It Is Ok To Offend A Large Part Of The Southern White Population But Curse You If you Offend Blacks

The war on "white" Americans is real. The struggle is real. Sad to see my family, and especially my sons, treated like "2nd class citizens". All I'm asking for...all I've ever asked equality.

You sound an awful lot like the person Ron Briley described in this article: "Young white men like Dylann Roof, who apparently dropped out of school when he was in the ninth grade, are frustrated by the lack of opportunity and seek scapegoats in minorities and a national government which they perceive as favoring blacks, threatening gun ownership, and undermining traditional religion by advocating gay marriage. They seek refuge and protection in their guns and the symbol of a Confederate flag that has not only championed racial discrimination but has represented the lack of economic opportunity for poor Southern whites. The mythology of an oppressive national government seeking to destroy a traditional way of life represented by the Confederate flag has continued to promote racial division and limit social and economic reform in the South." - See more at:
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You sound an awful lot like the person Ron Briley described in this article: "Young white men like Dylann Roof, who apparently dropped out of school when he was in the ninth grade, are frustrated by the lack of opportunity and seek scapegoats in minorities and a national government which they perceive as favoring blacks, threatening gun ownership, and undermining traditional religion by advocating gay marriage. They seek refuge and protection in their guns and the symbol of a Confederate flag that has not only championed racial discrimination but has represented the lack of economic opportunity for poor Southern whites. The mythology of an oppressive national government seeking to destroy a traditional way of life represented by the Confederate flag has continued to promote racial division and limit social and economic reform in the South." - See more at:
You are completely off base and out of line with this accusation
You sound an awful lot like the person Ron Briley described in this article: "Young white men like Dylann Roof, who apparently dropped out of school when he was in the ninth grade, are frustrated by the lack of opportunity and seek scapegoats in minorities and a national government which they perceive as favoring blacks, threatening gun ownership, and undermining traditional religion by advocating gay marriage. They seek refuge and protection in their guns and the symbol of a Confederate flag that has not only championed racial discrimination but has represented the lack of economic opportunity for poor Southern whites. The mythology of an oppressive national government seeking to destroy a traditional way of life represented by the Confederate flag has continued to promote racial division and limit social and economic reform in the South." - See more at:
Really! he does not sound like an uneducated, white trash POS! that Roof was. He is obviously an educated man that has debated you in a corner, and you do not like when someone refutes your teachings. You know darn well he is not what you claim.
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You sound an awful lot like the person Ron Briley described in this article: "Young white men like Dylann Roof, who apparently dropped out of school when he was in the ninth grade, are frustrated by the lack of opportunity and seek scapegoats in minorities and a national government which they perceive as favoring blacks, threatening gun ownership, and undermining traditional religion by advocating gay marriage. They seek refuge and protection in their guns and the symbol of a Confederate flag that has not only championed racial discrimination but has represented the lack of economic opportunity for poor Southern whites. The mythology of an oppressive national government seeking to destroy a traditional way of life represented by the Confederate flag has continued to promote racial division and limit social and economic reform in the South." - See more at:

You really are a moron. The guy has whipped your ass all over this board. He is exactly right. How many liberal pols do you hear talking about BS white privilege. How man Trillions have been set aside to make up for 'slavery" as if any of these current dead beats have suffered from it. You have lefties calling for wiping out the white race.

You leftest are truly evil ppl. You love Government so much, explain why? Unlike business you can't opt out of doing business with Government. You support them taking over 2.5 trillion of our dollars and borrowing another almost 2 trillion.......How does that make sense to anyone? They aren't real efficient ya know? But like your brothers in Greece you don't see a problem.

One of your hero's described ppl like're a useful idiot.If you're overseers see you like that. How stupid must you be?
''racist'' this board knows a thing or a thousand about racism.
White people have been held down far too long in this racist country.
I have a dream that one day we'll get one of our own elected POTUS.
I know it's a long shot, but a Man needs hope.

Racist: Anyone winning an argument with a liberal.

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