I was watching this anti gun person make the case for gun laws


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 24, 2008
and he said if someone walked in shooting a AR 15 no one would have time to shoot back and may hit some innocent person .

1) if you don't carry , I can bet if you don't his statement true . If you carry I would put the chance of you getting a shot off at about 40% to 50%. Depending on where you were and what type of cover or concealment.

2) let's face it in a event such as this , the rules change . A person would have to take risk shots . Missing but hitting the next better than 10 victims vs one or two .

He did make one point that was good to keep in mind and they could be wearing body armor so that why I said practices head shots . If not aim for the leg or balls .
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I do carry, and I often wonder how it might go down...would I have the nerve, the reaction speed, the overall awareness?

I'd rather have the chance, though, than to sit there and get slaughtered.

these people attack places like government offices, reasonable assured that nobody is armed in there....ISIS attacked a nightclub in Paris, pretty sure that the strict gun control laws kept people unable to fight back.

if our current government is only going to posture on gun control, push for people losing their rights, etc.... but not provide us with adequate security it just leads me to carry my own.
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My advice would be and when I was working patrol , I never sat by the front of the restaurant ( even though they like sitting us there ) and don't sit with your back to the door .

As I said earlier in the week , practice drawing your fire arm sitting down but make sure your gun is unloaded . Go to the range and practice shooting sitting down . Make damn sure jacket not getting caught up on your gun before you go live fire . Make adjustments to holster if it is .

Practice shooting weak handed( off handed ) and no support . Practice loading handgun without looking .

Have someone set off fire works about the only thing you can do for stress . This about the only thing .

Also don't dress in tac stuff , like wearing 511 Blackhawk stuff . Wear regular clothes. No damn tac vest . I can spot people who carrying from a mile away when they wear this .

Understand what concealment is vs cover . Look to where it is . I hope this helps
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