
but I thought he said he would end illegal immigration? Based on that chart illegal immigration still happened under Trump. so I guess we shoul should expect illegal immigration to continue under Trump? that feels counter to agenda 47.

also, that chart shows illegal immigration trending down. Not sure how that helps Trump to hammer that point home, but give it a go.
but I thought he said he would end illegal immigration? Based on that chart illegal immigration still happened under Trump. so I guess we shoul should expect illegal immigration to continue under Trump? that feels counter to agenda 47.

also, that chart shows illegal immigration trending down. Not sure how that helps Trump to hammer that point home, but give it a go.
The lowest point under Kamala is higher than the highest point under Trump. How does that help Kamala?
but I thought he said he would end illegal immigration? Based on that chart illegal immigration still happened under Trump. so I guess we shoul should expect illegal immigration to continue under Trump? that feels counter to agenda 47.

also, that chart shows illegal immigration trending down. Not sure how that helps Trump to hammer that point home, but give it a go.
Your side sued to stop him. Explain that, Poindexter.
The lowest point under Kamala is higher than the highest point under Trump. How does that help Kamala?
How does hammering home a point that illegal immigration is trending down to levels seen under

Your side sued to stop him. Explain that, Poindexter.
You're helping make my point. Trump can't END illegal immigration like his platform says. But if illegal immigration is trending down like the chart illustrates, what point is trump going to "hammer home"? Please advise.
How does hammering home a point that illegal immigration is trending down to levels seen under

You're helping make my point. Trump can't END illegal immigration like his platform says. But if illegal immigration is trending down like the chart illustrates, what point is trump going to "hammer home"? Please advise.
You do know it’s an election year and you will also post the economy is getting better but we ALL know it’s not. Have a good day
You do know it’s an election year and you will also post the economy is getting better but we ALL know it’s not. Have a good day
I'm trying to reconcile the advice above that trump should hammer home a point that something is improving under his opponents admin....

Doesn't sound like a sound strategy but give it a go...
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Do you see that part? Literally everything after that is a disaster.
Did you see where illegal immigration happened every year under trump, yet he is running on ENDING illegal immigration just by reinstituting those past policies? Hammer that point home... please

Also...maybe it's best he check the sources of his photos in his ads and NOT use images where immigrants crossed UNDER HIS ADMINISTRATION....that's the first advice I would give....

Did you see where illegal immigration happened every year under trump, yet he is running on ENDING illegal immigration just by reinstituting those past policies? Hammer that point home... please

Also...maybe it's best he check the sources of his photos in his ads and NOT use images where immigrants crossed UNDER HIS ADMINISTRATION....that's the first advice I would give....

You are dishonest with your arguments, but Ill play along. He had to get the tarriffs in place and then the Remain In Mexico policy in place- then do you see in 2020 where the LARGE RED ARROW pointing up is?

Then he lost the election and Biden opened the border. You can spin this 6 ways from Sunday but the border is a LOSER for the Dems.

Also, who cares about pictures, nobody cares. For every picture there are other pics and videos of thousands crossing the border illegally.
If Trump is smart, and I think he's surrounded himself with a far better staff, he'll hammer this every single day.

This chart shows apprehensions. Of course apprehensions went down during COVID. The entire world was immobilized...also seems like the Biden admin is apprehending quite a lot of illegal immigrants.

Don't get me wrong, the number of immigrants are up under Biden, but be honest and concede that deportations are up as well. In fact, they have almost tripled.
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You are dishonest with your arguments, but Ill play along. He had to get the tarriffs in place and then the Remain In Mexico policy in place- then do you see in 2020 where the LARGE RED ARROW pointing up is?

Then he lost the election and Biden opened the border. You can spin this 6 ways from Sunday but the border is a LOSER for the Dems.

Also, who cares about pictures, nobody cares. For every picture there are other pics and videos of thousands crossing the border illegally.

How did Biden "open the border"? He has deported 5x the number as Trump.
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How does hammering home a point that illegal immigration is trending down to levels seen under

You're helping make my point. Trump can't END illegal immigration like his platform says. But if illegal immigration is trending down like the chart illustrates, what point is trump going to "hammer home"? Please advise.
It’s trending down because there is an election coming up. Immigration is a losing argument for your side so you might as well move on to other issues. Maybe on some of those you will be able to control your narrative better.
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How did Biden "open the border"? He has deported 5x the number as Trump.
Thank you for proving my point.

How do you deport 5 times more than Trump, unless , wait a minute - you have 5 times more people coming in?

"The 2.5 million encounters of migrants occurring at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year (FY) 2023 represent a new historic high, topping the prior year's record, as has been widely noted since the recent release of year-end government statistics.Oct 22, 2023" - from

Thank you for proving my point.

How do you deport 5 times more than Trump, unless , wait a minute - you have 5 times more people coming in?

"The 2.5 million encounters of migrants occurring at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year (FY) 2023 represent a new historic high, topping the prior year's record, as has been widely noted since the recent release of year-end government statistics.Oct 22, 2023" - from

How do you deport 5 times more than Trump, unless , wait a minute - you have 5 times more people coming in?

And then sending them right back out.

Look, I'm no Biden apologist, but you have to debate issues in good faith. Debate substance. Discuss policy and ramifications.
"Biden opened the border" is a dishonest misrepresantion of what is happening.

Disagree. Debate. Have some intellectual honesty.
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How do you deport 5 times more than Trump, unless , wait a minute - you have 5 times more people coming in?

And then sending them right back out.

Look, I'm no Biden apologist, but you have to debate issues in good faith. Debate substance. Discuss policy and ramifications.
"Biden opened the border" is a dishonest misrepresantion of what is happening.

Disagree. Debate. Have some intellectual honesty.
So do you honestly think that everyone coming to the border is turned back? There were 250,000 in Dec 23 alone. You are absolutely apologizing for Biden, and youre not being honest at all.

Both charts tell the story and yet you seem to have trouble with it, the border is wide open. Even more alarming is the gotaways that we have no idea how many they are.

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but I thought he said he would end illegal immigration? Based on that chart illegal immigration still happened under Trump. so I guess we shoul should expect illegal immigration to continue under Trump? that feels counter to agenda 47.

also, that chart shows illegal immigration trending down. Not sure how that helps Trump to hammer that point home, but give it a go.
The House fought him tooth and nail. He got his way and look what happened. He had it to the lowest point in any recent time.

The walk was going up and we were playing hardball.

With Biden, it immediately skyrocketed.

How in the world could this happen!
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So do you honestly think that everyone coming to the border is turned back? There were 250,000 in Dec 23 alone.

But you are only telling half the story.

What makes up this 250,000 number?
Of the 250,000 how many were deported?
Of those that were not, why?

You don't know. You are argueing a point from ignornace. Now, go google and find out. I'll be waiting. Don't worry, we will act like you knew all along.
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The House fought him tooth and nail. He got his way and look what happened. He had it to the lowest point in any recent time.

The walk was going up and we were playing hardball.

With Biden, it immediately skyrocketed.

How in the world could this happen!
PW- dont pay any attention to the charts, graphs and videos all showing the border is wide open! Dont believe your lying eyes. Joe Biden is great and should be on Mt Rushmore.
Fact - Joe Biden has sent 4.4 million illegal immigants back across the border.

But, he has "opened the border".

You guys are sheep.
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But you are only telling half the story.

What makes up this 250,000 number?
Of the 250,000 how many were deported?
Of those that were not, why?

You don't know. You are argueing a point from ignornace. Now, go google and find out. I'll be waiting. Don't worry, we will act like you knew all along.
Which half am I telling ?

According to the Washington Post, 142,000 were deported for the entire year in 2023. Thats 11, 800 a month.

So if 2.5 million came in and 142, 000 were deported, that means 2.3 million came in.

Fact - Joe Biden has sent 4.4 million illegal immigants back across the border.

But, he has "opened the border".

You guys are sheep.
Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors immigration enforcement, said the increase in deportations remains a tiny share of those arriving at the southern border.
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The 18,000 family units deported last year is far fewer than the 621,000 parents and children taken into custody at the border during the same period. Most were released to await a court date, she said.

ICE’s workload has swelled under Biden. The number of migrants on the deportation docket has risen from 2.6 million in fiscal 2018 to about 6.2 million last fiscal year. The agency has approximately 6,000 immigration officers.
How do you deport 5 times more than Trump, unless , wait a minute - you have 5 times more people coming in?

And then sending them right back out.

Look, I'm no Biden apologist, but you have to debate issues in good faith. Debate substance. Discuss policy and ramifications.
"Biden opened the border" is a dishonest misrepresantion of what is happening.

Disagree. Debate. Have some intellectual honesty.
I think I will go with the people at the border doing border patrol. The ones who said it would be a cold day in hell before they endorsed Biden taking a shit. Seemed pretty clear to me that his border policies sucked. 8 million people came across illegally. More than the population of 36 states.

You want to debate this. Let’s go. Debate this hypocritical bs. Biden called sanctuary cities dumps in a debate in 2008. Obama built cages and deported way more than Trump. Known as the deporter in chief when he left. He saw the problem. So did trump. He tried to permanently fix it.

Biden did away with all of that. You know what he decided to do after all his plans failed. Restart the building of the trump wall. If that is not admitting you f’ed up. I am out.

Your numbers are literally so far off , no wonder youre so wrong on this. ICE reported 142k for the entire year.

Per the WaPo_
Or...maybe you are argueing from ignorance again.

Is ICE the only agency that deports?
Are there different types of deportations? Like say from the interior vs the border?
Are there different terms?Like deportations vs repatriation?

Would different groups play with these terms to skew data in their favor? Would the sheeple mindlessly share it on social media?

Fact - the Biden admin has sent 4.4 million people back across the border. The most of any Presidential term since W's second.
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Or...maybe you are argueing from ignorance again.

Is ICE the only agency that deports?
Are there different types of deportations? Like say from the interior vs the border?
Are there different terms?Like deportations vs repatriation?

Would different groups play with these terms to skew data in their favor? Would the sheeple mindlessly share it on social media?

Fact - the Biden admin has sent 4.4 million people back across the border. The most of any Presidential term since W's second.

This pretty much blows this entire thread out of the water for you. Even the post says Biden deported more. But that is because he didn’t stop anyone from coming in. Also the amount he let in from other countries besides Mexico is mind blowing. Left leaning rag posted this.
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Definetly seems like a problem. If only we could get a Republican leader to sponsor an immigration bill that would pass both houses of Congress and that Biden would sign.
did you read that bill? If you did and still think it is a good idea. Shame on you. And if you ever become a pub again, this line of thinking is what got us into the crap we reside in currently. It spawned trump. You hate him right. Then like other pubs, grow a backbone and he will go away. The pubs who backed this bill should be ashamed of themselves. It would have been a dem win. Instead Biden had to rebuild the wall, and admit he was wrong by instituting things he already had in the books. In was in his hands the whole time. And he proved it.

It screwed Biden so bad the Dems forced him out. They didn’t care about his health. If he was winning in the polls, he would still be the nominee
Or...maybe you are argueing from ignorance again.

Is ICE the only agency that deports?
Are there different types of deportations? Like say from the interior vs the border?
Are there different terms?Like deportations vs repatriation?

Would different groups play with these terms to skew data in their favor? Would the sheeple mindlessly share it on social media?

Fact - the Biden admin has sent 4.4 million people back across the border. The most of any Presidential term since W's second.
Please post your source for the 4.4 million deportations.

Oh, so now youre saying the data is wrong? Is the Washington Post in favor of Republicans?
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This pretty much blows this entire thread out of the water for you. Even the post says Biden deported more. But that is because he didn’t stop anyone from coming in. Also the amount he let in from other countries besides Mexico is mind blowing. Left leaning rag posted this.
It doesnt blow anything out of the water for me... I'm not a Biden apologist...merely an advocate for the truth.

Lets try this...

We have a problem at the illegal immigration crisis. FACT.
Biden has some misguided policies. FACT.
Biden has opened the border and is letting everyone cross unfettered. FALSE.
Biden has shifted immigation policy to deal with the border and not round up and deport people living in the interior. FACT.
Some agree, some disagree with this shift. FACT.
Every recent President in recent history has had to deal with this crisis and the subsequent moral dilemmas. FACT.
Biden is a part of nefarious conspiracy to allow immigrants to flow across the border and destroy American democracy as we know it. FASLE
A decent border control bill was proposed by Republicans and would have been signed by Biden but tanked due to Trump's influence and political expediency. FACT.
Biden sent back 4.4 million illegal immigrants. FACT.
Trump is a fool. FACT
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Please post your source for the 4.4 million deportations.

Oh, so now youre saying the data is wrong? Is the Washington Post in favor of Republicans?
Read the wapo article. He deported a boatload, but the article clearly states he let way, way more in. So he had to deport more.
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It doesnt blow anything out of the water for me... I'm not a Biden apologist...merely an advocate for the truth.

Lets try this...

We have a problem at the illegal immigration crisis. FACT.
Biden has some misguided policies. FACT.
Biden has opened the border and is letting everyone cross unfettered. FALSE.
Biden has shifted immigation policy to deal with the border and not round up and deport people living in the interior. FACT.
Some agree, some disagree with this shift. FACT.
Every recent President in recent history has had to deal with this crisis and the subsequent moral dilemmas. FACT.
Biden is a part of nefarious conspiracy to allow immigrants to flow across the border and destroy American democracy as we know it. FASLE
A decent border control bill was proposed by Republicans and would have been signed by Biden but tanked due to Trump's influence and political expediency. FACT.
Biden sent back 4.4 million illegal immigrants. FACT.
Trump is a fool. FACT
Holy smokes. Deal in truth. Some agree some disagree with his border policy. That isn’t a truth or Biden is still the candidate. Most disagreed. You can’t say you deal in truth then do the opposite.

Biden is also a fool fact. Influence peddler. Fact. And Kamala is even worse. Fact. So that cancels out. Both Biden and Kamala’s policies are beyond foolish. Fact.

Biden changed everything trump did with executive orders. Not one person at the dnc could find a positive to say about what this accomplished year one. Not one person. Fact.

He let them in after saying sanctuary cities were dumps. Why the change? A way to keep himself in office. Fact.

The Biden brain was f’ed for four years. TDS ran rampant and made 50 percent of the population pretend like small children or become blind. Fact.

His border policy has led to an increase of rapes and murders of young women by illegals. Fact.

Last edited:
did you read that bill? If you did and still think it is a good idea. Shame on you. And if you ever become a pub again, this line of thinking is what got us into the crap we reside in currently. It spawned trump. You hate him right. Then like other pubs, grow a backbone and he will go away. The pubs who backed this bill should be ashamed of themselves. It would have been a dem win. Instead Biden had to rebuild the wall, and admit he was wrong by instituting things he already had in the books. In was in his hands the whole time. And he proved it.

It screwed Biden so bad the Dems forced him out. They didn’t care about his health. If he was winning in the polls, he would still be the nominee
So the mindless Trump cult that has consistenlty told me to compromise my principles and not let a rigid adherence to ideals prevent the best solution we have for the now telling me that its better to not address the border and let this national security crisis continue than to pass a decent middle of the road bill.

So answer this... Should compromise be off the table?
Or, is the border really not the immediate and existential national security threat presented?

Just curious.

Our government does exist within a system of checks and balances. And a representative system does require compromise. Its a feature, not a bug.
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So the mindless Trump cult that has consistenlty told me to compromise my principles and not let a rigid adherence to ideals prevent the best solution we have for the now telling me that its better to not address the border and let this national security crisis continue than to pass a decent middle of the road bill.

So answer this... Should compromise be off the table?
Or, is the border really not the immediate and existential national security threat presented?

Just curious.

Our government does exist within a system of checks and balances. And a representative system does require compromise. Its a feature, not a bug.
To tone this down a little. Compromise is always a good thing. For sure. But not when you are the one constantly taking it on the chin. This is what spawned Trump. More than anything else. People didn’t feel like they had a voice. The one they had wouldn’t say or do what their constituents wanted. Because they didn’t want to upset the status quo.

That bill cost Biden his job. If passed. Who knows. It may have kept his job. It brought attention to the border. The media had to cover it. It became a national story. Biden could have fixed this at any time. But he wanted us to bend the knee and include money for the Ukraine in the bill. It was the only reason why it was even up for a vote. Politicians suck. I don’t like Trump at all. But he won’t bend the knee.

It is going to be bad no matter what for me. The three candidates.

One has issues speaking due to a disability.

One I can’t stand to hear talk. His voice grades my nerves.

The other is too dumb to take questions that require unrehearsed answers. And she cackles like a moron.

I think you can identify who is who. It will suck regardless of who wins. But one has better policy. That is it.
Fellas, he just needs to be ignored. If he believes the things he typed here he is so out of touch with truth, reality, and fact he is a lost cause. He is the kind of guy that would brag about his wife only bedding 100 guys a month instead of the 101 she used to bed. SMH.
If Trump is smart, and I think he's surrounded himself with a far better staff, he'll hammer this every single day.

Funny how the media is trying so hard no put this topic to bed the last few weeks…MINIMUM 10 MILLION HAVE ENTERED THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY (and all the shi+ that comes with it) since the DEI Queen border czar Kamala and Biden implemented all the Executive privileges Day 1 of this disastrous administration
This chart shows apprehensions. Of course apprehensions went down during COVID. The entire world was immobilized...also seems like the Biden admin is apprehending quite a lot of illegal immigrants.

Don't get me wrong, the number of immigrants are up under Biden, but be honest and concede that deportations are up as well. In fact, they have almost tripled.
As others have pointed out the left did everything in their power to prevent Trump from succeeding at closing the border. Sued his actions, refused to give him any money for a wall... Then on day one, Biden canceled ever EO and reversed the policies that were working. Shut down construction on the wall, canceled remain in Mexico and put out the welcome mat.

Again, it is an election year so they are doing everything they should have been doing since he they were elected. We are even flying in hundreds of thousands of migrants to make the border appear less urgent. What will she do after the election? If you think they will keep this strategy going you are mistaken. They want the crisis they have made.