In 2013, the RNC did an "autopsy" report on


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Gold Member
Jan 5, 2006
how the Republicans lost in 2012 the most winnable election in decades. One of the recommendations from that report was "Washington DC should not try to dictate candidate choices. Voters should be the ultimate decision makers on who the nominees are." Mitt should read the report on how he blew the 2012 election. Mitt has a right to his opinion but he gave the Dems a big campaign donation today which wasn't necessary.
how the Republicans lost in 2012 the most winnable election in decades. One of the recommendations from that report was "Washington DC should not try to dictate candidate choices. Voters should be the ultimate decision makers on who the nominees are." Mitt should read the report on how he blew the 2012 election. Mitt has a right to his opinion but he gave the Dems a big campaign donation today which wasn't necessary.

Like father, like son...he probably just got "brainwashed".
how the Republicans lost in 2012 the most winnable election in decades. One of the recommendations from that report was "Washington DC should not try to dictate candidate choices. Voters should be the ultimate decision makers on who the nominees are." Mitt should read the report on how he blew the 2012 election. Mitt has a right to his opinion but he gave the Dems a big campaign donation today which wasn't necessary.

it is supposed to be an election not a selection !
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how the Republicans lost in 2012 the most winnable election in decades. One of the recommendations from that report was "Washington DC should not try to dictate candidate choices. Voters should be the ultimate decision makers on who the nominees are." Mitt should read the report on how he blew the 2012 election. Mitt has a right to his opinion but he gave the Dems a big campaign donation today which wasn't necessary.

FYI... it also said that the GOP would have to become more open to Hispanic voters.

Here are some quotes from the report:

"America is changing demographically, and unless Republicans are able to grow our appeal the way GOP governors have done, the changes tilt the playing field even more in the Democratic direction."

"If we want ethnic minority voters to support Republicans, we have to engage them and show our sincerity."

"If Hispanic Americans perceive that a GOP nominee or candidate does not want them in the United States (i.e. self-deportation), they will not pay attention to our next sentence. It does not matter what we say about education, jobs or the economy; if Hispanics think we do not want them here, they will close their ears to our policies. In the last election, Governor Romney received just 27 percent of the Hispanic vote. Other minority communities, including Asian and Pacific Islander Americans, also view the Party as unwelcoming. President Bush got 44 percent of the Asian vote in 2004; our presidential nominee received only 26 percent in 2012."

"As one conservative, Tea-Party leader, Dick Armey, told us, “You can’t call someone ugly and expect them to go to the prom with you. We’ve chased the Hispanic voter out of his natural home.”"

"We are not a policy committee, but among the steps Republicans take in the Hispanic community and beyond, we must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform. If we do not, our Party’s appeal will continue to shrink to its core constituencies only. We also believe that comprehensive immigration reform is consistent with Republican economic policies that promote job growth and opportunity for all."

And the GOP's answer to those problems is......

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how the Republicans lost in 2012 the most winnable election in decades. One of the recommendations from that report was "Washington DC should not try to dictate candidate choices. Voters should be the ultimate decision makers on who the nominees are." Mitt should read the report on how he blew the 2012 election. Mitt has a right to his opinion but he gave the Dems a big campaign donation today which wasn't necessary.

Here's something else that autopsy report said: "...among the steps Republicans take in the Hispanic community and beyond, must be to embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform ... If we do not, our Party's appeal will continue to shrink to its core constituencies only."

Here's something else that autopsy report said: "...among the steps Republicans take in the Hispanic community and beyond, must be to embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform ... If we do not, our Party's appeal will continue to shrink to its core constituencies only."

It is easy to say the problems are solved with "comprehensive" immigration reform which is another way to say amnesty for illegals. However the only thing the dems really want is citizenship to turn the illegals into voters and then put many on welfare. After they get the voters, no one believes they would ever secure the border. Obama has proved that. Forget the border, he won't even enforce existing immigration laws.
It is easy to say the problems are solved with "comprehensive" immigration reform which is another way to say amnesty for illegals. However the only thing the dems really want is citizenship to turn the illegals into voters and then put many on welfare. After they get the voters, no one believes they would ever secure the border. Obama has proved that. Forget the border, he won't even enforce existing immigration laws.

What "dems" want doesn't really come into it. The RNC concluded in 2012 that the Republican party would need to embrace immigration reform, and more generally to reach out to minority voters, soften its position on gays, etc, or else it would "shrink to its core constituencies" (i.e., angry old white men with stubby little fingers). And yet, 4 years later, the GOP is on the verge of nominating an angry old white man with stubby little fingers who wants to forcibly deport 11 million people, build a wall across the entire southern border (and somehow force Mexico to pay for it), and deny entry to the US to every muslim on earth. It's just funny as hell, that's all.
What "dems" want doesn't really come into it. The RNC concluded in 2012 that the Republican party would need to embrace immigration reform, and more generally to reach out to minority voters, soften its position on gays, etc, or else it would "shrink to its core constituencies" (i.e., angry old white men with stubby little fingers). And yet, 4 years later, the GOP is on the verge of nominating an angry old white man with stubby little fingers who wants to forcibly deport 11 million people, build a wall across the entire southern border (and somehow force Mexico to pay for it), and deny entry to the US to every muslim on earth. It's just funny as hell, that's all.

i assume you are referencing trump , he is not the only one who wants the wall and who wants illegals to self deport . as for the mooslims , he said to put a hold on their entry until we could establish a competent system to " know who they really are " . just heard a young hispanic on the news stating that hispanics that are eligible to vote ARE concerned about the " swiss cheese border " .
What "dems" want doesn't really come into it. The RNC concluded in 2012 that the Republican party would need to embrace immigration reform, and more generally to reach out to minority voters, soften its position on gays, etc, or else it would "shrink to its core constituencies" (i.e., angry old white men with stubby little fingers). And yet, 4 years later, the GOP is on the verge of nominating an angry old white man with stubby little fingers who wants to forcibly deport 11 million people, build a wall across the entire southern border (and somehow force Mexico to pay for it), and deny entry to the US to every muslim on earth. It's just funny as hell, that's all.

What dems want does come into it though. It is really easy to be a liberal. Some people have to resist their incompetent spending impulses.. Campaign for giving people free college, free preschool childcare for 5 yr olds, free preschool for 4 year olds, free healthcare for all, & expand all welfare benefits to include illegal immigrants. Allow anyone to come in the country and go on welfare. Ignore the crime and drugs coming in as well. Demagogue the issue by calling conservatives bigots. Tax angry old white men to pay for it since they have benefited from white privilege. No concern that there aren't enough jobs for the people already here and run up $20T in debt like money grows on trees. Yep that is the ticket. To borrow from Trump, that will make America great again. Riiiiight!
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i assume you are referencing trump , he is not the only one who wants the wall and who wants illegals to self deport . as for the mooslims , he said to put a hold on their entry until we could establish a competent system to " know who they really are " . just heard a young hispanic on the news stating that hispanics that are eligible to vote ARE concerned about the " swiss cheese border " .

And 10% of blacks vote for the GOP. But counting on views held by a very small percentage of a demographic isn't a way to build up votes.

Bush got 44% of Hispanic voters in 2004.
Romney got 27% in 2012.

Trump will probably push that number pretty close to the 10% the GOP gets from black voters.

This issue simply doesn't help you with the Hispanic demographic.
And 10% of blacks vote for the GOP. But counting on views held by a very small percentage of a demographic isn't a way to build up votes.

Bush got 44% of Hispanic voters in 2004.
Romney got 27% in 2012.

Trump will probably push that number pretty close to the 10% the GOP gets from black voters.

This issue simply doesn't help you with the Hispanic demographic.

he received 46% of the hispanics in Nevada , we are not going to count that ?
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And 10% of blacks vote for the GOP. But counting on views held by a very small percentage of a demographic isn't a way to build up votes.

Bush got 44% of Hispanic voters in 2004.
Romney got 27% in 2012.

Trump will probably push that number pretty close to the 10% the GOP gets from black voters.

This issue simply doesn't help you with the Hispanic demographic.

Dems pander to Hispanics and demagogue. Repubs would like to do what is best for all Americans. Borders need to be secure. Dems don't want to solve immigration. It is a great election issue for them. Dems would not agree to comprehensive immigration reform if illegals who are given legal status can't vote for 25 years or discontinue birthright citizenship which automatically gives them access to welfare. It is all about votes for dems who could care less about the welfare of illegal immigrants.
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he received 46% of the hispanics in Nevada , we are not doing to count that ?

He recieved 46% of hispanic REPUBLICANS in Nevada who took time to caucus.

76% of Nevada Latino's voted for Obama in 2012.
Of the remaining 24%... we're only talking about registered republicans who actually caucused.
That came out to 6000 total latino voters in the GOP primary in Nevada... some 2% of the state's Latino population.
100 latino voters were polled to get the results.

I really don't mind if you want to use that to think that Trump is going to do well with Latinos. You're deluding yourself... but have at it.
Dems pander to Hispanics and demagogue. Repubs would like to do what is best for all Americans. Borders need to be secure. Dems don't want to solve immigration. It is a great election issue for them. Dems would not agree to comprehensive immigration reform if illegals who are given legal status can't vote for 25 years or discontinue birthright citizenship which automatically gives them access to welfare. It is all about votes for dems who could care less about the welfare of illegal immigrants.

Listening to what a group wants isn't pandering.

It's called "representing" that group.

Hispanics, blacks, Asians, non-Christians, gays and many other groups don't view the GOP as representing their views. Instead of listening to those voters and incorporating their viewpoints into the GOP platform... the GOP says "Here's the platform... comply or get lost."

Are you really surprised they vote democrat considering that?

And you toss around discontinuing birthright citizenship as if it were nothing. That would require a constitutional amendment. It would oddly (if it were applied retroactively) affect the citizenship status of those were only descended from people here at the time the nation was formed... because they never went through naturalization. Probably not many people who are ONLY descended from non-naturalized citizens... but I'm sure a few exist.
Listening to what a group wants isn't pandering.

It's called "representing" that group.

Hispanics, blacks, Asians, non-Christians, gays and many other groups don't view the GOP as representing their views. Instead of listening to those voters and incorporating their viewpoints into the GOP platform... the GOP says "Here's the platform... comply or get lost."

Are you really surprised they vote democrat considering that?

And you toss around discontinuing birthright citizenship as if it were nothing. That would require a constitutional amendment. It would oddly (if it were applied retroactively) affect the citizenship status of those were only descended from people here at the time the nation was formed... because they never went through naturalization. Probably not many people who are ONLY descended from non-naturalized citizens... but I'm sure a few exist.
Listening to what a group wants isn't pandering.

It's called "representing" that group.

Hispanics, blacks, Asians, non-Christians, gays and many other groups don't view the GOP as representing their views. Instead of listening to those voters and incorporating their viewpoints into the GOP platform... the GOP says "Here's the platform... comply or get lost."

Are you really surprised they vote democrat considering that?

And you toss around discontinuing birthright citizenship as if it were nothing. That would require a constitutional amendment. It would oddly (if it were applied retroactively) affect the citizenship status of those were only descended from people here at the time the nation was formed... because they never went through naturalization. Probably not many people who are ONLY descended from non-naturalized citizens... but I'm sure a few exist.

I am not sure what your definition of pandering? Dems are 1. Afraid to say all lives matter and support BLM even those they incite riots & violence against cops, 2. They spend hours talking about racial blind spots even when it is obvious that a white affluent person will not have the same experiences as someone in the ghetto., 3. Dems have led the way increasing food stamps and welfare over the years to where many blacks are dependent on dems & of course this dependency helps dems at the voting booth. 4. Having a permanent welcome sign for anyone that comes in the country and at the same time selling out the citizens of this country.. 5. Dems constantly race bait everyone on race even those in their own party. 6. Dems promote reverse discrimination thru a quota system for colleges as well as corporations as well.

In spite of that, Dems have done nothing to help minorities. Black youth UE is 51%, % of black poverty higher under Obama and black on black crime is ever present in large

As for birthright citizenship, the issue has never been ruled on by the supremes and congress could pass a law denying it which would then have to be ruled on by the courts.

As for elections I find it interesting that the white vote for Obama was less than 50% in the northeast, Iowa, Minnesota, Washington and Oregon. If whites voted 60% in those states for repubs, then repubs would win many of them regardless of the black and Hispanic votes. I don’t claim and never will understand the white liberal mind.
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I am not sure what your definition of pandering? Dems are 1. Afraid to say all lives matter and support BLM even those they incite riots & violence against cops, 2. They spend hours talking about racial blind spots even when it is obvious that a white affluent person will not have the same experiences as someone in the ghetto., 3. Dems have led the way increasing food stamps and welfare over the years to where many blacks are dependent on dems & of course this dependency helps dems at the voting booth. 4. Having a permanent welcome sign for anyone that comes in the country and at the same time selling out the citizens of this country.. 5. Dems constantly race bait everyone on race even those in their own party. 6. Dems promote reverse discrimination thru a quota system for colleges as well as corporations as well.

In spite of that, Dems have done nothing to help minorities. Black youth UE is 51%, % of black poverty higher under Obama and black on black crime is ever present in large

As for birthright citizenship, the issue has never been ruled on by the supremes and congress could pass a law denying it which would then have to be ruled on by the courts.

As for elections I find it interesting that the white vote for Obama was less than 50% in the northeast, Iowa, Minnesota, Washington and Oregon. If whites voted 60% in those states for repubs, then repubs would win many of them regardless of the black and Hispanic votes. I don’t claim and never will understand the white liberal mind.
I meant to say that the white vote for republicans was less than 50% in the above states.
I am not sure what your definition of pandering? Dems are 1. Afraid to say all lives matter and support BLM even those they incite riots & violence against cops, 2. They spend hours talking about racial blind spots even when it is obvious that a white affluent person will not have the same experiences as someone in the ghetto., 3. Dems have led the way increasing food stamps and welfare over the years to where many blacks are dependent on dems & of course this dependency helps dems at the voting booth. 4. Having a permanent welcome sign for anyone that comes in the country and at the same time selling out the citizens of this country.. 5. Dems constantly race bait everyone on race even those in their own party. 6. Dems promote reverse discrimination thru a quota system for colleges as well as corporations as well.

In spite of that, Dems have done nothing to help minorities. Black youth UE is 51%, % of black poverty higher under Obama and black on black crime is ever present in large

As for birthright citizenship, the issue has never been ruled on by the supremes and congress could pass a law denying it which would then have to be ruled on by the courts.

As for elections I find it interesting that the white vote for Obama was less than 50% in the northeast, Iowa, Minnesota, Washington and Oregon. If whites voted 60% in those states for repubs, then repubs would win many of them regardless of the black and Hispanic votes. I don’t claim and never will understand the white liberal mind.

Democrats support black lives matter because people act as if they don't matter. The point of black lives matter isn't to say they matter more than other lives... it's that it needs to be pointed out that they matter AS MUCH as other lives. We don't need to say white lives matter because society already understands that. White kids with toy guns aren't being shot in parks. White adults with a toy gun they picked up in walmart aren't being shot by police while still in the walmart. White kids aren't being gunned down by neighborhood watch people because they are wearing a hooded sweatshirt.

You didn't need protests to ensure whites had equal rights in the civil rights movement... because they had superior rights. YOu don't need to say "white lives matter"... because everyone already recognizes that they matter.

Look... I'm sorry you don't get it. I understand... I really do. I was in the same boat a decade ago. I thought the race thing was overblown.

Then I adopted my son... who's black. Watching how society treats him... a child who's been brought up by upper-middle class white parents... differently than other white kids with the same background has quickly shown me that racism is real. It's not about low income vs high income. It's about pricks who think that because of the color of my son's skin they can label him a thug, a trouble maker or a bad influence.

Most black voters simply think the GOP is racist because of rhetoric like what you printed above. YOu may not think that insinuating that blacks are simply poor people who the democrats are buying votes from with entitlements programs is racist... but they do. I do as well. And as long as people like you shape the GOP message... they'll never support the GOP. It's not due to pandering. It's because of people like you.
Democrats support black lives matter because people act as if they don't matter. The point of black lives matter isn't to say they matter more than other lives... it's that it needs to be pointed out that they matter AS MUCH as other lives. We don't need to say white lives matter because society already understands that. White kids with toy guns aren't being shot in parks. White adults with a toy gun they picked up in walmart aren't being shot by police while still in the walmart. White kids aren't being gunned down by neighborhood watch people because they are wearing a hooded sweatshirt.

You didn't need protests to ensure whites had equal rights in the civil rights movement... because they had superior rights. YOu don't need to say "white lives matter"... because everyone already recognizes that they matter.

Look... I'm sorry you don't get it. I understand... I really do. I was in the same boat a decade ago. I thought the race thing was overblown.

Then I adopted my son... who's black. Watching how society treats him... a child who's been brought up by upper-middle class white parents... differently than other white kids with the same background has quickly shown me that racism is real. It's not about low income vs high income. It's about pricks who think that because of the color of my son's skin they can label him a thug, a trouble maker or a bad influence.

Most black voters simply think the GOP is racist because of rhetoric like what you printed above. YOu may not think that insinuating that blacks are simply poor people who the democrats are buying votes from with entitlements programs is racist... but they do. I do as well. And as long as people like you shape the GOP message... they'll never support the GOP. It's not due to pandering. It's because of people like you.

Very well said. My old church (Bapt) has been struggling with anything new. They've been thru 5 pastors in about 20 yrs. Unheard of for Bapt. Right now they have an "interim" pastor, a member of the church, who they really enjoy and would love to have him as permanent pastor. ( a lot of the members) But......1) first they said because he didn't have a degree in divinity but then it was pointed out, a few other pastors in the past didn't either 2) he's divorced and remarried. A really outdated reason, imo, in this day and age. But I suspect, it's because he and his wife have an adopted black kid. Very sad. Whatever happened to "Jesus love the little children. All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black or white, they are precious in his sight?"

Frankly, and I've said on this board a few mos back, wish there were no parties. Politicians just stood there for what THEY believed period and the voters decide depending on their own values, etc. It amazes me how nowadays nothing is out of bounds, etc. the "politics of person destruction" are at new heights and as much as a politician you may have nothing in common with another candidate or you don't even believe in him, you endorse anyway just because of the party.
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Democrats support black lives matter because people act as if they don't matter. The point of black lives matter isn't to say they matter more than other lives... it's that it needs to be pointed out that they matter AS MUCH as other lives. We don't need to say white lives matter because society already understands that. White kids with toy guns aren't being shot in parks. White adults with a toy gun they picked up in walmart aren't being shot by police while still in the walmart. White kids aren't being gunned down by neighborhood watch people because they are wearing a hooded sweatshirt.

You didn't need protests to ensure whites had equal rights in the civil rights movement... because they had superior rights. YOu don't need to say "white lives matter"... because everyone already recognizes that they matter.

Look... I'm sorry you don't get it. I understand... I really do. I was in the same boat a decade ago. I thought the race thing was overblown.

Then I adopted my son... who's black. Watching how society treats him... a child who's been brought up by upper-middle class white parents... differently than other white kids with the same background has quickly shown me that racism is real. It's not about low income vs high income. It's about pricks who think that because of the color of my son's skin they can label him a thug, a trouble maker or a bad influence.

Most black voters simply think the GOP is racist because of rhetoric like what you printed above. YOu may not think that insinuating that blacks are simply poor people who the democrats are buying votes from with entitlements programs is racist... but they do. I do as well. And as long as people like you shape the GOP message... they'll never support the GOP. It's not due to pandering. It's because of people like you.

There are quite a few whites who adopt kids of another race. I think that is great. One of the Romney family adopted a black child and dems made fun of that on MSNBC. One of the Duck Dynasty couples adopted a black child recently but I bet most dems consider them to be ignorant racists. .In fact, repubs are routinely judged racist by people like u without any evidence.

It is dems like u who have false moral superiority and compassion. U and other dems think that they have a lock on compassion. U think u have superior sensitivity to the lives of the unfortunate. Dems tell their followers that the repubs are racist red necks or uneducated rubes while they are the most intelligent people alive. U do this to keep them in the flock even as Dem policies don't improve their lives but in fact push them deeper into poverty and government dependency.
I am sure some whites stereotyping blacks as thugs. But, blacks do the same thing. I remember reading about a black child whose dad was killed. The police asked him to describe the killer and he said "it was a black dude, it is always black dudes.." I have seen polls that show blacks are more racist than white people. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 31 percent of blacks think that most blacks are racist, more racist than whites.
When dems don't explain to blacks that all lives matter then they are pandering. NO people I know think black lives matter less than whites. I have yet to hear the left tell them that they aren't helping their case by calling for cops to be killed.

I think reverse discrimination is harmful not only because blacks start believing that society owes them a living or it lowers their sense of self esteem. I have seen blacks and women get undeserved promotions because of sex or race. So they develop a sense of entitlement but what about the white kid who gets turned down for the college of his choice because of quotas. My son applied to a top engineering school. He had straight A's in high school but his SAT was borderline acceptable. He was turned down but if he had been a female or black I guarantee he would have been accepted. Two wrongs don't make it right. He ended up going to a lower ranked engineering school but didnt let that bother him and is now is a very successful Captain on Delta Airlines.

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There are quite a few whites who adopt kids of another race. I think that is great. One of the Romney family adopted a black child and dems made fun of that on MSNBC. One of the Duck Dynasty couples adopted a black child recently but I bet most dems consider them to be ignorant racists. .In fact, repubs are routinely judged racist by people like u without any evidence.

It is dems like u who have false moral superiority and compassion. U and other dems think that they have a lock on compassion. U think u have superior sensitivity to the lives of the unfortunate. Dems tell their followers that the repubs are racist red necks or uneducated rubes while they are the most intelligent people alive. U do this to keep them in the flock even as Dem policies don't improve their lives but in fact push them deeper into poverty and government dependency.
I am sure some whites stereotyping blacks as thugs. But, blacks do the same thing. I remember reading about a black child whose dad was killed. The police asked him to describe the killer and he said "it was a black dude, it is always black dudes.." I have seen polls that show blacks are more racist than white people. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 31 percent of blacks think that most blacks are racist, more racist than whites.
When dems don't explain to blacks that all lives matter then they are pandering. NO people I know think black lives matter less than whites. I have yet to hear the left tell them that they aren't helping their case by calling for cops to be killed.

I think reverse discrimination is harmful not only because blacks start believing that society owes them a living or it lowers their sense of self esteem. I have seen blacks and women get undeserved promotions because of sex or race. So they develop a sense of entitlement but what about the white kid who gets turned down for the college of his choice because of quotas. My son applied to a top engineering school. He had straight A's in high school but his SAT was borderline acceptable. He was turned down but if he had been a female or black I guarantee he would have been accepted. Two wrongs don't make it right. He ended up going to a lower ranked engineering school but didnt let that bother him and is now is a very successful Captain on Delta Airlines.

I guess we know where your racism comes from now. You're feelings got hurt that your son didn't make it into the school he wanted to with borderline qualifications and you think that he was displaced by a minority or a woman.

I apologize your white privilege didn't come through for your son in one situation. Continue calling blacks racists who only vote the way they do because of pandering. Continue believing that being discriminated against in college admissions somehow is the equivalent of being stalked and killed by neighborhood watch people or killed while holding toys by police.

All minority voters see is another GOP racist. It's not going to sway any of them to vote for your party. It's why another Democrat will become president. People like you are the reason... not pandering.
I guess we know where your racism comes from now. You're feelings got hurt that your son didn't make it into the school he wanted to with borderline qualifications and you think that he was displaced by a minority or a woman.

I apologize your white privilege didn't come through for your son in one situation. Continue calling blacks racists who only vote the way they do because of pandering. Continue believing that being discriminated against in college admissions somehow is the equivalent of being stalked and killed by neighborhood watch people or killed while holding toys by police.

All minority voters see is another GOP racist. It's not going to sway any of them to vote for your party. It's why another Democrat will become president. People like you are the reason... not pandering.

My son getting not into that school was actually a big break because he went to a smaller engineering school with more individual instruction. He ended up getting most of his education paid for with academic scholarships. At the first school he had no scholarships. So why in the world would I have hurt feelings but keep trying to rationalize repubs are racists because we don't pander and kiss the of minorities for their votes. U really need to understand that your false sense of moral superiority distorts your view of reality.
I am sure u think it is racist if one thinks that blacks could achieve as much as whites with the same level of hard work I am sure u think it is proof of racism if one thinks blacks are no longer handicapped by having ancestors who were slaves.

Blacks get preferred treatment in hiring by police and fire departments which is understandable but also there are by diversity programs in corporations, by federal bidding procedures, in college admissions, etc. Sooner or later, u would think there would be no need for these programs but Dems NEED these programs to keep them on the Dem plantation.

My son getting not into that school was actually a big break because he went to a smaller engineering school with more individual instruction. He ended up getting most of his education paid for with academic scholarships. At the first school he had no scholarships. So why in the world would I have hurt feelings but keep trying to rationalize repubs are racists because we don't pander and kiss the of minorities for their votes. U really need to understand that your false sense of moral superiority distorts your view of reality.
I am sure u think it is racist if one thinks that blacks could achieve as much as whites with the same level of hard work I am sure u think it is proof of racism if one thinks blacks are no longer handicapped by having ancestors who were slaves.

Blacks get preferred treatment in hiring by police and fire departments which is understandable but also there are by diversity programs in corporations, by federal bidding procedures, in college admissions, etc. Sooner or later, u would think there would be no need for these programs but Dems NEED these programs to keep them on the Dem plantation.

My viewing you as racist has nothing to do with a sense of moral superiority. It has to do with racist posts you make.

"I am sure u think it is racist if one thinks that blacks could achieve as much as whites with the same level of hard work" - You are saying that the reason blacks haven't achieved as much as whites is because they don't work as hard?

"Sooner or later, u would think there would be no need for these programs but Dems NEED these programs to keep them on the Dem plantation." - You are saying that the only reasons blacks vote democrat is because they are easily swayed by entitlements. If so... why aren't whites swayed?

I believe you honestly don't believe you're racist. But the constant implication that blacks are lazy or less intelligent or more greedy for entitlement programs is in fact a racially biased view... that you are spouting for all to see. It isn't about slaves for ancestors that keep black people down in society. it's about ignorant racist pricks who think that all black people are stupid, lazy, criminals... or all three. And the bias and prejudice of pricks like that impact how blacks are treated in job interviews, in schools for both discipline and the recognition of academic achievement, and by police officers.

Blacks and Hispanics don't vote democrat because of entitlements. They vote democrats because a much higher percentage of the GOP are racist pricks. They say things like you post and think everyone is okay with it... or should be.

Well, they're not okay with it. The best way for you to help your party in that regard is to stop talking.

My viewing you as racist has nothing to do with a sense of moral superiority. It has to do with racist posts you make.

"I am sure u think it is racist if one thinks that blacks could achieve as much as whites with the same level of hard work" - You are saying that the reason blacks haven't achieved as much as whites is because they don't work as hard?

"Sooner or later, u would think there would be no need for these programs but Dems NEED these programs to keep them on the Dem plantation." - You are saying that the only reasons blacks vote democrat is because they are easily swayed by entitlements. If so... why aren't whites swayed?

I believe you honestly don't believe you're racist. But the constant implication that blacks are lazy or less intelligent or more greedy for entitlement programs is in fact a racially biased view... that you are spouting for all to see. It isn't about slaves for ancestors that keep black people down in society. it's about ignorant racist pricks who think that all black people are stupid, lazy, criminals... or all three. And the bias and prejudice of pricks like that impact how blacks are treated in job interviews, in schools for both discipline and the recognition of academic achievement, and by police officers.

Blacks and Hispanics don't vote democrat because of entitlements. They vote democrats because a much higher percentage of the GOP are racist pricks. They say things like you post and think everyone is okay with it... or should be.

Well, they're not okay with it. The best way for you to help your party in that regard is to stop talking.
U think I am a racist and I think u are an arrogant jerk. U are so arrogant that u jump to untrue conclusions about what I think and then make judgments about my character. U put words in my mouth that I have never said such as all black people are stupid, lazy, and criminals. U are even so arrogant that my opinions should remain unspoken while u espouse opinions that I think are ludicrous. Typical leftist lack of respect for freedom of speech.

U want open borders and a welfare state for all. We can’t save the world. I am sure u think climate change is the biggest threat to our country and it has caused terrorism which is ludicrous. I am sure u would have no problem bringing in hundreds of thousands of muslims from Syria. Your
world view is very naïve and if the majority of people thought like u, we would cease to exist as a country.
I don’t think blacks are inherently lazier than whites but whites have not been on the Democrat plantation for decades. Yet the more money that is spent, the higher the percentage in poverty. I am sorry your ideology blinders can’t see that. The intention is mostly good but money is not going to solve the problem. It is not immigration , global warming, or poverty that is our biggest problem. It is the Democrat party.
U think I am a racist and I think u are an arrogant jerk. U are so arrogant that u jump to untrue conclusions about what I think and then make judgments about my character. U put words in my mouth that I have never said such as all black people are stupid, lazy, and criminals. U are even so arrogant that my opinions should remain unspoken while u espouse opinions that I think are ludicrous. Typical leftist lack of respect for freedom of speech.

U want open borders and a welfare state for all. We can’t save the world. I am sure u think climate change is the biggest threat to our country and it has caused terrorism which is ludicrous. I am sure u would have no problem bringing in hundreds of thousands of muslims from Syria. Your
world view is very naïve and if the majority of people thought like u, we would cease to exist as a country.
I don’t think blacks are inherently lazier than whites but whites have not been on the Democrat plantation for decades. Yet the more money that is spent, the higher the percentage in poverty. I am sorry your ideology blinders can’t see that. The intention is mostly good but money is not going to solve the problem. It is not immigration , global warming, or poverty that is our biggest problem. It is the Democrat party.
I have never said that you have to stop talking.

I'm saying your talking hurts the political party you support. By all means... continue spewing racially insensitive (racist) messages. I'm not stopping you. However I have just as much a right to speak up and call you on it.

Your speech makes you appear to be a racist. You don't have to change it. I don't have to not say that it's racist. Free speech wins for all. Tolerance of your RIGHT to say what you want doesn't mean I have to accept it as reasonable. It doesn't mean I have to respect it. I do not.

I also think people who cannot spell out the word "YOU" are idiots.

I quoted your actual words.

"I am sure u think it is racist if one thinks that blacks could achieve as much as whites with the same level of hard work"

So if you are not saying blacks are lazy... explain what the hell you mean by that. You say blacks would achieve as much as whites if they worked as hard as whites doe. How the hell is that NOT calling all blacks lazy. That is a blatantly racist statement. You said it. Do the math yourself. Or can't "U" figure it out?

I worked for 3 years with muslim refugees from Bosnia while I was in college. I worked along side MANY religious conservative people who were just trying to help people being killed by their government who were seeking asylum. Hatred of muslim refugees is NOT a christian thing. It's not a conservative thing. It's not a "national security" thing.

It's an INTOLERANCE thing... either based on their Arab race or based on their muslim religion.

So yes... I do think you are a racist. I accept you have the right to spew your racism... it's a free country. I also have the right to call you out on it. If you want me to stop... stop saying racist crap.
I have never said that you have to stop talking.

I'm saying your talking hurts the political party you support. By all means... continue spewing racially insensitive (racist) messages. I'm not stopping you. However I have just as much a right to speak up and call you on it.

Your speech makes you appear to be a racist. You don't have to change it. I don't have to not say that it's racist. Free speech wins for all. Tolerance of your RIGHT to say what you want doesn't mean I have to accept it as reasonable. It doesn't mean I have to respect it. I do not.

I also think people who cannot spell out the word "YOU" are idiots.

I quoted your actual words.

"I am sure u think it is racist if one thinks that blacks could achieve as much as whites with the same level of hard work"

So if you are not saying blacks are lazy... explain what the hell you mean by that. You say blacks would achieve as much as whites if they worked as hard as whites doe. How the hell is that NOT calling all blacks lazy. That is a blatantly racist statement. You said it. Do the math yourself. Or can't "U" figure it out?

I worked for 3 years with muslim refugees from Bosnia while I was in college. I worked along side MANY religious conservative people who were just trying to help people being killed by their government who were seeking asylum. Hatred of muslim refugees is NOT a christian thing. It's not a conservative thing. It's not a "national security" thing.

It's an INTOLERANCE thing... either based on their Arab race or based on their muslim religion.

So yes... I do think you are a racist. I accept you have the right to spew your racism... it's a free country. I also have the right to call you out on it. If you want me to stop... stop saying racist crap.

I also think people who cannot spell out the word "YOU" are idiots. LOL. U just solidified your status in my mind as a jerk.

. I don't have to not say that it's racist. This convoluted statement is not indicative of an educated individual.

The reason blacks don’t work and/or achieve as much as whites has to do with the dependency plantation that the Dems have created for them. Ex: I could afford to give my kids enough money so they wouldn’t have to work. I wouldn’t because that would demotivate them. Same thing with letting them live at home in their mid 20’s. Over protecting them or making them dependent on me will hurt their work ethic. That is the case with blacks who are now a Democrat protected dependent class.

I also hope u continue to speak so people can see what extremists democrats have become. Your first reaction to any comment is to throw out the race card. Your rigid ideology doesnt allow u to reason that there could be some other rationale.

As for Muslims,if u want to discuss some actual quotes in the Koran, I would be glad to discuss. I don't like their religion but that is based upon reading the Koran. Have u read the Koran? It is a religion of hate, war, and intolerance. Most believe in Sharia law which isnt compatible with our values.
I also think people who cannot spell out the word "YOU" are idiots. LOL. U just solidified your status in my mind as a jerk.

. I don't have to not say that it's racist. This convoluted statement is not indicative of an educated individual.

The reason blacks don’t work and/or achieve as much as whites has to do with the dependency plantation that the Dems have created for them. Ex: I could afford to give my kids enough money so they wouldn’t have to work. I wouldn’t because that would demotivate them. Same thing with letting them live at home in their mid 20’s. Over protecting them or making them dependent on me will hurt their work ethic. That is the case with blacks who are now a Democrat protected dependent class.

I also hope u continue to speak so people can see what extremists democrats have become. Your first reaction to any comment is to throw out the race card. Your rigid ideology doesnt allow u to reason that there could be some other rationale.

As for Muslims,if u want to discuss some actual quotes in the Koran, I would be glad to discuss. I don't like their religion but that is based upon reading the Koran. Have u read the Koran? It is a religion of hate, war, and intolerance. Most believe in Sharia law which isnt compatible with our values.

You just said blacks don't work as hard as whites again.

You are a racist.

Or "U" are a racist if you prefer.

Have I read the Koran? No. I have read the Quran though. I've read the bible too. I realize both are chalk full of evil quotes... and full of beautiful ones as well.
As they should be... they're both Abrahamic religions which in their more ancient texts tend to be much more violent and stupid than other religious traditions.

I've also looked at both the Sunni and Shia Hadiths. The hadiths are collections of statements attributed to Muhammed. I won't say I've read all of them.. there's something like 10 thousand of them.

The Quran does have parts that say to kill unbelievers. It also says “God does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the religion or driven you from your homes, or from being just towards them. God loves those who are just.”

The Bible while it has passages about having mercy on unbelievers also says things like: "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." This indicates that those Jesus would NOT reign over (non-christians/jews) should be brought before him and executed. That's not even looking at the old testament which is chalk full of slaughtering of unbelievers.

All Abrahamic religions are based on hate and intolerance. It's what unites christianity, islam and judaism. If you want to follow a religion of peace, try looking more toward reading the sutras associated with various Buddhist traditions.
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You just said blacks don't work as hard as whites again.

You are a racist.

Or "U" are a racist if you prefer.

Have I read the Koran? No. I have read the Quran though. I've read the bible too. I realize both are chalk full of evil quotes... and full of beautiful ones as well.
As they should be... they're both Abrahamic religions which in their more ancient texts tend to be much more violent and stupid than other religious traditions.

I've also looked at both the Sunni and Shia Hadiths. The hadiths are collections of statements attributed to Muhammed. I won't say I've read all of them.. there's something like 10 thousand of them.

The Quran does have parts that say to kill unbelievers. It also says “God does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the religion or driven you from your homes, or from being just towards them. God loves those who are just.”

The Bible while it has passages about having mercy on unbelievers also says things like: "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." This indicates that those Jesus would NOT reign over (non-christians/jews) should be brought before him and executed. That's not even looking at the old testament which is chalk full of slaughtering of unbelievers.

All Abrahamic religions are based on hate and intolerance. It's what unites christianity, islam and judaism. If you want to follow a religion of peace, try looking more toward reading the sutras associated with various Buddhist traditions.

Actually to be fully correct in the Middle East, u need to add an apostrophe Qu'ran but I really don't care how it is spelled. Look, the difference is that 99% of Christians have evolved to society's standards in the 21st century.So to compare Christianity to Islam is ridiculous. Throughout the scriptures in the Koran, Muhammad promised those fighting for him will be rewarded by Allah with salvation and a paradise with virgins. Muhammad said that the only way for a Muslim to secure a place in paradise is to be a martyr in jihad. ISIS is imitating Muhammad's exploits that they read about in the Koran. It isn't just a few ISIS extremists but the largest Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran do not have freedom or religion and threaten to kill those who leave the Muslim faith. They carry out barbaric punishments for the slightest variations from the religion. I have been to Dubai and even there people are executed for leaving their religion
i JUST STATED THAT BLACKS AREN'T INHERENTLY MORE LAZY THAN WHITES. U are either stupid or so rigid in ideology that u can't understand what I am saying. I have told u that it is the Democrats who are at fault for the lack of progress by blacks. Telling blacks that white society oppresses them because of racism and they don't have a chance to succeed. Dems demagogue repubs as racist,etc. Welfare, food stamps, housing, healthcare, etc complete the story of the democrat plantation.
FYI... it also said that the GOP would have to become more open to Hispanic voters.

Here are some quotes from the report:

"America is changing demographically, and unless Republicans are able to grow our appeal the way GOP governors have done, the changes tilt the playing field even more in the Democratic direction."

"If we want ethnic minority voters to support Republicans, we have to engage them and show our sincerity."

"If Hispanic Americans perceive that a GOP nominee or candidate does not want them in the United States (i.e. self-deportation), they will not pay attention to our next sentence. It does not matter what we say about education, jobs or the economy; if Hispanics think we do not want them here, they will close their ears to our policies. In the last election, Governor Romney received just 27 percent of the Hispanic vote. Other minority communities, including Asian and Pacific Islander Americans, also view the Party as unwelcoming. President Bush got 44 percent of the Asian vote in 2004; our presidential nominee received only 26 percent in 2012."

"As one conservative, Tea-Party leader, Dick Armey, told us, “You can’t call someone ugly and expect them to go to the prom with you. We’ve chased the Hispanic voter out of his natural home.”"

"We are not a policy committee, but among the steps Republicans take in the Hispanic community and beyond, we must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform. If we do not, our Party’s appeal will continue to shrink to its core constituencies only. We also believe that comprehensive immigration reform is consistent with Republican economic policies that promote job growth and opportunity for all."

And the GOP's answer to those problems is......

Trump is not the GOP's choice. He is the peoples choice. Thankfully everyone has a vote.
Trump is not the GOP's choice. He is the peoples choice. Thankfully everyone has a vote.

you are right , and the elites don't understand why , or don't want to understand . the libs , move on , bill ayers and their ilk , don't understand that these thuggish interruptions actually are helping trump . when free speech is shut down we will have tyranny ! i can't believe the other spineless repub candidates are not supporting FREEDOM OF SPEECH !
I also think people who cannot spell out the word "YOU" are idiots. LOL. U just solidified your status in my mind as a jerk.

. I don't have to not say that it's racist. This convoluted statement is not indicative of an educated individual.

The reason blacks don’t work and/or achieve as much as whites has to do with the dependency plantation that the Dems have created for them. Ex: I could afford to give my kids enough money so they wouldn’t have to work. I wouldn’t because that would demotivate them. Same thing with letting them live at home in their mid 20’s. Over protecting them or making them dependent on me will hurt their work ethic. That is the case with blacks who are now a Democrat protected dependent class.

I also hope u continue to speak so people can see what extremists democrats have become. Your first reaction to any comment is to throw out the race card. Your rigid ideology doesnt allow u to reason that there could be some other rationale.

As for Muslims,if u want to discuss some actual quotes in the Koran, I would be glad to discuss. I don't like their religion but that is based upon reading the Koran. Have u read the Koran? It is a religion of hate, war, and intolerance. Most believe in Sharia law which isnt compatible with our values.

I second DawginSC. You are a backwards-ass racist.
you are right , and the elites don't understand why , or don't want to understand . the libs , move on , bill ayers and their ilk , don't understand that these thuggish interruptions actually are helping trump . when free speech is shut down we will have tyranny ! i can't believe the other spineless repub candidates are not supporting FREEDOM OF SPEECH !

You have freedom of speech. You just don't get freedom from the consequences of your stupid comments.
That's alright Pug, the dumbest man on the stage is light years ahead of you in intelligence, status, wealth, etc. and always will be.

Maybe in the right-wingnutosphere, but assuredly not in my realm. None of the men on the stage have combat experience.
I don't need to add anything to CobbDawg's comment above. He pretty much says all that needs to be said about u.

I welcome your hatred. It is an admission on your part of defeat. FWIW, I don't hate you denizens of the Lunatic Fringe Fever Swamp. I pity you.
You just said blacks don't work as hard as whites again.

You are a racist.

Or "U" are a racist if you prefer.

Have I read the Koran? No. I have read the Quran though. I've read the bible too. I realize both are chalk full of evil quotes... and full of beautiful ones as well.
As they should be... they're both Abrahamic religions which in their more ancient texts tend to be much more violent and stupid than other religious traditions.

I've also looked at both the Sunni and Shia Hadiths. The hadiths are collections of statements attributed to Muhammed. I won't say I've read all of them.. there's something like 10 thousand of them.

The Quran does have parts that say to kill unbelievers. It also says “God does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the religion or driven you from your homes, or from being just towards them. God loves those who are just.”

The Bible while it has passages about having mercy on unbelievers also says things like: "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." This indicates that those Jesus would NOT reign over (non-christians/jews) should be brought before him and executed. That's not even looking at the old testament which is chalk full of slaughtering of unbelievers.

All Abrahamic religions are based on hate and intolerance. It's what unites christianity, islam and judaism. If you want to follow a religion of peace, try looking more toward reading the sutras associated with various Buddhist traditions.

I don't think he even realized he said "the reason blacks don't work and/or achieve" in his Third defense of "not being a racist" and "not saying blacks are lazy". Lol. Hilarious. I agree with you sc and enjoy reading your posts. Keep up the good work
I don't think he even realized he said "the reason blacks don't work and/or achieve" in his Third defense of "not being a racist" and "not saying blacks are lazy". Lol. Hilarious. I agree with you sc and enjoy reading your posts. Keep up the good work

"YOu may not think that insinuating that blacks are simply poor people who the democrats are buying votes from with entitlements programs is racist... but they do. I do as well. And as long as people like you shape the GOP message... they'll never support the GOP. It's not due to pandering. It's because of people like you".
The statement above is when I was first accused of being a racist. .Not racist just fact. I assume that u don't like me saying that "Dems pander to blacks" and that is racist. Nope just fact.

Also it is fact that Dems have done nothing to help the black community. Just an inconvenient fact for Dems. It is also a fact that dems demagogue race every election. U are proving that right now.
"YOu may not think that insinuating that blacks are simply poor people who the democrats are buying votes from with entitlements programs is racist... but they do. I do as well. And as long as people like you shape the GOP message... they'll never support the GOP. It's not due to pandering. It's because of people like you".
The statement above is when I was first accused of being a racist. .Not racist just fact. I assume that u don't like me saying that "Dems pander to blacks" and that is racist. Nope just fact.

Also it is fact that Dems have done nothing to help the black community. Just an inconvenient fact for Dems. It is also a fact that dems demagogue race every election. U are proving that right now.

Look, old white guy (you're cute avatar picture gives it away)keep blathering along. "the reason blacks don't work and/or achieve" is racist. Period. You have to realize our football team would not agree that "blacks don't work and/or achieve". Right? My black doctor and lawyer friends would agree with what I'm saying. You're so wrapped in your white bread bubble you just spout out statements, that your white friends agree with, that normal folks (like me)who are around successful black people just don't say or think. It's not on our radar screen but clearly is your world view. It's sad. Now, back to you're bubble where people say stupid things like this to look down on other "non workers and non achievers" (just go ahead and call them thugs)...usually a country club or southern church. And yes, as a former pub now independent, it's people with your slant that I don't identify with anymore causing many of us younger, successful non racists to leave the pub party.... Keep it up your ilk and trump will further alienate less than 50 year old voters leading to the split of the pub party...