Is anyone at all nervous about the state of the world after this syria attack?


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Aug 14, 2004
Im a trump supporter but it looks to me that he's been hijacked by the neo con deep state foreign policy and that we are overstepping once again like iraq. It seems to me that this was too great a risk to take considering the potential consequences with Russia and China and Iran. It seems that the war drums are beating and that the globalists are pushing for world war.
I don’t think he got caught by the neo cons. I think he just genuinely is moved by the chemical weapon stuff. Not sure why that’s his line, but apparently it is. That said, there’s just no good options in Syria. I generally say let’s completely get out of the Middle East and let those folks fight it out on their own.
If the UN was of any use whatsoever, they’d draw the line on chemical weapons use by any country, and then enforce it through retailiation. They’re pathetic. Equally pathetic was our pussy president’s “red line” proclamation and subsequent retreat in triple time. Horrible precedent which probably contributed to al-Assad’s brazenness in using gas again.

Since nobody else will police the world on chemical weapons, I guess we have to. It HAS to be done.
I don’t think he got caught by the neo cons. I think he just genuinely is moved by the chemical weapon stuff. Not sure why that’s his line, but apparently it is. That said, there’s just no good options in Syria. I generally say let’s completely get out of the Middle East and let those folks fight it out on their own.
Syria is a proxy war between Shia and Sunni combatants. That moron W took a huge step in greatly increasing the Shiite sphere with his Iraq clusterfork. I don’t think it will be a positive thing for world longevity if you allow Syria to become a forward base for Iran. Complicated hot mess, status quo.
Syria is a proxy war between Shia and Sunni combatants. That moron W took a huge step in greatly increasing the Shiite sphere with his Iraq clusterfork. I don’t think it will be a positive thing for world longevity if you allow Syria to become a forward base for Iran. Complicated hot mess, status quo.
I’d prefer we allocate our resources to our own country as opposed to issues in a completely different hemisphere but I understand your concerns
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I’d prefer we allocate our resources to our own country as opposed to issues in a completely different hemisphere but I understand your concerns
I can go either way. My heart says help these people but my head says they will always be killing each other. How many miles of wall could we build with that money? That's about $ maybe 160 miles of wall? That would probably be money better spent.
I agree with you sir.
I can go either way. My heart says help these people but my head says they will always be killing each other. How many miles of wall could we build with that money? That's about $ maybe 160 miles of wall? That would probably be money better spent.
I agree with you sir.
I was thinking build roads or bridges, but sure. But I agree with you that “they will always be killing each other.”

And the fact is that those countries really don’t have weapons systems that can hit the US. Spend the money at home and divert the military resources to terror prevention/border protection.
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You let the Shiites get command of the ME and a toehold closer to Israel and it will be about our country before you know what happened.
Meh. We have a dude sitting in a room in Nevada who can blow up anything in the world with a joystick. Syria barely has a freaking plane that can fly here. I’m just 100% not worried about that stuff. We’ve done enough fighting other people’s wars. If they attack Israel, that’s a different story, but if these Islamist countries want to fight amongst themselves I say have at it.
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I agree with Dave Lindorff at

"We seem to have slipped into a situation like Orwell’s 1984, in which the US government can simply say that war is peace, as the Trump administration is currently doing (claiming that it is committed to seeking a diplomatic solution to the civil war tearing Syria apart even as it trains and funds terrorist groups in that country and launches bombing blitzes into its cities), and the public just go about their business as though nothing is happening."

"Of course this is nothing new. Even as Trump decries the alleged but unproven deaths of a few dozen “women and children” in the still unproven “gas attack” in Douma, blame for which — if it occurred at all — has not been determined, the US has been the primary supplier of weapons, including deadly cluster bombs, and the jets to deliver them, to Saudi Arabia for its now years-long deadly bombing campaign against the people of Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East. That country’s women and children have been dying by the thousands now for several years in this one-sided US-backed war. They’re dying both directly from the made-in-America bombs being dropped by Saudi forces, and from an epic cholera epidemic and starvation that are the result of the destruction of the country’s infrastructure — all of this with hardly a murmur of protest from the American people."
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Syria is the biggest cluster in the world, and Assad is one of the most evil people on the planet. But let's not forget the lesson of Iraq/Libya, if the evil dictator is toppled, who takes over, and the chaos that ensues while that is being worked out.

I agree we can't let chemical weapon attacks take place, we need to take out that option (oh my god, I think I agree with the Donald on this one). Past that, provide as much humanitarian aid as possible, but stay out of the fighting.
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Syria is the biggest cluster in the world, and Assad is one of the most evil people on the planet. But let's not forget the lesson of Iraq/Libya, if the evil dictator is toppled, who takes over, and the chaos that ensues while that is being worked out.

I agree we can't let chemical weapon attacks take place, we need to take out that option (oh my god, I think I agree with the Donald on this one). Past that, provide as much humanitarian aid as possible, but stay out of the fighting.
I guess it now looks possible the chem attack was fake news, but at least the Brits, Frogs, and we put the 3rd world on notice if they use chemicals, there will be a price to pay. Blowing up Assad's chemical facilities seems like a good thing whether the attack was real or not. I'd also hate to see us get involved there, or anywhere else for that matter, but several of the combatants vow to destroy Israel. Mainly Iran and their proxy, Hezbollah. If Iran starts shipping nukes into the area, everybody needs to hang onto their asses. Israel would be left with no choice. The Turks would join the fray, likely the Russians on the side of Iran and Assad. Could develop into World War Last.

This is a peculiar list of combatants. Iran is Shiite, most of Syria is Sunni. Iran wants regional hegemony, the destruction of Israel. It reminds me of Beirut, where it got so confusing you couldn't tell who was who.
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Im a trump supporter but it looks to me that he's been hijacked by the neo con deep state foreign policy and that we are overstepping once again like iraq. It seems to me that this was too great a risk to take considering the potential consequences with Russia and China and Iran. It seems that the war drums are beating and that the globalists are pushing for world war.
To answer your initial question - no.
I agree with Dave Lindorff at

"We seem to have slipped into a situation like Orwell’s 1984, in which the US government can simply say that war is peace, as the Trump administration is currently doing (claiming that it is committed to seeking a diplomatic solution to the civil war tearing Syria apart even as it trains and funds terrorist groups in that country and launches bombing blitzes into its cities), and the public just go about their business as though nothing is happening."

"Of course this is nothing new. Even as Trump decries the alleged but unproven deaths of a few dozen “women and children” in the still unproven “gas attack” in Douma, blame for which — if it occurred at all — has not been determined, the US has been the primary supplier of weapons, including deadly cluster bombs, and the jets to deliver them, to Saudi Arabia for its now years-long deadly bombing campaign against the people of Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East. That country’s women and children have been dying by the thousands now for several years in this one-sided US-backed war. They’re dying both directly from the made-in-America bombs being dropped by Saudi forces, and from an epic cholera epidemic and starvation that are the result of the destruction of the country’s infrastructure — all of this with hardly a murmur of protest from the American people."

How do you mean "unproven"?.Are you waiting for FedEx to deliver the lab results to your house?

Our commanding generals take the duty to the security of THIS country very seriously and it comes 1st. They are not globalist mouthpieces like our past 4 presidents. Until Trump, the the United States and its' people had not been put 1st since Reagan.
That view is long range as well as current. And, sadly, there has been a deep hole dug by those 4 traitors.
At this point, Cholera outbreaks in Yemen don't (and shouldn't) enter into the conversation. You disregard the fact that our enemies do not intend to confront us head on militarily. They know they would lose. The real war is about preventing the planning and execution of subversive strikes the likes of which make 9/11 seem like a nothing event.
What they must do to prevent that is obviously beyond the scope of your thinking. I suggest you recalibrate.
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How do you mean "unproven"?.Are you waiting for FedEx to deliver the lab results to your house?

Our commanding generals take the duty to the security of THIS country very seriously and it comes 1st. They are not globalist mouthpieces like our past 4 presidents. Until Trump, the the United States and its' people had not been put 1st since Reagan.
That view is long range as well as current. And, sadly, there has been a deep hole dug by those 4 traitors.
At this point, Cholera outbreaks in Yemen don't (and shouldn't) enter into the conversation. You disregard the fact that our enemies do not intend to confront us head on militarily. They know they would lose. The real war is about preventing the planning and execution of subversive strikes the likes of which make 9/11 seem like a nothing event.
What they must do to prevent that is obviously beyond the scope of your thinking. I suggest you recalibrate.
So arming the jihadists in resistance to Assad is helping prevent another 911?
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So arming the jihadists in resistance to Assad is helping prevent another 911? Wakeup Sheeple.
Maybe it is preventing an Iranian proxy state on Israel’s doorstep, which could bring about something that makes 911 look like a blip. I think we’ve handled the thing pretty even-keeled if you overlook that jackass fainting and whimpering when his red line got crossed. He is the mother pussy of all pussies. You should never, ever draw a line in front of the whole world and then run hide under the bed.

And before anybody starts whining “He’s not even in power anymore, sniff, sniff,” maybe his failure to back up his “red line” is one of the reasons al-Assad keeps gassing his own people, although this current attack is still under investigation. Even if it turns out to be untrue, I’m glad we plastered his facilities.
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So arming the jihadists in resistance to Assad is helping prevent another 911? Wakeup Sheeple.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Those clowns trying to overthrow Assad can't build and deliver a WMD. If they get to where they can, then we'll reconsider and deal with them as adversaries.
Just as I inferred in my post above. Our military and security view is long term. Your comments indicate that you don't quite get that.....and calling me names is probably not the most intelligent thing to do either.
We'll maintain a presence, but much more limited going forward.

Look for a coalition of Arab forces to begin taking control in the region with our support.
Famed War Reporter Robert Fisk Reaches Syrian 'Chemical Attack' Site, Concludes "They Were Not Gassed"

I know you want to believe this report but it simply is not true.
Hypox(emia) is an effect, not a cause. It is lack of oxygen at the tissue level (cellular)
Downing can cause it. Chemical or gas can cause it. Dust storms do not.
But hey, don't give up....maybe they were all drowning.
Im a trump supporter but it looks to me that he's been hijacked by the neo con deep state foreign policy and that we are overstepping once again like iraq. It seems to me that this was too great a risk to take considering the potential consequences with Russia and China and Iran. It seems that the war drums are beating and that the globalists are pushing for world war.
If you want to know why North Africa & the M.E. Is so screwed up, look no further than our own CIA

Here’s a timeline of the clowns operating in Syria:

If you want to know who’s reigning in the clowns (why we’re on the brink of stabilizing N. Korea as well) look no further

POTUS has ordered the CIA OPs in Syria halted.

From NYT
WASHINGTON — The end came quickly for one of the costliest covert action programs in the history of the C.I.A.

During a White House briefing early last month, the C.I.A. director, Mike Pompeo, recommended to President Trump that he shut down a four-year-old effort to arm and train Syrian rebels. The president swiftly ended the program.

The rebel army was by then a shell, hollowed out by more than a year of bombing by Russian planes and confined to ever-shrinking patches of Syria that government troops had not reconquered. Critics in Congress had complained for years about the costs — more than $1 billion over the life of the program — and reports that some of the C.I.A.-supplied weapons had ended up in the hands of a rebel group tied to Al Qaeda further sapped political support for the program.

While critics of Mr. Trump have argued that he ended the program to curry favor with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, there were in fact dim views of the effort in both the Trump and Obama White Houses — a rare confluence of opinion on national security policy.


The shuttering of the C.I.A. program, one of the most expensive efforts to arm and train rebels since the agency’s program arming the mujahedeen in Afghanistan during the 1980s, has forced a reckoning over its successes and failures. Opponents say it was foolhardy, expensive and ineffective. Supporters say that it was unnecessarily cautious, and that its achievements were remarkable given that the Obama administration had so many restrictions on it from the start, which they say ultimately ensured its failure.

The program did have periods of success, including in 2015 when rebels using tank-destroying missiles, supplied by the C.I.A. and also Saudi Arabia, routed government forces in northern Syria. But by late 2015 the Russian military offensive in Syria was focusing squarely on the C.I.A.-backed fighters battling Syrian government troops. Many of the fighters were killed, and the fortunes of the rebel army reversed.
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Jonathan Cook, who won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism, says:
"Fisk’s account is corroborated by another reporter who is there, Pearson Sharp of the conservative news network One America. Unlike Fisk, who I know has a long track record as a highly credible reporter of events in the Middle East, Sharp is an unknown quantity to me. But it may be significant that he echoes Fisk in saying that no one he spoke to, even in the neighbourhood where the attack supposedly occurred, seemed aware that chemical weapons had been used."
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WGAS? His chemical facilities needed to be taken out anyway. He is a lunatic, has used chemicals before, and will use them again. I say burn another 103 Tomahawks just to make sure the facilities are good and flattened. Are you Bashar's lawyer?
I see the nightly "Ministry of Truth" has snagged another gullible American. Didn't you see the video of a reporter walking around the destroyed "chemical weapons" lab, and he survived? Sorry, no responsible military would blow up a chemical weapons facility close to a civilian population.

The fact that US media no longer questions the absurd statements coming from USgov, just shows how dead journalism is in this country. And it has led to a nation of brainwashed civilian viewers. Orwell's 1984 has arrived. Just 20-30 years later than warned.
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I see the nightly "Ministry of Truth" has snagged another gullible American. Didn't you see the video of a reporter walking around the destroyed "chemical weapons" lab, and he survived? Sorry, no military would blow up a chemical weapons facility close to a civilian population.

The fact that US media no longer questions the absurd statements coming from USgov, just shows how dead journalism is in this country. And it has led to a nation of brainwashed civilian viewers. Orwell's 1984 has arrived. Just 20-30 years too late.

You are the saddest kind of who is 100% delusional. Your delusion rules no matter the reality because you don't live in it (mentally) anyway. You will dig until you find a claim which supports your god/delusion, and that claim becomes "the real story"....because your god tells you so. You probably don't sleep much either.
I see the nightly "Ministry of Truth" has snagged another gullible American. Didn't you see the video of a reporter walking around the destroyed "chemical weapons" lab, and he survived? Sorry, no military would blow up a chemical weapons facility close to a civilian population.

The fact that US media no longer questions the absurd statements coming from USgov, just shows how dead journalism is in this country. And it has led to a nation of brainwashed civilian viewers. Orwell's 1984 has arrived. Just 20-30 years too late.
Ministry of Truth has not snagged me because I don't GAS whether it's true or not. You're the one agonizing over it. If they were making anything stronger than aspirins (See: Sudan: Clinton, Bill), I'm glad we leveled it. Maybe it was a slingshot factory. You know how many people those deranged butchers kill with slingshots?
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You are the saddest kind of who is 100% delusional. Your delusion rules no matter the reality because you don't live in it (mentally) anyway. You will dig until you find a claim which supports your god/delusion, and that claim becomes "the real story"....because your god tells you so. You probably don't sleep much either.
And you get your "info" from?
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More nightly "news" lies exposed about Douma.

"In spite of multiple international headlines, Western leaders, and journalists who reside far outside of Syria claiming a chemical cover-up conspiracy in the making, the OPCW in official statements confirmed that they were prevented from visiting Douma not by Syrian or Russian authorities, but by United Nations Department of Safety and Security (USA), which has the final say over OPCW movements within Syria."
"The function of the media is not to parrot the government line, but to challenge it every step of the way - and even more so when the consequences of failing to do so could result in the outbreak of a major conflict, possibly even World War III. Apparently that is a risk the useful idiots of the Western mainstream media are willing to take."
"A senior correspondent for German state media broadcast ZDF heute stunned his European audience during a report from on the ground in Syria when he gave a straightforward and honest account of his findings while investigating what happened in Douma. The veteran reporter, Uli Gack, interviewed multiple eyewitnesses of the April 7 alleged chemical attack and concluded of the testimonials, "the Douma chemical attack is most likely staged, a great many people here seem very convinced."
Good Source. Glad we can agree on something.
Yes, I am aware of the veracity of Judicial Watch. However, I can't say the same for your "German reporter" who has no expertise whatsoever and bases his conclusion on conversations with peasants whose truthfulness and even veracity as witnesses to the attack cannot be verified.

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