I try not to discuss politics too often

I didn't know people had a RIGHT to become an American??? Where did you come up with that one.

Its really quite simple. We have laws. And our laws say there is a process. We, WE also have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT. do chose who we want to give the opportunity to become a citizen. You're argument really falls apart with the jobs issue. Its not even in dispute that they absorb jobs, and its not in dispute that they cost more than they produce. They are a net drain. We have 93m people who can't find a job. And you want to bring in more unskilled dependents.

This has nothing to do with being open or caring, its simple. For establishment REPUBS its about cheap labor. To DemocRATS its nothing more than a Democrat voter drive. Democrats can't survive without a dependent class. So they use the money of producers to buy more dependents.

I'm in agreement, lets kick out the useless, we'd reduce DemocRATS voters to almost zero. But, they DO HAVE RIGHTS,..Being CITIZENS.

Maybe you should do a little research on that word "citizen" Cause see, What we are as a nation is a NATION OF CITIZENS. You don't seem to understand that concept.

Well put. After u called DSC out on the RIGHT to become an American, he started his racist , sexist drivel because he knew he had lost the argument.

DSC,if u want to live in a 3rd world hell hole, go to Los Angeles and see what unlimited immigration has done there.
Even if immigration wasn't disastrous in so many respects, such as jihadists among them, elevated crime levels, & welfare parasitism, the fact that most are undocumented democrats is enough to secure the borders tightly.
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even though I follow politics as closely as I do Georgia football. My grandmother told me nothing good comes of discussing politics or religion in public. So I bite my tongue a lot.

That said, I do not recall a list of potential nominees that are so despised by both sides. I see record turnouts for votes but that seems to be more of a 'vote the bums out' movement instead of a 'we want Hillary' or 'we want Cruz/Trump/Rubio' movement.

Am I reading this wrong?

I am not sure who I would recommend in lieu of the current candidates, by my word they do not inspire a lot of confidence.

We the people are polarized like never before (possibly including the Civil War era). We are encouraged to snip and snarl at each other by conflict seeking media, by marketing arms of political organizations and by our political "leaders" themselves. Both brands/parties of political beings for the past 50 years have spent way more time and effort and resources on nonstop campaigning and ultimately elections than they have actually solving or even discussing solutions to problems most of us (non-politicians) citizen/voters face on an every day basis.

Sadly, the choices we currently have running for POTUS are the most extreme examples of "the lesser of two evils" in the history of politics in our country. If Trump ends up running against Clinton as current poling suggests, none of us can honestly believe that one is less polarizing than the other. Trump is brash, arrogant, inexperienced (in politics, which has become a plus) bully (in the classic sense). Hillary is the "experienced" face of just about everything that is wrong with DC establishment politics aka business as usual with career politicians in our nation's Capitol. Neither of them inspire confidence in "the system" as it is.

More and more of us are willing to roll the dice with Trump (or anyone else not beholden to the influence peddlers inside the Beltway) just to see what will happen, and ONLY because we are so sick and tired and angry with Washington's elite discussing things primarily to test the winds of public opinion. Concerning themselves and their considerable staffs and donors with getting reelected rather than actually solving real problems people (including, of course, the ever elusive middle class) "experience" every day of their lives.

For many the time has come for not settling for "it is what it is." We want our elected representatives working for us, for our immediate issues and concerns. Politicians as public servants has become a tired old joke they reveal about themselves every hour of every day. Something totally different (short of anarchy) sounds more refreshing than scary. Totally different for others of us is the scariest thing we can imagine, though few of us can point to major improvements in our jobs and job security, our future, our children's future, our education system and our opportunities over the past 50 years. Some us simply do not buy the same old remedial platitudes that promise much, but likely will deliver yet another decade of being stuck in neutral.
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Your grandparents might have had different views on open boarders.

In the US... we used to believe in the New Colossus.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Now it seems like we want to add:

"Unless you're poor, muslim or hispanic. Then you can go and suck my...."

I should probably stop. I don't want to drop a load of Trump.

Idiotic post. There's legal vs illegal immigration. As far as Muslims living in the U.S. go, 25% in a recent poll support the so-called jihad. Even one terrorist is one too many if you're the victim. This isn't he early 1900's style of immigrants coming here. Stop acting like it is. You look really stupid trying to equate the two. You're right, you should stop.
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even though I follow politics as closely as I do Georgia football. My grandmother told me nothing good comes of discussing politics or religion in public. So I bite my tongue a lot.

That said, I do not recall a list of potential nominees that are so despised by both sides. I see record turnouts for votes but that seems to be more of a 'vote the bums out' movement instead of a 'we want Hillary' or 'we want Cruz/Trump/Rubio' movement.

Am I reading this wrong?

I am not sure who I would recommend in lieu of the current candidates, by my word they do not inspire a lot of confidence.

I think you're spot on.
I actually yearn for a great executive leader and a citizens' reformation of Congress, but I'm not holding my breath.
Sorry... I missed that. I was busy taking a Trump in the bathroom.

So I guess you support the statements from the Trump campaign saying that women who pump breast milk are "disgusting" or "you can't rape your spouse"?

Trump quotes:

"You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

“Women have one of the great acts of all time. The smart ones act very feminine and needy, but inside they are real killers. The person who came up with the expression ‘the weaker sex’ was either very naive or had to be kidding. I have seen women manipulate men with just a twitch of their eye — or perhaps another body part.”

"If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?"

"All of the women on 'The Apprentice' flirted with me -- consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected."

"Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a man who is certain about what he wants and sets out to get it, no holds barred," Trump said about himself one time. "Women find his power almost as much of a turn-on as his money."

"Arianna Huffington is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man—he made a good decision.”

“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes–blood coming out of her wherever.”

“There’s nothing I love more than women, but they’re really a lot different than portrayed. They are far worse than men, far more aggressive, and boy, can they be smart."

On wives: “One thing I have learned: There is high maintenance. There is low maintenance. I want no maintenance.”

"I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

Trump on Halley Berry: “I love her… upper body”

And Hillary and Bernie are the lowest common denominator in your mind.


But Trump still hasn't lied to the families of dead individuals under his control as to the circumstances surrounding their death. Hillary is lower than "pond scum" whether you think so are not. Being a "sexist" hardly compares.
But Trump still hasn't lied to the families of dead individuals under his control as to the circumstances surrounding their death. Hillary is lower than "pond scum" whether you think so are not. Being a "sexist" hardly compares.

Being a racist, sexist, nationalistic egotistical jerk is in fact much worse than not telling the parents of victims of terrorists attacks completely accurate information about the attack 3 days after it happened when the state department hadn't figured it out yet.

It's worse than intentionally lying to them as well. In one case you're withholding information. In the other you are classifying them as less than equal to everyone else in the nation. I'm sorry... the later is worse.
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Idiotic post. There's legal vs illegal immigration. As far as Muslims living in the U.S. go, 25% in a recent poll support the so-called jihad. Even one terrorist is one too many if you're the victim. This isn't he early 1900's style of immigrants coming here. Stop acting like it is. You look really stupid trying to equate the two. You're right, you should stop.

You do realize the actual meaning of Jihad... right?

It's the the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin. If a muslim doesn't understand the context of the question (that you mean outright violence as opposed to an internal struggle), you get mixed answers. That question is simply poor polling practice.

I'm sorry... I'm against nationalism. It was bad for the Germans to accept arguments that Germany should be for "real germans only". And it's bad for us to accept that it's okay to only support "real americans".

There's a reason Trump is drawing Hitler comparisons. It's because he's pushing a nationalist agenda. That's not a good thing.
But Trump still hasn't lied to the families of dead individuals under his control as to the circumstances surrounding their death. Hillary is lower than "pond scum" whether you think so are not. Being a "sexist" hardly compares.

Well as long as he hasn't done X, I guess saying he'd murder whole families and making an endless succession of BS claims like he would make Mexico pay for a wall and dictate terms to our rivals is OK. Then there's the bankruptcies where he stiffed those who made him rich with loans, his many scams like Trump University where he conned young people who made the mistake of trusting him.
Trump is the biggest POS, self serving egomaniac to ever run for POTUS, there isn't a close second.
Well as long as he hasn't done X, I guess saying he'd murder whole families and making an endless succession of BS claims like he would make Mexico pay for a wall and dictate terms to our rivals is OK. Then there's the bankruptcies where he stiffed those who made him rich with loans, his many scams like Trump University where he conned young people who made the mistake of trusting him.
Trump is the biggest POS, self serving egomaniac to ever run for POTUS, there isn't a close second.

Lets put this in context. The families of ISIS terrorists are actually terrorists themselves. The kids are taught to behead people at 7 years old. The females are used as suicide bombers because their lives are not considered very important. The families of terrorists would kill us immediately if they could. Look at the wife of the San bernardino killer. If u want to cry about the ISIS families go ahead. I have no sympathy.
It is not a BS claim to make Mexico pay for a war. There are numerous ways to do that in relationship where we have a $59B trade deficit. If u are satisfied with our trade agreements, then vote Dem.
Don't know the details of Trump Univ and neither do u. but I do know if u are a billionaire, u are a target for lawsuits from everyone. There are many courses on real estate that go on everyday and very few people get rich. Usually because of their own limitations not because of their acquired knowledge of real estate.
Yea I'm on pins and needles waiting on ole SC to knock these down... :D

rolo, you have to give him a little time to get google going so he can answer you . by the way , hitlery is still at it , on the fox town hall program tonight ; she was asked if she or any of aids were being investigated by the FBI ......she said NO ! the hole gets deeper !
You do realize the actual meaning of Jihad... right?

It's the the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin. If a muslim doesn't understand the context of the question (that you mean outright violence as opposed to an internal struggle), you get mixed answers. That question is simply poor polling practice.

I'm sorry... I'm against nationalism. It was bad for the Germans to accept arguments that Germany should be for "real germans only". And it's bad for us to accept that it's okay to only support "real americans".

There's a reason Trump is drawing Hitler comparisons. It's because he's pushing a nationalist agenda. That's not a good thing.

Your nationalism comment is pretty naive. US and WWII Germany nationalism are different in so many ways. Don't even go there.

So you are against nationalism. What do you do then when someone flys their country's flag on US soil? That is nationalism.

To have pride in and wanting to protect cultural and social norms. To desire to protect an economic system that was never intended to act in a socialist way, is not nationalism.

Do you take pride in your family? Do you welcome homeless and less fortunate into your home? Do you provide them with a room, food, transportation? If they have a Birth of a child, do you give them an allowance for each child?

Are you part of a Church or religious group? If you are, why? Just worship something, anything. That way, no one is excluded.

Nationalism is a pride in country and life that was created and earned by our ancestors.

Are we to be the only country that has no respect for heritage?

You should study Germany, Hitler induced nationalism some time. Look no further than how Obama was elected to see how that system works.
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Your nationalism comment is pretty naive. US and WWII Germany nationalism are different in so many ways. Don't even go there.

So you are against nationalism. What do you do then when someone flys their country's flag on US soil? That is nationalism.

To have pride in and wanting to protect cultural and social norms. To desire to protect an economic system that was never intended to act in a socialist way, is not nationalism.

Do you take pride in your family? Do you welcome homeless and less fortunate into your home? Do you provide them with a room, food, transportation? If they have a Birth of a child, do you give them an allowance for each child?

Are you part of a Church or religious group? If you are, why? Just worship something, anything. That way, no one is excluded.

Nationalism is a pride in country and life that was created and earned by our ancestors.

Are we to be the only country that has no respect for heritage?

You should study German, Hitler induced nationalism some time. Look no further than how Obama was elected to see how that system works.
DinSC is like most liberal minded, the facts work when they're convenient for him. Those on his side know good and well their arguments don't hold water...but, they have to make them.

It's no different than him arguing with me that thugs wear hoodies because it's raining!!! I'm still laughing at that one. We all know why thugs wear hoodies. Geez, I'm so tired of making excuses based on some idiotic reasoning. And, give me a break, Trump is not Hitler reborn. Like him or not.
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Well put. After u called DSC out on the RIGHT to become an American, he started his racist , sexist drivel because he knew he had lost the argument.

DSC,if u want to live in a 3rd world hell hole, go to Los Angeles and see what unlimited immigration has done there.
Even if immigration wasn't disastrous in so many respects, such as jihadists among them, elevated crime levels, & welfare parasitism, the fact that most are undocumented democrats is enough to secure the borders tightly.
There's so many 3rd world countries for DSC type to live. I guess they're still here because their president has brought it to our doorstep. We are trying so hard to be 3rd world right now.
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Being a racist, sexist, nationalistic egotistical jerk is in fact much worse than not telling the parents of victims of terrorists attacks completely accurate information about the attack 3 days after it happened when the state department hadn't figured it out yet.

It's worse than intentionally lying to them as well. In one case you're withholding information. In the other you are classifying them as less than equal to everyone else in the nation. I'm sorry... the later is worse.

What a convoluted answer. Once again instead of trying to defend you undefendable position , you toss out the typical liberal attacking points.

Sexist? What would you call a woman that goes out of her way to destroy the sexual assault victims of her husband?

Or a woman who brags about getting a pedophile off a rape change...the rape of a 12 yr old girl...and laughs about it?

Racist? What would you say if a Republican used a black dialect every time he or she was in front of a black audience?

And BTW...You still haven't answered how being an American is a right? Can you revisit that remark?
Well as long as he hasn't done X, I guess saying he'd murder whole families and making an endless succession of BS claims like he would make Mexico pay for a wall and dictate terms to our rivals is OK. Then there's the bankruptcies where he stiffed those who made him rich with loans, his many scams like Trump University where he conned young people who made the mistake of trusting him.
Trump is the biggest POS, self serving egomaniac to ever run for POTUS, there isn't a close second.

Well, he's damn close....But Bill and Hillary have run for President, OWLBORE ran for President, John Kerry Ran for President, Joe Biden has run for President.....Trump is better than any of those misfits.
even though I follow politics as closely as I do Georgia football. My grandmother told me nothing good comes of discussing politics or religion in public. So I bite my tongue a lot.

That said, I do not recall a list of potential nominees that are so despised by both sides. I see record turnouts for votes but that seems to be more of a 'vote the bums out' movement instead of a 'we want Hillary' or 'we want Cruz/Trump/Rubio' movement.

Am I reading this wrong?

I am not sure who I would recommend in lieu of the current candidates, by my word they do not inspire a lot of confidence.
lol well if i were asked id have to say you are right. Whats to really like about any of them.In fact the only candidate I liked was the ex gov from La.because he wanted term limits,just tired of polititians that act like they are elected for life,or that its the family business.
Idiotic post. There's legal vs illegal immigration. As far as Muslims living in the U.S. go, 25% in a recent poll support the so-called jihad. Even one terrorist is one too many if you're the victim. This isn't he early 1900's style of immigrants coming here. Stop acting like it is. You look really stupid trying to equate the two. You're right, you should stop.

Even one murderer is one too many, yet there are many thousands of them in this country legally. That leaves the only sure way for this country to be safe, we all must leave.
That really does make about as much sense as tarring all Muslims and undocumented people for the actions, and in your view even just possible future actions by as few as one.
Your thinking is the very essence of prejudice.

Even one murderer is one too many, yet there are many thousands of them in this country legally. That leaves the only sure way for this country to be safe, we all must leave.
That really does make about as much sense as tarring all Muslims and undocumented people for the actions, and in your view even just possible future actions by as few as one.
Your thinking is the very essence of prejudice.

No one is talking about LEGALS. Its the ILLEGALS, and none of them are innocent of breaking the law. Letting in tens of thousands of muslims that know one knows anything about into the Country is stupid. They want to kill us. The difference in a radical muslim and a moderate muslim is....The moderate muslim watch as the radicals burn ppl alive, but they don't do the burning.
No one is talking about LEGALS. Its the ILLEGALS, and none of them are innocent of breaking the law. Letting in tens of thousands of muslims that know one knows anything about into the Country is stupid. They want to kill us. The difference in a radical muslim and a moderate muslim is....The moderate muslim watch as the radicals burn ppl alive, but they don't do the burning.
This is a fact that seems to escape the libs.
No one is talking about LEGALS. Its the ILLEGALS, and none of them are innocent of breaking the law. Letting in tens of thousands of muslims that know one knows anything about into the Country is stupid. They want to kill us. The difference in a radical muslim and a moderate muslim is....The moderate muslim watch as the radicals burn ppl alive, but they don't do the burning.

You miss my point in mentioning legals.
I don't give a damn how anybody came to this country. I do care about their behavior and net affect once here.
You miss my point in mentioning legals.
I don't give a damn how anybody came to this country. I do care about their behavior and net affect once here.

Well you should. Because their behavior in getting here is illegal. And they're a net drain on our system, not to mention the violent crime and decease that comes with a lot of them.
Being a racist, sexist, nationalistic egotistical jerk is in fact much worse than not telling the parents of victims of terrorists attacks completely accurate information about the attack 3 days after it happened when the state department hadn't figured it out yet.

It's worse than intentionally lying to them as well. In one case you're withholding information. In the other you are classifying them as less than equal to everyone else in the nation. I'm sorry... the later is worse.

You're wrong as usual in your argument but whatever makes you feel better. But Hillary taking millions for her tax-evading foundation from countries who treat women like cattle is cool? Gotcha.
Well you should. Because their behavior in getting here is illegal. And they're a net drain on our system, not to mention the violent crime and decease that comes with a lot of them.

Wasting your time Rolo. This irrational idiot thinks being a brash billionaire is worse than 30 years of lies and dead bodies left in the Clinton's wake.
Well you should. Because their behavior in getting here is illegal. And they're a net drain on our system, not to mention the violent crime and decease that comes with a lot of them.

When you're willing to scrub other peoples' toilets or work in a kill room at a poultry processing plant, get back to me.
Wasting your time Rolo. This irrational idiot thinks being a brash billionaire is worse than 30 years of lies and dead bodies left in the Clinton's wake.

He's the former hellion or whatever the handle was. He's a buffoon. He accuses others of exactly what he is. Typical liberal. He's a waste of time....his dad should have used a condom.
Me an idiot, I grasp more on a bad day than you have in your life.

Based on your posts you haven't grasped much. But like so many others you find a way to justify your feelings. Don't care how they got here? That statement alone shows you don't have a clue. Stop wasting my time "clueless" one.
He's the former hellion or whatever the handle was. He's a buffoon. He accuses others of exactly what he is. Typical liberal. He's a waste of time....his dad should have used a condom.

He also classifies blatant lying as "withholding information". LOL......he's like Hillary in that "withholding the truth" doesn't bother either of them.