
Fellas, he just needs to be ignored. If he believes the things he typed here he is so out of touch with truth, reality, and fact he is a lost cause. He is the kind of guy that would brag about his wife only bedding 100 guys a month instead of the 101 she used to bed. SMH.
But isn't this pretty much every argument we have here on the Chat? :/
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It doesnt blow anything out of the water for me... I'm not a Biden apologist...merely an advocate for the truth.

Lets try this...

We have a problem at the illegal immigration crisis. FACT.
Biden has some misguided policies. FACT.
Biden has opened the border and is letting everyone cross unfettered. FALSE.
Biden has shifted immigation policy to deal with the border and not round up and deport people living in the interior. FACT.
Some agree, some disagree with this shift. FACT.
Every recent President in recent history has had to deal with this crisis and the subsequent moral dilemmas. FACT.
Biden is a part of nefarious conspiracy to allow immigrants to flow across the border and destroy American democracy as we know it. FASLE
A decent border control bill was proposed by Republicans and would have been signed by Biden but tanked due to Trump's influence and political expediency. FACT.
Biden sent back 4.4 million illegal immigrants. FACT.
Trump is a fool. FACT
Exactly what about the border bill do you feel made it a good bill? Why is our current administration able to reduce border crossings all of a sudden without this bill?
Holy smokes. Deal in truth. Some agree some disagree with his border policy. That isn’t a truth or Biden is still the candidate. Most disagreed. You can’t say you deal in truth then do the opposite.

Biden is also a fool fact. Influence peddler. Fact. And Kamala is even worse. Fact. So that cancels out. Both Biden and Kamala’s policies are beyond foolish. Fact.

Biden changed everything trump did with executive orders. Not one person at the dnc could find a positive to say about what this accomplished year one. Not one person. Fact.

He let them in after saying sanctuary cities were dumps. Why the change? A way to keep himself in office. Fact.

The Biden brain was f’ed for four years. TDS ran rampant and made 50 percent of the population pretend like small children or become blind. Fact.

His border policy has led to an increase of rapes and murders of young women by illegals. Fact.

You forgot the increase in child rape and sex trafficking. Fentanyl massive surge leading to the death of over 100,000 Americans.
So the mindless Trump cult that has consistenlty told me to compromise my principles and not let a rigid adherence to ideals prevent the best solution we have for the now telling me that its better to not address the border and let this national security crisis continue than to pass a decent middle of the road bill.

So answer this... Should compromise be off the table?
Or, is the border really not the immediate and existential national security threat presented?

Just curious.

Our government does exist within a system of checks and balances. And a representative system does require compromise. Its a feature, not a bug.
This best solution was to allow 2 million illegals in per year? Once Trump took office the deal would prevent him from getting done what needs to be done (close the border). It was getting close to election season anyway so we knew the Dems would have to do something to slow things down. So yeah, for one year allow the Dems to have their way and we will deal with the problem in January.
This best solution was to allow 2 million illegals in per year? Once Trump took office the deal would prevent him from getting done what needs to be done (close the border). It was getting close to election season anyway so we knew the Dems would have to do something to slow things down. So yeah, for one year allow the Dems to have their way and we will deal with the problem in January.
This best solution was to allow 2 million illegals in per year? Once Trump took office the deal would prevent him from getting done what needs to be done (close the border). It was getting close to election season anyway so we knew the Dems would have to do something to slow things down. So yeah, for one year allow the Dems to have their way and we will deal with the problem in January.
Also they want to keep letting 5000 a month in.
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How do you deport 5 times more than Trump, unless , wait a minute - you have 5 times more people coming in?

And then sending them right back out.

Look, I'm no Biden apologist, but you have to debate issues in good faith. Debate substance. Discuss policy and ramifications.
"Biden opened the border" is a dishonest misrepresantion of what is happening.

Disagree. Debate. Have some intellectual honesty.
What rationale do you use the back that statement?
Never mind I saw your next post. There is none at least honestly factual.
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Definetly seems like a problem. If only we could get a Republican leader to sponsor an immigration bill that would pass both houses of Congress and that Biden would sign.
Don't need it. Already got this. Maybe the better conversation would be about the current administration's disregard for the law.

Title 8 US Code Subsection 1182
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.
but I thought he said he would end illegal immigration? Based on that chart illegal immigration still happened under Trump. so I guess we shoul should expect illegal immigration to continue under Trump? that feels counter to agenda 47.

also, that chart shows illegal immigration trending down. Not sure how that helps Trump to hammer that point home, but give it a go.
Do you know how to calculate a trend line? Please tell us how you get a downward trend from the data since Biden took office. Please show your work.
If Trump is smart, and I think he's surrounded himself with a far better staff, he'll hammer this every single day.

Single biggest issue, by far, for non affiliated voters in this election. The economy is number 2 and foreign policy is number 3, Kamala has a lot of ground to cover with undecided voters.
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