Wow, You just showed your IQ with the dumbest quote in political hystory. How utterly stupid does a person have to be to let themselves be brainwashed by the like of Faux news, Rush, etc. The republican party is full of the disinformed. Throw in all the racist, psuedo-christian,red neck, rebel flag waiving morons and you got a real political party going there. Does George W. Bush speak for you. He was responsible for 500,000 murders in Iraq for oil money, Haliburton, etc and last but not least, to get his little pecker hard. When will America wake up and realize that the reuplican party is owned by the Koch brothers and the other billionairs .They are taking advantage of the good hearted, albeit niavity of us southererns . They are playing us like a cheap Piccolo. Please Wake up dude,