If y’all can, offer up a little prayer for Lebron

I personally think he is putting his prejudices on full display and its sad. First of all, he doesn't know any of these people, but just because they have the same skin color he will act like they are brothers. He doesn't let the facts play out, and labels all whites as one in the same. I think he is very racist against white people
It really is comical. None of these players would be friends with any of these people they claim to be so torn up about dying. You know why? because they are rich and these other folks are not.
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Lebron & his ilk don't seem to give two shits about the thousands of blacks shot and/or killed by other blacks each year, only the extremely small handful of blacks shot and/or killed by police officers. Which is a damn shame and as others have said, an extremely bigoted, ignorant point of view for him to have. And yet, no one in the fawning media will ever call him out for it. When he talks about, "the video of a 10-year-old Black child, Elijah Pierre-Louis, hiding behind a car in his driveway when a police car drove down his street," why doesn't anyone ask him about the numerous school-aged black children in Chicago & other major cites that are sadly caught in the crossfire of gangs and other shooters on an almost routine basis? You think those kids are- or should be- more scared of the cops than the thugs & lawbreakers in their own neighborhoods? Give me a damn break. Lebron is a race hustler straight out of the Al Sharpton Academy. His is one of the most divisive, harmful voices on race in America today, but unfortunately he gets a pass because of his skin color & basketball ability.

Oh, and if you haven't read Jason Whitlock's take on it, do yourself a favor right now:

You are right, but I refuse to get into the gutter with him. I know too many people of all races and we're all trying to raise our families, pay off our homes, and hold on to our jobs to care what Labron says. That isolation chamber at Disney World has turned into an echo chamber.
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