In all seriousness, someone needs to get him


War Daddy
Gold Member
Sep 29, 2001
Some help. Freaking abuse. I hope no one lets him near the button. 80 million voted for this compromised human. And knew it. Should be ashamed of yourselves. One lefty posted earlier, if he needs to beat trump again he will be up for it.

He’s a scummy lowlife who has been selling access to the White House for years. WHERE’S THE PROOF you might whine? On the video of him bragging about withholding money to Ukraine unless they would fire a prosecutor investigating his crooked son’s gas company. Which they did. His entire family is crooked scum and his supporters are duped dullards.
Some help. Freaking abuse. I hope no one lets him near the button. 80 million voted for this compromised human. And knew it. Should be ashamed of yourselves. One lefty posted earlier, if he needs to beat trump again he will be up for it.

How on drugs to keep him standing up. If his wife the doctor and children cared they would protect him from embarrassing himself. But, Hunter is as big of a crook as his dad. He got his education from Joe

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