I didn't know people had a RIGHT to become an American??? Where did you come up with that one.
Its really quite simple. We have laws. And our laws say there is a process. We, WE also have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT. do chose who we want to give the opportunity to become a citizen. You're argument really falls apart with the jobs issue. Its not even in dispute that they absorb jobs, and its not in dispute that they cost more than they produce. They are a net drain. We have 93m people who can't find a job. And you want to bring in more unskilled dependents.
This has nothing to do with being open or caring, its simple. For establishment REPUBS its about cheap labor. To DemocRATS its nothing more than a Democrat voter drive. Democrats can't survive without a dependent class. So they use the money of producers to buy more dependents.
I'm in agreement, lets kick out the useless, we'd reduce DemocRATS voters to almost zero. But, they DO HAVE RIGHTS,..Being CITIZENS.
Maybe you should do a little research on that word "citizen" Cause see, What we are as a nation is a NATION OF CITIZENS. You don't seem to understand that concept.
Well put. After u called DSC out on the RIGHT to become an American, he started his racist , sexist drivel because he knew he had lost the argument.
DSC,if u want to live in a 3rd world hell hole, go to Los Angeles and see what unlimited immigration has done there.
Even if immigration wasn't disastrous in so many respects, such as jihadists among them, elevated crime levels, & welfare parasitism, the fact that most are undocumented democrats is enough to secure the borders tightly.