If y’all can, offer up a little prayer for Lebron

I was watching Big Brother with my wife last night (she likes it) and they vote off contestants. This black lady said her morals wouldn't allow her to vote off another black contestant even though she didn't like him and thought he deserved to go home. That is verbatim what she said. I told my wife there is no amount of good will or appeasement that can remedy that line of thinking. Obviously not all people feel this way but there really is no common ground that can be found there.
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He can’t even enjoy a playoff victory last night. Dude is scared. In his words “We are scared as Black people in America,” James said. “Black men, Black women, Black kids. We are, we are terrified.”
If he wants to know what scared is........let him walk the mean streets of chicago on a Sat. nite with a MAGA hat. Perhaps then we would never have to hear his arrogant, ignorant, privileged ass again.
I personally think he is putting his prejudices on full display and its sad. First of all, he doesn't know any of these people, but just because they have the same skin color he will act like they are brothers. He doesn't let the facts play out, and labels all whites as one in the same. I think he is very racist against white people
I personally think he is putting his prejudices on full display and its sad. First of all, he doesn't know any of these people, but just because they have the same skin color he will act like they are brothers. He doesn't let the facts play out, and labels all whites as one in the same. I think he is very racist against white people
Would love to see Herschel walk up to him and beat the hell out of him.....cause he needs it.
I was watching Big Brother with my wife last night (she likes it) and they vote off contestants. This black lady said here morals wouldn't allow her to vote off another black contestant even though she didn't like him and thought he deserved to go home. That is verbatim what she said. I told my wife there is no amount of good will or appeasement that can remedy that line of thinking. Obviously not all people feel this way but there really is no common ground that can be found there.

For blacks I would say race is the most important factor in decision-making when it comes to people. It appears, only an observation since I’m not one, they place race above all other factors. With that said, it’s a generalization because obviously there are outliers such as Herschel among others.

I personally think he is putting his prejudices on full display and its sad. First of all, he doesn't know any of these people, but just because they have the same skin color he will act like they are brothers. He doesn't let the facts play out, and labels all whites as one in the same. I think he is very racist against white people

Lebron is literally one of, if not the most racist person in the public spotlight currently.
For blacks I would say race is the most important factor in decision-making when it comes to people. It appears, only an observation since I’m not one, they place race above all other factors. With that said, it’s a generalization because obviously there are outliers such as Herschel among others.

Lebron is literally one of, if not the most racist person in the public spotlight currently.
Agree with your stance above. Not generalizing and full well know plenty of black people that are totally cool and normal, but there is a large portion of their population that's feels exactly like that contestant. No matter the incident or issue, whether the black person was wrong or criminal they will blindly defend and go to racism immediately. It is the primary calling card of that bunch, and until that changes and they realize that all whites are not terrible racists, then MLK's dream will not be realized.
Agree with your stance above. Not generalizing and full well know plenty of black people that are totally cool and normal, but there is a large portion of their population that's feels exactly like that contestant. No matter the incident or issue, whether the black person was wrong or criminal they will blindly defend and go to racism immediately. It is the primary calling card of that bunch, and until that changes and they realize that all whites are not terrible racists, then MLK's dream will not be realized.

Think about when Obama ran for president. It was literally a given that over 95% of Black people would vote for him. Regardless of policy. Now imagine if white people voted along those lines. There is a clear difference in thinking.
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I was watching Big Brother with my wife last night (she likes it) and they vote off contestants. This black lady said here morals wouldn't allow her to vote off another black contestant even though she didn't like him and thought he deserved to go home. That is verbatim what she said. I told my wife there is no amount of good will or appeasement that can remedy that line of thinking. Obviously not all people feel this way but there really is no common ground that can be found there.

Agree with your stance above. Not generalizing and full well know plenty of black people that are totally cool and normal, but there is a large portion of their population that's feels exactly like that contestant. No matter the incident or issue, whether the black person was wrong or criminal they will blindly defend and go to racism immediately. It is the primary calling card of that bunch, and until that changes and they realize that all whites are not terrible racists, then MLK's dream will not be realized.

It's the OJ phenomenon.
I personally think he is putting his prejudices on full display and its sad. First of all, he doesn't know any of these people, but just because they have the same skin color he will act like they are brothers. He doesn't let the facts play out, and labels all whites as one in the same. I think he is very racist against white people
Lebron is a racists. But he’s rich, a celebrity and the NBA likes him so he can be a racist.

he is the definition of racism.
Lebron is a racists. But he’s rich, a celebrity and the NBA likes him so he can be a racist.

he is the definition of racism.
Those people(sports heroes, hollywood elites, media and tech majors) are what is wrong with this country. Straighten those folks out and we can have a great, peaceful country.
Lebron & his ilk don't seem to give two shits about the thousands of blacks shot and/or killed by other blacks each year, only the extremely small handful of blacks shot and/or killed by police officers. Which is a damn shame and as others have said, an extremely bigoted, ignorant point of view for him to have. And yet, no one in the fawning media will ever call him out for it. When he talks about, "the video of a 10-year-old Black child, Elijah Pierre-Louis, hiding behind a car in his driveway when a police car drove down his street," why doesn't anyone ask him about the numerous school-aged black children in Chicago & other major cites that are sadly caught in the crossfire of gangs and other shooters on an almost routine basis? You think those kids are- or should be- more scared of the cops than the thugs & lawbreakers in their own neighborhoods? Give me a damn break. Lebron is a race hustler straight out of the Al Sharpton Academy. His is one of the most divisive, harmful voices on race in America today, but unfortunately he gets a pass because of his skin color & basketball ability.

Oh, and if you haven't read Jason Whitlock's take on it, do yourself a favor right now:
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He can’t even enjoy a playoff victory last night. Dude is scared. In his words “We are scared as Black people in America,” James said. “Black men, Black women, Black kids. We are, we are terrified.”
One thing Lebron isn't afraid of is taking all that money from China! #Trump2020
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Those people(sports heroes, hollywood elites, media and tech majors) are what is wrong with this country. Straighten those folks out and we can have a great, peaceful country.

So true its the super rich who are the problem. Once they get rich they lie or just say whatever idiotic thing that comes to mind. Lebron can show how racist he is now, hes made his money and the racists will keep supporting him.
There is a lot I just don't understand.....double standards, selective outrage, random acts of revenge, and contradicting expectations, just to name a few.

I don't understand the demands for equality in one breath, followed by an outcry of racism when equality doesn't go a certain way.

I don't understand demands for justice for some and grace for others.

I don't understand being outraged over incidents of violence for one group of people, and being dead silent when the shoe is on the other foot.

I don't understand trying to get the speck out of someone else's eye, when you have a 2 x 4 in your own.
Lebron & his ilk don't seem to give two shits about the thousands of blacks shot and/or killed by other blacks each year, only the extremely small handful of blacks shot and/or killed by police officers. Which is a damn shame and as others have said, an extremely bigoted, ignorant point of view for him to have. And yet, no one in the fawning media will ever call him out for it. When he talks about, "the video of a 10-year-old Black child, Elijah Pierre-Louis, hiding behind a car in his driveway when a police car drove down his street," why doesn't anyone ask him about the numerous school-aged black children in Chicago & other major cites that are sadly caught in the crossfire of gangs and other shooters on an almost routine basis? You think those kids are- or should be- more scared of the cops than the thugs & lawbreakers in their own neighborhoods? Give me a damn break. Lebron is a race hustler straight out of the Al Sharpton Academy. His is one of the most divisive, harmful voices on race in America today, but unfortunately he gets a pass because of his skin color & basketball ability.

Oh, and if you haven't read Jason Whitlock's take on it, do yourself a favor right now:
He has gotten a pass from the refs since he entered the league, too. They made Jordan take his early lumps and earn his pass. Lebron carries the roundball like a football. He walks every time he gets the ball. That ain't basketball.

Just saying.
He can’t even enjoy a playoff victory last night. Dude is scared. In his words “We are scared as Black people in America,” James said. “Black men, Black women, Black kids. We are, we are terrified.”
Lebron & his ilk don't seem to give two shits about the thousands of blacks shot and/or killed by other blacks each year, only the extremely small handful of blacks shot and/or killed by police officers. Which is a damn shame and as others have said, an extremely bigoted, ignorant point of view for him to have. And yet, no one in the fawning media will ever call him out for it. When he talks about, "the video of a 10-year-old Black child, Elijah Pierre-Louis, hiding behind a car in his driveway when a police car drove down his street," why doesn't anyone ask him about the numerous school-aged black children in Chicago & other major cites that are sadly caught in the crossfire of gangs and other shooters on an almost routine basis? You think those kids are- or should be- more scared of the cops than the thugs & lawbreakers in their own neighborhoods? Give me a damn break. Lebron is a race hustler straight out of the Al Sharpton Academy. His is one of the most divisive, harmful voices on race in America today, but unfortunately he gets a pass because of his skin color & basketball ability.

Oh, and if you haven't read Jason Whitlock's take on it, do yourself a favor right now:

Jason Whitlock has been fire since he left his last gig. He is spot on with this criticism, and other writers should be calling these athletes out for their blatant hypocrisy.
Jason Whitlock has been fire since he left his last gig. He is spot on with this criticism, and other writers should be calling these athletes out for their blatant hypocrisy.

I agree i read it and basically he justs points out the truth! Which lebron couldn't handle if he tried.
I was watching Big Brother with my wife last night (she likes it) and they vote off contestants. This black lady said here morals wouldn't allow her to vote off another black contestant even though she didn't like him and thought he deserved to go home. That is verbatim what she said. I told my wife there is no amount of good will or appeasement that can remedy that line of thinking. Obviously not all people feel this way but there really is no common ground that can be found there.
This is what I've been saying for a few years now. There gets to a point where there is no reasoning, just like the top chain of BLM. There is absolutely no compromising with them. People went scorched earth on Terry Crews, but what he said was absolutely true. It seems many don't want equality, they want to scream black power/screw whitey and dare someone to say anything.

I told folks after Rayshard Brooks I don't care what the Falcons do any longer. Matt Ryan can give his entire paycheck to BLM, but he had some nerve talking about police brutality. Dude has an escort for he and his family whenever he wants it. The hilarious thing is the same that were saying "that's my qb" would dump Ryan so quick if Blank signed Kaepernick tomorrow.
Speaking of Stephen A., I had to cut my workout short this morning since the gym tv is permanently on ESPN. I would rather listen to Kenneth Copeland spit at the camera to denounce Covid before I listen to SAS or Kellerman.
Speaking of Stephen A., I had to cut my workout short this morning since the gym tv is permanently on ESPN. I would rather listen to Kenneth Copeland spit at the camera to denounce Covid before I listen to SAS or Kellerman.

I have to disagree with your comparison with Stephen A. Whitlock was never in Stephen A's territory. I will say that I have heard Stephen A. at least make cogent arguments (instead of scream) on his radio show where he is at least bearable.

I agree with everything you stated about Matt Ryan and the Falcons. I'm staunchly against BLM even if others want to denounce me as racist or whatever personal attack they all spew, because frankly, the organization doesn't help black lives at all. It supports beliefs that do nothing but cause more division and problems. BLM expressly proclaims to "disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure." No one seems to have a problem with this. However, single mothers having babies out of wedlock is the number 1 problem for POC in the United States - and leads to more crime, less education, etc.. BLM further gives two shats about "black on black crime" despite claiming it cares about "black lives." Finally, BLM wants equality of results and not equal opportunities - this is the definition of Marxist ideas. It is an organization that spreads division, and I'm done with the argument that systemic racism is causing all of society's problems.

I'm just glad that Whitlock, as a person of color, has the balls to speak the truth.
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This has to be repeated.
Look at the people who are getting shot. It’s not Joe who just got off from an 8 hour work day, going 10 mphs over the limit and gets shot. It’s Lil J with a rap sheet a mile long, doing something illegal AGAIN, resisting arrest, gets shot. At some point do we not have to give the benefit of the doubt to the law abiding, gainfully employed, officer who has taken an oath to protect the community over the guy who has his name permanently carved in a cell in unit six. Once again I will say we are pandering to the lowest common denominator which will bring everyone down and no one up.
I have to disagree with your comparison with Stephen A. Whitlock was never in Stephen A's territory. I will say that I have heard Stephen A. at least make cogent arguments (instead of scream) on his radio show where he is at least bearable.

I agree with everything you stated about Matt Ryan and the Falcons. I'm staunchly against BLM even if others want to denounce me as racist or whatever personal attack they all spew, because frankly, the organization doesn't help black lives at all. It supports beliefs that do nothing but cause more division and problems. BLM expressly proclaims to "disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure." No one seems to have a problem with this. However, single mothers have babies out of wedlock is the number 1 problem for POC in the United States - and leads to more crime, less education, etc.. BLM further gives two shats about "black on black crime" despite claiming it cares about "black lives." Finally, BLM wants equality of results and not equal opportunities - this is the definition of Marxist ideas. It is an organization that spreads division, and I'm done with the argument that systemic racism is causing all of society's problems.

I'm just glad that Whitlock, as a person of color, has the balls to speak the truth.
I heard Whitlock make some comments back in the day that made me shake my head. He was heavy on the college athlete is the new slave performing in front of his white masters. Kellerman and SAS honestly wouldn't be bad, just like any talking head, but the day of sticking to sports is gone, at least for most.

I 100% agree about BLM. My point was it is his money, he can give it all to them if he chooses so, even if it is absurd to do so. It's just absolutely amazing at this point people can take BLM serious at this point. Chicago and NYC are literally war zones in parts where children are gunned down and they (including LeMao) don't open their mouths. Dude with 17 priors wants to play chicken with the cops, gets shot and killed, and all hell breaks loose.
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I heard Whitlock make some comments back in the day that made me shake my head. He was heavy on the college athlete is the new slave performing in front of his white masters. Kellerman and SAS honestly wouldn't be bad, just like any talking head, but the day of sticking to sports is gone, at least for most.

I 100% agree about BLM. My point was it is his money, he can give it all to them if he chooses so, even if it is absurd to do so. It's just absolutely amazing at this point people can take BLM serious at this point. Chicago and NYC are literally war zones in parts where children are gunned down and they (including LeMao) don't open their mouths. Dude with 17 priors wants to play chicken with the cops, gets shot and killed, and all hell breaks loose.
I never heard the slave comments, and it would definitely change my opinion of him.

In sum, I hear you. I am done with the "boy who cried" wolf, social justice arguments. I'm over them just like I'm over Covid crap.
Kellerman is as bad as Whitlock is good. Can't stand the pompous ass.
Him calling NASCAR drivers and fans cockroaches during the whole Bubba Wallace ordeal was my last straw with him. He said he preferred the roaches to be behind the wall and not where you can see them.

He was fine way back when on Around The Horn and has always been a boxing guy.
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"Movements" or violence that can be be so easily motivated by anecdotal "evidence" aka very few examples on the whole, must be cast in the shining light as low to no information addicts of overly emotional, primal rage. NOT a good look on one's resume.
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Him calling NASCAR drivers and fans cockroaches during the whole Bubba Wallace ordeal was my last straw with him. He said he preferred the roaches to be behind the wall and not where you can see them.

He was fine way back when on Around The Horn and has always been a boxing guy.
Kellerman is horrid. In fact, most of if not all the personalities on ESPN are unwatchable. Espn also gave this person a voice on primetime and America has been being punished ever since:
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Kellerman is horrid. In fact, most of not all the personalities on ESPN are unwatchable. Espn also gave this person a voice on primetime and America has been being punished ever since:
No one watches her or ESPN anymore. Fox sports is a much better app and channel anyway. ESPN jumped the shark years ago.