flag. The letter goes on to state that, "This is a more or less uncontroversial scholarly point, and in practice the resolution has drawn admiration nationally from much of the academic community." Uncontroversial? First they applaud the removal of the American flag as a symbol of "racism and xenophobia" and then they say that it is an "uncontroversial scholarly point?"

It is at this point where I usually say something like, "I respectfully disagree." However, I have no respect for "enlightened" people who believe that a government funded institution like UC Irvine, should endorse the misguided efforts of a few to force their skewed view of American inclusiveness on the rest of the UC Irvine community and, by extension, the rest of us. By saying that it is uncontroversial, they are implying that "no person, who is as enlightened and as educated as we are should disagree with us." This is another attempt by liberals to stymie debate on a very controversial topic on which they are clearly outside the mainstream of American thought and popular opinion. When they say that the flag inhibits inclusivity, they forget that the USA is historically one of the most inclusive nations on the planet. For 239 years, this nation and its flag, have been shining beacons to welcome all those who would come to our shores, seeking the freedom and the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families. My mother had a saying that she used when she was frustrated with us children as we were growing up. That phrase is particularly applicable here. I am "sick and tired" of people who insist on tearing down this nation because they believe that we, as a people, are racist, intolerant or xenophobic. To the contrary, unless people like the six at UC Irvine and their supporters ultimately prevail, I believe history will demonstrate that America is the last best hope for everyone to persevere and to thrive. It is fitting that we proudly display Old Glory to celebrate that fact.
This is to be expected when Communists are hired as professors

It's as simple as that. It really is. They infest our universities and governments, now.

They are the ones who stop at nothing to get into those positions to reshape society, while the rest of us go about our business living daily life, building our careers, and taking care of our families. All the while, they undermine it all.

We The People went to sleep. Time to wake up and fumigate the premises.

Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.
Re: Take away government funding and let that place rot in hell*

I agree 100%!
They will be on the government payroll one way or another in time.
When all of the hoo-hah to remove Confederate flags was going on...

.... many of us who were actively defending those flags and symbols warned of this very thing. If one could argue that Confederate flags and symbols should be banned and removed, the same argument can be used against the U.S. flags and symbols. The same argument can be used against ANY flag, ANY people group, etc. It is just a matter of which symbol(s) and which people group is decided to be targeted for removal.

This is communism in vivid color. Try to tear down anything and everything that identifies a people with their history and their past and replace it with "new." We're building a "new world," a "new life" because anything and everything in our past is tainted, wrong, corrupt, evil, blah blah blah. Oh the excitement! We're the generation of people that the world has been waiting for! We will finally fix what no generation before us has ever been able to fix, because we're smarter than them! Oh great and glorious day!

What lies and what deception. If someone has to lie and deceive in order to progress their agenda, that tells you all you need to know about it... it is evil and it will bring about destruction. Count on it.

When we've all turned our swords into plowshares, in our utopian dream of heaven on earth, thinking we've conquered the curse which mankind created out of his own doing, the truth comes out, when it is too late. The very evil who WE ALLOWED to deceive us, and who we trusted, reveals THEIR true identity, which we should have known all along.

Mankind is inherently evil. Mankind is prone toward doing wrong, not good. Our human nature includes grand and glorious things like lying, stealing, even killing fellow human beings. We should never trust ANY human being with our very lives, but this is what they want.

This is the beauty of what is true liberty and true freedom. We take our lives into our own hands, with the aid of God our Creator, and government is there just to protect us and those rights. They have never been, nor will they ever be, what GRANTS us those rights. But they're working hard to convince us otherwise. Shamefully, a whole lot of people are buying into their elixir.

This post was edited on 3/12 11:07 AM by SleepingDawgLying
Post of the Day.....except I heartily disagree with 2 sentences

"Mankind is inherently evil. Mankind is prone toward doing wrong, not good."

If people were allowed to be free, their true nature would be allowed to show. And I believe it's the exact opposite of the above.
That's why people have never been allowed to be free.

And don't gimme the garden of Eden stuff to make a case that knowledge of good and evil is evil itself.
Even God leaves us free to choose.
I hear what you're saying, but...

If mankind were inherently good, then why would there even be the existence of lies, stealing, hurting one another, even people who kill other people?

That doesn't mean that people are that way all of the time or even most of the time. People tend to have a good nature and good demeanor probably the vast majority of the time. But our core being includes doing wrong, and we often choose wrong, when the opportunity presents itself. Probably much of the time we decide to not do wrong is only because we don't want to suffer the consequences of getting caught, otherwise we'd probably choose to do wrong.

Choosing to not do wrong even when we know we're not going to get caught is where the difference lies where it concerns our relationship with God. Doing the right thing when no one is around, when no one is looking, only because we desire to do the right thing. That's pretty powerful. Our inherent nature doesn't lead us to do that.

The Garden of Eden is the origin of evil. Evil/wrong would/should have been gone a long time ago in an evolutionary world. Mankind hasn't changed one iota over the thousands of years.
Because Man has a choice

The evil in the garden of eden didn't come from the people.

And the big government mindset comes directly from the proposition that Mankind is evil and he must be controlled. If he is allowed to be free he will do bad.
I would be curious to know how many of the 1200 or so that signed the petition are going to school while receiving grants and other monies from our awful government? My guess would be a significant number.. Perhaps they would be willing to give those up.. But then again, Im betting not..
I see what you mean. But we have more than a choice between...

... two options, those being outright dictatorial, iron-fisted government, or pure anarchy. I don't think either of them are workable solutions, not in a world where there is an element of evil.

True, the evil sources from Satan. But in regards to the presence of sin on earth, it was man who brought it in by doing exactly as you pointed out, making a choice. Eve was deceived but Adam made an outright choice to do what God had specifically warned him to not do... and it wasn't because God is a dictatorial God, but because of the sure destruction that would ensue (and, man, has it ensued).

Funny enough, big government people clamor for freedom but out of the other side of their mouth they clamor for government to restrict gun ownership and for government to tax people for redistribution of wealth. The tragedy of the matter is, they truly don't know what they want, and that is because they're blind to the truth of what is going on.

Big government doesn't want to control evil man. They are always at odds with people who typically never break the law, but champion for those who are chronic breakers of the law. That speaks vivid truth about them, as well. They're liars and they have an evil ulterior motive.

Good people don't want overbearing government, because overbearing government removes a person's opportunity to be charitable, to truly "give" to help their fellow man. That is because the government TAKES it, whether you like it or not. That 100% defeats, removes, eliminates charity and helping our fellow man. Maybe big government proponents CLAIM to want to control evil mankind, they sure don't practice what they preach.
Same as those liberals who moan about being charitable, when...

... they argue to defend "taxing the rich" but statistics show that they are the least true givers of charity.

They're liars, period.