I walked into a gubmint building housing, among other things I


War Daddy
Gold Member
Jul 10, 2007
suppose, the water department where customers pay their water bill. First thing I see is an armed contractor acting in a police role. Dadgum tax payers fund for this guy to sit on his arse and play video games. Why? Are the lives of the low achieving gubmint workers collecting the water bill checks any more important than the lives of the private business owners and employees in the next building who seem to function just fine without having armed body guards around?

Drives me nuts how taxpayer's funds are so easily spent.

I'm guessing the numbnuts who define local gubmint policy have declared that space a gun free space therefore.....there should be no violence, right? So why piss away taxpayer's $ on this cop wannebe? A few month earlier, they actually had a real cop sitting there playing games.

I'm voting no to any future SPLOST chit until (I won't hold my breath) gubmint is finally held accountable about funds spent and ....and for the efficiency of gubmint workers.