If the opposite were occurring

atlanta cock#

Pillar of the DawgVent
Jun 1, 1998
Think about this. The churches are almost proudly publicizing that they are actively engaged in politics; of course for the Ds. But is there any doubt the media would lead the charge for removing tax free status of churches if they were so public about their active engagement for the other team?

Think about this. The churches are almost proudly publicizing that they are actively engaged in politics; of course for the Ds. But is there any doubt the media would lead the charge for removing tax free status of churches if they were so public about their active engagement for the other team?

Maybe they aren’t mobilizing because you are pushing candidates that stand in contrast to their beliefs and self interest.
These are charlatans who are devoid of any self reflection.
Think about this. The churches are almost proudly publicizing that they are actively engaged in politics; of course for the Ds. But is there any doubt the media would lead the charge for removing tax free status of churches if they were so public about their active engagement for the other team?

Exactly. They are not allowed to campaign from the pulpit.

Maybe some of those 80,000 IRS agents (who I wouldn’t mind, BYW) could find time to review these? I doubt it.
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