Is Jill The Real President?


Letterman and National Champion
Nov 15, 2019
The former babysitter for the Biden family now has assumed the role of President of The USA. She likes the privilege and power so she is not about to let go of her position. Get a wheelchair and keep Joe in as the man with a mad dog and an ego of the Pope.. 65
The former babysitter for the Biden family now has assumed the role of President of The USA. She likes the privilege and power so she is not about to let go of her position. Get a wheelchair and keep Joe in as the man with a mad dog and an ego of the Pope.. 65
With her performance as a parent, Jill Biden is not qualified to be de facto PTA President, much less de facto POTUS. That’s extraconstitutional.
The former babysitter for the Biden family now has assumed the role of President of The USA. She likes the privilege and power so she is not about to let go of her position. Get a wheelchair and keep Joe in as the man with a mad dog and an ego of the Pope.. 65
I don’t think she is in charge but is fully aware that whoever is in charge is using Joe. She is complicit in the whole thing.
The only thing Jill is running is the keep Joe appearing to be viable operation along with campaign cover. That appears to be an impossible job.

The dem establishment is running the country and that's why they've tried to keep Joe at the top of the ticket. With Joe in the Oval office, they can open the borders and blame Joe. They can coordinate lawfare attacks on their opponents and use Joe for cover and they can divide the nation and don't have to worry about a POTUS that will put on the brakes as long as they let Hunter grab a few more million and take Joe by the ice cream shop every few days. What we're seeing now is a group of authoritarians that believe now is the time to go for the brass ring.
As I recall, Jill Biden’s doctoral thesis was about how to increase enrollment in local community colleges. She basically wrote that if cc’s added more amenities like recreational facilities, sports programs, enhanced dining opportunities, etc., then more students would attend cc’s. In other words, turn cc’s into regular colleges. And for that rocket surgery she was awarded a doctorate.

Jill Biden is an airhead, and that air is a stinky fart.
As I recall, Jill Biden’s doctoral thesis was about how to increase enrollment in local community colleges. She basically wrote that if cc’s added more amenities like recreational facilities, sports programs, enhanced dining opportunities, etc., then more students would attend cc’s. In other words, turn cc’s into regular colleges. And for that rocket surgery she was awarded a doctorate.

Jill Biden is an airhead, and that air is a stinky fart.

LOL, all this time I thought she was a medical doctor. Hahahaha.
The former babysitter for the Biden family now has assumed the role of President of The USA. She likes the privilege and power so she is not about to let go of her position. Get a wheelchair and keep Joe in as the man with a mad dog and an ego of the Pope.. 65
I believe she is the primary intermediary between the lieutenants of the people directing Biden and Biden himself. Biden could not understand or remember instructions, so it is Jill’s job to keep him pointed in the right direction. So, I suppose yes, Jill is acting as the de facto president. Liberal voters who are unaware that the president’s actions are being directed by outside forces need to become aware and ask themselves if this is a good thing. I believe there is no doubt Klaus Schwab and his Great Reset is a major input.
The former babysitter for the Biden family now has assumed the role of President of The USA. She likes the privilege and power so she is not about to let go of her position. Get a wheelchair and keep Joe in as the man with a mad dog and an ego of the Pope.. 65
doubtful…I do think she wants Joe to run at all costs and win so Hunter can get pardoned or get any sentence commuted. In any case, Jill isn’t too bright if she thinks she could be president