I have given up on Christopher Wray..........


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
I gave him the benefit of the doubt as he seems like a good guy, certainly intelligent and he works in hyper- partisan environment. After this week assuming Trump wins he has no choice but to fire him.

1. He goes out of the way to say perhaps it was shrapnel or glass VS a bullet that hit Trump's ear. Certainly could be the case, but it looked like a bullet to me, regardless why go there.

2. When asked about Biden's competency he seemed to imply all was ok. We know he ain't ok, he should have dodged the question instead of going there implying compency which is at best is a white lie.

3. The lack of aggressive action the FBI seems to take against Anti Israel Agitators all around Washington VS the J6 folks. Treat them similar, back up a FBI van, throw 5-10 in back and throw the book at them as you did the J6 folks. It might not stick but send a message.

I want a moderate conservative that is calls it down the middle. I thought Wray was that guy but doesn't appear he is, he is middle left at best.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt as he seems like a good guy, certainly intelligent and he works in hyper- partisan environment. After this week assuming Trump wins he has no choice but to fire him.

1. He goes out of the way to say perhaps it was shrapnel or glass VS a bullet that hit Trump's ear. Certainly could be the case, but it looked like a bullet to me, regardless why go there.

2. When asked about Biden's competency he seemed to imply all was ok. We know he ain't ok, he should have dodged the question instead of going there implying compency which is at best is a white lie.

3. The lack of aggressive action the FBI seems to take against Anti Israel Agitators all around Washington VS the J6 folks. Treat them similar, back up a FBI van, throw 5-10 in back and throw the book at them as you did the J6 folks. It might not stick but send a message.

I want a moderate conservative that is calls it down the middle. I thought Wray was that guy but doesn't appear he is, he is middle left at best.
Really odd what he said about the Trump injury without actually getting a visual report. Why even say it?
Even more disturbing to me was how quickly the FBI came out with a statement stating that Crooks was a lone suspect, before the had cracked his cell phone or checked his online accounts.
Really odd what he said about the Trump injury without actually getting a visual report. Why even say it?
Even more disturbing to me was how quickly the FBI came out with a statement stating that Crooks was a lone suspect, before the had cracked his cell phone or checked his online accounts.
Especially coming out with that type of info, but unable/unwilling to answer other questions that are so basic
Only the strongest of the strong stay neutral. Most get pulled into the corruption of the deep state for whatever reason. Just about every person has a flaw that gets exploited . Money power and fear are great motivaters.
I would say they can't even get to that level without being compromised
I gave him the benefit of the doubt as he seems like a good guy, certainly intelligent and he works in hyper- partisan environment. After this week assuming Trump wins he has no choice but to fire him.

1. He goes out of the way to say perhaps it was shrapnel or glass VS a bullet that hit Trump's ear. Certainly could be the case, but it looked like a bullet to me, regardless why go there.

2. When asked about Biden's competency he seemed to imply all was ok. We know he ain't ok, he should have dodged the question instead of going there implying compency which is at best is a white lie.

3. The lack of aggressive action the FBI seems to take against Anti Israel Agitators all around Washington VS the J6 folks. Treat them similar, back up a FBI van, throw 5-10 in back and throw the book at them as you did the J6 folks. It might not stick but send a message.

I want a moderate conservative that is calls it down the middle. I thought Wray was that guy but doesn't appear he is, he is middle left at best.

he never was.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt as he seems like a good guy, certainly intelligent and he works in hyper- partisan environment. After this week assuming Trump wins he has no choice but to fire him.

1. He goes out of the way to say perhaps it was shrapnel or glass VS a bullet that hit Trump's ear. Certainly could be the case, but it looked like a bullet to me, regardless why go there.

2. When asked about Biden's competency he seemed to imply all was ok. We know he ain't ok, he should have dodged the question instead of going there implying compency which is at best is a white lie.

3. The lack of aggressive action the FBI seems to take against Anti Israel Agitators all around Washington VS the J6 folks. Treat them similar, back up a FBI van, throw 5-10 in back and throw the book at them as you did the J6 folks. It might not stick but send a message.

I want a moderate conservative that is calls it down the middle. I thought Wray was that guy but doesn't appear he is, he is middle left at best.
Wray's subtle little way to get a dig in against Trump. He knows if Trump is elected he's fired.
Not picking on anyone ITT, but at what time has the FBI EVER been shown to be competent and transparent?

Was it during the Hoover era, of 1924 - 1972? Keeping files on celebrities such as Elvis? COINTELPRO and no transparency on assassinations of JFK/RFK/MLK/Malcom X.

Was it during the 80's with Waco and Ruby Ridge?

The 90's? They are still refusing to release docs related to the OKC bombing.

The 2000's with 9/11 and Whitey Bulger?

Or the 2010's with the Vegas shooting, the pee tape, Russiagate, and others.

2020's - so far we already have Jan 6, and an attempted assignation and we are only half way through the decade.

The play book is clear and has been repeated over and over:
1. Event happens - shooting, explosion or similar
2. Suspect 100% confirmed within hours, usually the same day
3. End of story.
4. Number 3 comes quicker when the suspect is no longer breathing.
The Trump/Biden statements were brilliant. Today da masses are being force fed the Trump may not have been shot line and the incompetence of the SS and his evasiveness will only be on conservative preaching to the choir media.
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What difference does it make if he was hit by a bullet, a bullet fragment, or shrapnel? I don’t understand why people are getting so worked up over that.

He’s in a no win situation because distrust of everything is so high now.
I still don't understand why Kamala Harris does not provide pressure on Wray and the FBI about the "pipebomber" plot of jan 6 against her life in 2021 that no media remembers or anyone in Congress when Wray is present,....I guess it's similar to the secret service investigation of cocaine in the white house,.....cameras everywhere and nothing to see,..but if I do a lane change in DC improperly on the interstate, I get mailed a traffic violation ticket
What difference does it make if he was hit by a bullet, a bullet fragment, or shrapnel? I don’t understand why people are getting so worked up over that.

He’s in a no win situation because distrust of everything is so high now.
It’s the most ridiculous thing. The distrust is well-earned however.


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I gave him the benefit of the doubt as he seems like a good guy, certainly intelligent and he works in hyper- partisan environment. After this week assuming Trump wins he has no choice but to fire him.

1. He goes out of the way to say perhaps it was shrapnel or glass VS a bullet that hit Trump's ear. Certainly could be the case, but it looked like a bullet to me, regardless why go there.

2. When asked about Biden's competency he seemed to imply all was ok. We know he ain't ok, he should have dodged the question instead of going there implying compency which is at best is a white lie.

3. The lack of aggressive action the FBI seems to take against Anti Israel Agitators all around Washington VS the J6 folks. Treat them similar, back up a FBI van, throw 5-10 in back and throw the book at them as you did the J6 folks. It might not stick but send a message.

I want a moderate conservative that is calls it down the middle. I thought Wray was that guy but doesn't appear he is, he is middle left at best.
Another one of Trump's "I will appoint the best people" failures.

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