Is anyone else " Feeling the Bern"

Why do you hate the once great nation of The United States of America enough to allow ANY of the dems run it in the ground more than obama has done? Big government is the reason we are up to our eyeballs in debt now. obama said it was unpatriotic when G.W. Bush proposed some of his programs and incurred more debt for this nation (Bush spent our money like a democrat), then obama proceeded to spend more money than all the previous president's combined to push his wasteful big government programs. These programs payed back the democratic donors and lined the pockets of politicians, when the rest of the working class screamed NO! Reagan had it right, lower taxes and the income for all grew including the federal government. You can not tax prosperity on a nation. It is a sad day when candidates like this are seriously being considered to run our nation. I am afraid we have reached the point of no return where the dems have destroyed this nation with their giveaways and forced labor increases.
It was under Bush that we had 9/11, the Great Recession, the stupidest war since Vietnam. The bailouts started under Bush. What has Obama done that even comes close to that incompetance as president.
Socialism scares the crap out of me. It has failed everywhere it has been tried.

Yet, we have people in this country that somehow think that it will be different here. It won't. That is absolutely crazy talk.
Fear not. It will be OK. You know what scares the crap out of me? The thought of a Republican in the White House. Especialy the right wing nut jobs that are the current candidates. I'm not worried about The Donald. I sometimes I think he is a false flag candidate for Hillary.
Yes he is. He's also a buffoon. I mean these liberals put up the most disgusting POS they can find it seems. The simply aren't serious ppl. Sanders, Clinton, POSOTUS. Kerry. Gore. I mean damn. Thats just a group of misfit morons. How utterly stupid does a person have to be to look at these clowns and go " Yea they speak to me" Just dumb
Wow, You just showed your IQ with the dumbest quote in political hystory. How utterly stupid does a person have to be to let themselves be brainwashed by the like of Faux news, Rush, etc. The republican party is full of the disinformed. Throw in all the racist, psuedo-christian,red neck, rebel flag waiving morons and you got a real political party going there. Does George W. Bush speak for you. He was responsible for 500,000 murders in Iraq for oil money, Haliburton, etc and last but not least, to get his little pecker hard. When will America wake up and realize that the reuplican party is owned by the Koch brothers and the other billionairs .They are taking advantage of the good hearted, albeit niavity of us southererns . They are playing us like a cheap Piccolo. Please Wake up dude,
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Fear not. It will be OK. You know what scares the crap out of me? The thought of a Republican in the White House. Especialy the right wing nut jobs that are the current candidates. I'm not worried about The Donald. I sometimes I think he is a false flag candidate for Hillary.
What if Hill gets indicted? Are you still going to vote for a crook or go the full communism route with Bernie?
Wow, You just showed your IQ with the dumbest quote in political hystory. How utterly stupid does a person have to be to let themselves be brainwashed by the like of Faux news, Rush, etc. The republican party is full of the disinformed. Throw in all the racist, psuedo-christian,red neck, rebel flag waiving morons and you got a real political party going there. Does George W. Bush speak for you. He was responsible for 500,000 murders in Iraq for oil money, Haliburton, etc and last but not least, to get his little pecker hard. When will America wake up and realize that the reuplican party is owned by the Koch brothers and the other billionairs .They are taking advantage of the good hearted, albeit niavity of us southererns . They are playing us like a cheap Piccolo. Please Wake up dude,

Where exactly do you get your "facts" from if I may ask? Specifically 500,000 "murders."
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Wow, You just showed your IQ with the dumbest quote in political hystory. How utterly stupid does a person have to be to let themselves be brainwashed by the like of Faux news, Rush, etc. The republican party is full of the disinformed. Throw in all the racist, psuedo-christian,red neck, rebel flag waiving morons and you got a real political party going there. Does George W. Bush speak for you. He was responsible for 500,000 murders in Iraq for oil money, Haliburton, etc and last but not least, to get his little pecker hard. When will America wake up and realize that the reuplican party is owned by the Koch brothers and the other billionairs .They are taking advantage of the good hearted, albeit niavity of us southererns . They are playing us like a cheap Piccolo. Please Wake up dude,
YOu should just go ahead and join up with your american hating comrades and train for killing american citizens, your words give you away. If you like third world shitholes go away and live there, do not expect us to change the quality of living here to suit your welfare based income.
Wow, Why do I hate the US? Why do you hate the US enough to vote for any of the Republicans running. Please tell me you don't watch Fox news or we can't be best friends.
Do you remember that we had a budget surplus under Bill Clinton ?Reagan had to steal from social security to save face

There was no surplus. And to the extent of any economic growth under Slick Willie, it took place after Newt drug him kicking and screaming to do the right thing like cutting welfare payments to who ppl get their news from. You should maybe seek other sources. You're clearly not up to speed on how things work.
It was under Bush that we had 9/11, the Great Recession, the stupidest war since Vietnam. The bailouts started under Bush. What has Obama done that even comes close to that incompetance as president.

So exactly where did you get this "economics" degree? Ever hear of the CRA? I'll hang up and listen.
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Wow, You just showed your IQ with the dumbest quote in political hystory. How utterly stupid does a person have to be to let themselves be brainwashed by the like of Faux news, Rush, etc. The republican party is full of the disinformed. Throw in all the racist, psuedo-christian,red neck, rebel flag waiving morons and you got a real political party going there. Does George W. Bush speak for you. He was responsible for 500,000 murders in Iraq for oil money, Haliburton, etc and last but not least, to get his little pecker hard. When will America wake up and realize that the reuplican party is owned by the Koch brothers and the other billionairs .They are taking advantage of the good hearted, albeit niavity of us southererns . They are playing us like a cheap Piccolo. Please Wake up dude,

Lord have mercy. You a walking cliche. You're either very young,...or ..forgive me. Very stupid? Your problem is you don't know that ...You DON'T KNOW. The fact that you believe those ppl are serious ppl proves you're wondering through the wilderness without a pack.
There was no surplus. And to the extent of any economic growth under Slick Willie, it took place after Newt drug him kicking and screaming to do the right thing like cutting welfare payments to who ppl get their news from. You should maybe seek other sources. You're clearly not up to speed on how things work.

It also didn't hurt that Willie was riding the coattails of his buddy Al for inventing the Internet. That crazy thing seems to have been wildly successful.
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Fear not. It will be OK. You know what scares the crap out of me? The thought of a Republican in the White House. Especialy the right wing nut jobs that are the current candidates. I'm not worried about The Donald. I sometimes I think he is a false flag candidate for Hillary.
Mr. Babble, What is this communism you speak of. Bernie Sanders is not a communist.

The Communist Party USA website highlites Barack Hussein Obama. Their platform is very close to the Democrat agenda. So it is not hyperbole to compare today's Dem party as Communist it out.
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The Communist Party USA website highlites Barack Hussein Obama. Their platform is very close to the Democrat agenda. So it is not hyperbole to compare today's Dem party as Communist it out.
Oh dear. I'm not going to a communist web site. People can call themselves any thing they want to. When I think of Communism, I think of the Gov. owning all the resources and everyone being equal. I think the Democratic Party , especially Sanders wants is the rich to pay their fair share. The economy is rigged in favor of the very rich. The middle class is getting smaller and smaller. The Koch brothers are playing to the patriotism, religion, and sometimes racsism of the south. We are letting them play us like a cheap Piccolo.
Lord have mercy. You a walking cliche. You're either very young,...or ..forgive me. Very stupid? Your problem is you don't know that ...You DON'T KNOW. The fact that you believe those ppl are serious ppl proves you're wondering through the wilderness without a pack.
Forgive me, but if you would take your head out of your ass and look around you wouldn't sound so ignorant.
Exactly. You don't understand. You sure you have a degree in economics? Maybe you miss understood and its really in women's studies?
Man your so brainwashed with right wing nut job idealogy you can't even debate issues with any sort of intelegence.
So exactly where did you get this "economics" degree? Ever hear of the CRA? I'll hang up and listen.
Yea because its worked out so well.....Lord have mercy.
I'm glad the you realized that our foreign policy under president Obama has worked out. Were you so enamored with George W Bush. I don;t this Obama was responsible for for murdeing a half a million people. Some were US soldiers. Not only that, but he destabalized the entire middle east.
I'm glad the you realized that our foreign policy under president Obama has worked out. Were you so enamored with George W Bush. I don;t this Obama was responsible for for murdeing a half a million people. Some were US soldiers. Not only that, but he destabalized the entire middle east.

Once again you overwhelm us all with your astute knowledge.........Of what you don't know. Lydia? Syria? ISIS anyone? Russian reset? Georgia surely loves Obama? Poland? Gotta love the missile defense ....
Oh dear. I'm not going to a communist web site. People can call themselves any thing they want to. When I think of Communism, I think of the Gov. owning all the resources and everyone being equal. I think the Democratic Party , especially Sanders wants is the rich to pay their fair share. The economy is rigged in favor of the very rich. The middle class is getting smaller and smaller. The Koch brothers are playing to the patriotism, religion, and sometimes racsism of the south. We are letting them play us like a cheap Piccolo.

Are u afraid of what u will find on the CPUSA website? U should be anxious to read difference sources to validate your opinions. Income inequality has increased during the Obama years due to Fed policies making stock market investors richer. At the bottom end of the income spectrum, The working class has increased competition from illegal immigrants and H2B visa recipients brought on by Obama policies.As for the rich paying their fair share, according to the WSJ, the top 20% of wage earners pay 84% of the taxes. So what is the fair share of income that the rich should pay? What should be the top tax bracket--90%? For your info, Pres Hollande President of France, a socialist, increased income taxes on the wealthy to 75% and govt revenue decreased. They either increased their prices leave the country, stop expansion plans, or lay off employees. None of which would help the majority of the American people. Hollande rescinded the tax increase.
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Anyone that votes for this nut Sanders is either 1) pitifully ignorant and really cannot help it, or 2) loves the idea of getting everything they need for free at the expense of others. Pretty simple.
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