I'm not going to say L.A school over reacted but


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 24, 2008
the superintendent sounded like a dam idiot and he wore a stupid looking hat at the press conference .

I know NYC got the same threat but they're more aware of this type of thing than LA . There been threats made here at our local school districts and they went through the school and had classes .

But the superintendent sounded stupid .
the superintendent sounded like a dam idiot and he wore a stupid looking hat at the press conference .

I know NYC got the same threat but they're more aware of this type of thing than LA . There been threats made here at our local school districts and they went through the school and had classes .

But the superintendent sounded stupid .

Well, he had been up all night and made a decision. If I were a parent I'd be grateful, especially with San Bernardino happening so soon ago. Didn't want to take a chance. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

At least law enforcement got good practice/training in. Kind of like the National Guard and drill weekends. Or "summer camp".
Your right free training for nothing and that helps .

People going too bitch regardless. However he needed take the hat off . This also illustrates a problem , law enforcement do not communicate worth a damn . 10 codes mean different things and many agencies have gone to plain text but I can go three miles down the road and they use 10 codes and go 40 miles and their 10 codes are different. 10 codes were not the problem here but people need to talk more .
Your right free training for nothing and that helps .

People going too bitch regardless. However he needed take the hat off . This also illustrates a problem , law enforcement do not communicate worth a damn . 10 codes mean different things and many agencies have gone to plain text but I can go three miles down the road and they use 10 codes and go 40 miles and their 10 codes are different. 10 codes were not the problem here but people need to talk more .

Ok. Whatever on codes. I get your point.
the superintendent sounded like a dam idiot and he wore a stupid looking hat at the press conference .

I know NYC got the same threat but they're more aware of this type of thing than LA . There been threats made here at our local school districts and they went through the school and had classes .

But the superintendent sounded stupid .

950 schools shut down and nearly 200 of them for American Children

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