Penicillin might help.I can't blame it on my roots
Was born in a redneck suit
Way down near the Alapaha
Me, A cane pole and Pa Pa
I can;t help it.
I;m feeling the Bern
Anyone else?
U must want the Bern to pay your college loans. A man who let a couple women from BLM take over his microphone and run him off the stage is not a man. He is even afraid to say "All Lives Matter".His foreign policy would be the same. If he can't stand up to 2 women, Putin would scare him to death.It's a good Bern
I paid my way through UGA without any loans or help from my parents. Why would he say " All Lives matter" in that context. I doubt Putin would scare him. It's hard to scare an old man.It's a good Bern
There is no context where "all lives matter" is inappropriate. He is simply afraid of BLM. He was run off the stage and a real man wouldn't have allowed that to happen. He has no foreign policy at least stated and increasing taxes will cause lost jobs not bring our country back to prosperity.I paid my way through UGA without any loans or help from my parents. Why would he say " All Lives matter" in that context. I doubt Putin would scare him. It's hard to scare an old man.
How will Increasing taxes on the rich cause lost jobs? I have a degree in Economics ( not pretending to be an expert) and the only people that say that are Corporations, The rich and the politicians that support them.There is no context where "all lives matter" is inappropriate. He is simply afraid of BLM. He was run off the stage and a real man wouldn't have allowed that to happen. He has no foreign policy at least stated and increasing taxes will cause lost jobs not bring our country back to prosperity.
Whatever Bernie's Foreign policy is, it will likely be more in line with other Democrats. Hopefully more like President Obama'sHow will Increasing taxes on the rich cause lost jobs? I have a degree in Economics ( not pretending to be an expert) and the only people that say that are Corporations, The rich and the politicians that support them.
Bernie's an economically illiterate socialist (as if they come in the economically literate variety). But, like Trump, and unlike Hillary, Bernie is authentic. He's crazy and he's not faking it. I suppose if I were angry and envious of what the next guy had and felt the government owed me a comfortable wage, free college and free health care and that people who achieved financial success were just society's lottery winners, then I would feel the Bern. But, of all the candidates, he would be my last choice.I can't blame it on my roots
Was born in a redneck suit
Way down near the Alapaha
Me, A cane pole and Pa Pa
I can;t help it.
I;m feeling the Bern
Anyone else?
Most economists, the real economists, not the Marxist whack jobs like Robert Reich or any of the carousel of economists who worked on the Obama economic team (the mother of all of oxymorons), would argue that if you raise the price of labor on employers then, all other things being equal, fewer units of labor will be demanded by the employers.How will Increasing taxes on the rich cause lost jobs? I have a degree in Economics ( not pretending to be an expert) and the only people that say that are Corporations, The rich and the politicians that support them.
How will Increasing taxes on the rich cause lost jobs? I have a degree in Economics ( not pretending to be an expert) and the only people that say that are Corporations, The rich and the politicians that support them.
We know Bernie can't do financial math, but he is a lawyer, after all. Did you know that he was quite the radical in his younger days? Bernie never met an anti-American cause he couldn't get behind. But, that's what it takes to win the Democratic nomination these days. I hope he's the nominee. He's Howard Dean/Lawrence O'Donnell, foaming at the mouth, bat-sh-t crazy.Bernie wants free healthcare for all, free tuition for colleges, $15/hr minimum wages, more regs on businesses, more taxes on businesses such as a carbon tax and will tax the rich to achieve this. This is crazy. There is not enough money even if u take all the income on Wall St. This would lead to taxes on everyone and a 25% VAT on all purchases like in Europe. In a scenario like this and massive immigration, UE will go up significantly. .
I can't blame it on my roots
Was born in a redneck suit
Way down near the Alapaha
Me, A cane pole and Pa Pa
I can;t help it.
I;m feeling the Bern
Anyone else?
Of Course all lives matter but when in response to BLM it is a refusal to listen to theie pleaThere is no context where "all lives matter" is inappropriate. He is simply afraid of BLM. He was run off the stage and a real man wouldn't have allowed that to happen. He has no foreign policy at least stated and increasing taxes will cause lost jobs not bring our country back to prosperity.
Agree 100%Better him than Frank Underwood in a dress (Hillary)
Since when is being a radical as a young man a bad thing. Anti-American? Were all the prostersters against the Vietnam War Anti-American.We know Bernie can't do financial math, but he is a lawyer, after all. Did you know that he was quite the radical in his younger days? Bernie never met an anti-American cause he couldn't get behind. But, that's what it takes to win the Democratic nomination these days. I hope he's the nominee. He's Howard Dean/Lawrence O'Donnell, foaming at the mouth, bat-sh-t crazy.
If you can't see how the economy is rigged in favor of the uber-rich, then we have nothing to talk about. I'm not envious, I am outraged that most people can't take off their lackluster red, white, and blue shades and see what this country could be. When they put those shades back on, they may see a more brilliant shade of red, white and blue.Bernie's an economically illiterate socialist (as if they come in the economically literate variety). But, like Trump, and unlike Hillary, Bernie is authentic. He's crazy and he's not faking it. I suppose if I were angry and envious of what the next guy had and felt the government owed me a comfortable wage, free college and free health care and that people who achieved financial success were just society's lottery winners, then I would feel the Bern. But, of all the candidates, he would be my last choice.
I paid my way through colI paid my way through UGA without any loans or help from my parents. Why would he say " All Lives matter" in that context. I doubt Putin would scare him. It's hard to scare an old man.
U must want the Bern to pay your college loans.U must want the Bern to pay your college loans. A man who let a couple women from BLM take over his microphone and run him off the stage is not a man. He is even afraid to say "All Lives Matter".His foreign policy would be the same. If he can't stand up to 2 women, Putin would scare him to death.
Why do you hate the once great nation of The United States of America enough to allow ANY of the dems run it in the ground more than obama has done? Big government is the reason we are up to our eyeballs in debt now. obama said it was unpatriotic when G.W. Bush proposed some of his programs and incurred more debt for this nation (Bush spent our money like a democrat), then obama proceeded to spend more money than all the previous president's combined to push his wasteful big government programs. These programs payed back the democratic donors and lined the pockets of politicians, when the rest of the working class screamed NO! Reagan had it right, lower taxes and the income for all grew including the federal government. You can not tax prosperity on a nation. It is a sad day when candidates like this are seriously being considered to run our nation. I am afraid we have reached the point of no return where the dems have destroyed this nation with their giveaways and forced labor increases.I paid my way through col
U must want the Bern to pay your college loans.
You don't know sh-t about me
Fathers Service Station < $1.00/hr plus a moonpie and RC cola
Cutting grass 12yo - present
Thorton's Plant Shed Tifton, Ga 1969-1971 $1.30/hr
USDA Tifton 1973-1975 1.60/hr
Stone Food Co Oneta st Athens ga 6am-9am $3.00/hr
St Mary's Hospital EMT/Paramedic $3.00/hr 1977-1979
Athens Regional
Took the GRE the day my son was born
No loans , No parents help
Wow, Why do I hate the US? Why do you hate the US enough to vote for any of the Republicans running. Please tell me you don't watch Fox news or we can't be best friends.Why do you hate the once great nation of The United States of America enough to allow ANY of the dems run it in the ground more than obama has done? Big government is the reason we are up to our eyeballs in debt now. obama said is was unpatriotic when G.W. Bush proposed some of his programs and incurred more debt for this nation (Bush spent our money like a democrat), then obama proceeded to spend more money than all the previous president's combined to push his wasteful big government programs. These programs payed back the democratic donors and lined the pockets of politicians, when the rest of the working class screamed NO! Reagan had it right, lower taxes and the income for all grew including the federal government. You can not tax prosperity on a nation. It is a sad day when candidates like this rea seriously being considered to run our nation. I am afraid we have reached the point of no return where the dems have destroyed this nation with their giveaways and forced labor increases.
Better him than Frank Underwood in a dress (Hillary)
Wow, Why do I hate the US? Why do you hate the US enough to vote for any of the Republicans running. Please tell me you don't watch Fox news or we can't be best friends.
Do you remember that we had a budget surplus under Bill Clinton ?Reagan had to steal from social security to save face
OK, since you say you studied economics, let me refresh your memory. There are four factors of production: land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship. Capital is what defines the rich, so they have at least one factor that the rest of us don't. Owning land helps too. That's two factors the rich possess that everyone else doesn't. So what? Someone in their family earned it. That doesn't give anyone license to take it away. So, capitalism has a built in bias to people who possess capital and land. Everyone else has a right to sell as much labor and entrepreneurship they can muster. If you think leveling the playing field is the way to make the US more productive, I suggest you look at other countries where they leveled the playing field: Cuba, Venezuela, the old Soviet Union from 1917-1991, Communist China from 1949-1978. Not much to emulate there. We're currently growing real GDP at a rate of 2% per year. The 50 year average is 3% per year. What's changed? Obama and his band of collectivists who empower the State at the expense of the private sector, that's what. He's killed the coal industry and wants to kill off the rest of fossil fuels, as well. He's neutered the financial services industry, cynically blaming the banks for the housing crash the government and it's Government Sponsored Entities, FNMA and FHLMC, caused. You want a more productive America? We need a lot less of Bernie and a lot more of what the GOP candidates are talking about: lower personal income taxes, repeal of the job killing Obamacare law, roll back sections of Dodd Frank so a bank can actually make a loan to a viable small business without setting aside punitive amounts of capital. Who is a better underwriter of risk, the Federal Government or a local banker who knows his customer?If you can't see how the economy is rigged in favor of the uber-rich, then we have nothing to talk about. I'm not envious, I am outraged that most people can't take off their lackluster red, white, and blue shades and see what this country could be. When they put those shades back on, they may see a more brilliant shade of red, white and blue.
Amen, Brother Hoffman. However, in terms of trying to educate our pro-Bernie poster, I'm reminded of a saying about teaching a pig to sing. It's not recommended. It's frustrates the teacher and irritates the pig.As Reagan once said " The trouble with liberals is not that they are ignorant but that they know so much that isn't so. Whether social security has been treated on budget or off budget, the raiding of SS started under JFK. Since then both parties have used SS like one would use a bank account. As for the budget surplus under Clinton, he was dragged kicking and screaming to cut spending by the Gingrich led House. While the budget deficit approached a surplus, the national debt was $5T at the end of his 2nd term. At the end of Bush's 2nd term the national debt had increased to around $10T. After obama's 2nd term it will approach $20T which is more than all other presidents combined.
I don't see how u can vote for the Free Stuff Party. They are financially illiterate and have shown they care more about party than the safety and well being of the American people.
Here's a short history of social security and there are links. Big problem with the W admin was they put the wars on a credit card, not in the budget, which has an effect on the current debt as it was moved back. I think capping social security payroll is mistake and could solve some problems.
By the way, full disclosure, I'm not one that hates the US or the govt and still think we're great. The best country in the world to live in. Some of these people (not here, on tv) need to move to another country if they hate it so much here.
And I consider myself an independent.
Mr. Babble, What is this communism you speak of. Bernie Sanders is not a communist.OK, since you say you studied economics, let me refresh your memory. There are four factors of production: land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship. Capital is what defines the rich, so they have at least one factor that the rest of us don't. Owning land helps too. That's two factors the rich possess that everyone else doesn't. So what? Someone in their family earned it. That doesn't give anyone license to take it away. So, capitalism has a built in bias to people who possess capital and land. Everyone else has a right to sell as much labor and entrepreneurship they can muster. If you think leveling the playing field is the way to make the US more productive, I suggest you look at other countries where they leveled the playing field: Cuba, Venezuela, the old Soviet Union from 1917-1991, Communist China from 1949-1978. Not much to emulate there. We're currently growing real GDP at a rate of 2% per year. The 50 year average is 3% per year. What's changed? Obama and his band of collectivists who empower the State at the expense of the private sector, that's what. He's killed the coal industry and wants to kill off the rest of fossil fuels, as well. He's neutered the financial services industry, cynically blaming the banks for the housing crash the government and it's Government Sponsored Entities, FNMA and FHLMC, caused. You want a more productive America? We need a lot less of Bernie and a lot more of what the GOP candidates are talking about: lower personal income taxes, repeal of the job killing Obamacare law, roll back sections of Dodd Frank so a bank can actually make a loan to a viable small business without setting aside punitive amounts of capital. Who is a better underwriter of risk, the Federal Government or a local banker who knows his customer?
How will Increasing taxes on the rich cause lost jobs? I have a degree in Economics ( not pretending to be an expert) and the only people that say that are Corporations, The rich and the politicians that support them.
Billions and Trilliions in off shore accounts is not in the us economy. Neither are the Billions being hoarded by Billionairs. Welfare and entitlements for the rich sould end in my opinion
I paid my way through col
U must want the Bern to pay your college loans.
You don't know sh-t about me
Fathers Service Station < $1.00/hr plus a moonpie and RC cola
Cutting grass 12yo - present
Thorton's Plant Shed Tifton, Ga 1969-1971 $1.30/hr
USDA Tifton 1973-1975 1.60/hr
Stone Food Co Oneta st Athens ga 6am-9am $3.00/hr
St Mary's Hospital EMT/Paramedic $3.00/hr 1977-1979
Athens Regional
Took the GRE the day my son was born
No loans , No parents help
If you can't see how the economy is rigged in favor of the uber-rich, then we have nothing to talk about. I'm not envious, I am outraged that most people can't take off their lackluster red, white, and blue shades and see what this country could be. When they put those shades back on, they may see a more brilliant shade of red, white and blue.
Billions and Trilliions in off shore accounts is not in the us economy. Neither are the Billions being hoarded by Billionairs. Welfare and entitlements for the rich sould end in my opinion
Mr. Babble, What is this communism you speak of. Bernie Sanders is not a communist.
He is a self proclaimed Socialist which is just around the corner from a communist.The point being we have no room for either in the US. Capitalism is the only system where all can have a fair chance to achieve by their willingness to work hard to earn a living. Liberals obviously can not stand this because there are winners and losers. It seems the achievers are hated by the non-achievers as part of a class warfare belief spread by the liberals to vilify the successful. You can choose to bust your but and earn your own way, or suck off the government tit and bitch because you don't have what the achievers have. I choose self reliance and less government intrusion, but to many leeches in today's world make that more difficult as time progresses.Mr. Babble, What is this communism you speak of. Bernie Sanders is not a communist.
You do not know what you are talking about, with all due respect.Bernie wants free healthcare for all, free tuition for colleges, $15/hr minimum wages, more regs on businesses, more taxes on businesses such as a carbon tax and will tax the rich to achieve this. This is crazy. There is not enough money even if u take all the income on Wall St. This would lead to taxes on everyone and a 25% VAT on all purchases like in Europe. In a scenario like this and massive immigration, UE will go up significantly. .