Interesting article on Cruz

If by "interesting" you mean "frightening", then yes, very interesting.

did you libs get this concerned about odumma calling rev (g-- d-- america) wright his adviser, and attending his radical church for 20 years ??
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What a biased asinine article. Honestly, if you aren't socialist, married to someone of the opposite sex and think we shouldn't kill babies, you are an evangelical.

I thought odd coming from an organization called Religious News Service. I don't know what Cruz thinks or not, but happen to catch his father on tv one early Sun am. He was scary, imo.
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All you have to do is look at that guy and conclude he is creepy...Jesus, he looks like a blob fish!


What a biased asinine article. Honestly, if you aren't socialist, married to someone of the opposite sex and think we shouldn't kill babies, you are an evangelical.
The richard head ignoramuses think all people who go to church some Sundays a month are "Snake Handlers"...No, they really don't what their thoughts and motives are, is simple. They are cons, at least most of the 40 hour a week employed dems are. They con the poor, using other people money as long as it is available to buy themselves a steak then throw their poor constituants a bone (out the back door of course) hoping to keep them alive til the next election. And all this works until they run out of other people's money.
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I didn't say anything. Only posted an article from the religious news site.

lump , do you ever find articles that you find interesting about the clintons or maybe bernie ? there 's sure a lot out there , try some of those some time , you might be SHOCKED !
The richard head ignoramuses think all people who go to church some Sundays a month are "Snake Handlers"...No, they really don't what their thoughts and motives are, is simple. They are cons, at least most of the 40 hour a week employed dems are. They con the poor, using other people money as long as it is available to buy themselves a steak then throw their poor constituants a bone (out the back door of course) hoping to keep them alive til the next election. And all this works until they run out of other people's money.

Mr. Trump had some steaks for you during his last press conference!
lump , do you ever find articles that you find interesting about the clintons or maybe bernie ? there 's sure a lot out there , try some of those some time , you might be SHOCKED !

Who cares about Clinton or Sanders when we have the entertaining Konservativ Klown Konvention featuring Trump, Cruz, Rubio...and the rest!
lump , do you ever find articles that you find interesting about the clintons or maybe bernie ? there 's sure a lot out there , try some of those some time , you might be SHOCKED !

First of all, the subjects on this board have mainly been about the disarray of the GOP, it's multitude of candidates, the absolutely disgusting kindergarten style debates, their personalities and beliefs. Once it's a general election and there are 2 candidates, I'm sure it will change.

That said, of course I've read articles on the Dems. But when reading about candidates or parties, I try to read articles and learn from non left magazines or sites and non right wing sites. Both have agendas.