It's been a minute since some Gator tears... Edit* updated with more tears


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Aug 14, 2018
So here are some of them over the Rashada lawsuit. Enjoy!

"Shocked this came about after enrolling at Georgia."

"Didn’t BD group say this was over and done with? Does he have any way to end up on top of this?"

"Good. Jaden can’t hide the facts in court. He will have to be ready to show every deal he has made with Georgia and ASU as well as those he had with UM and others during his recruitment"

"Also, never been one to say I hope a kid fails/gets injured but I’m reaaaaaaally close to wanting one of our LB to do something not so nice lol…."

"I’m really getting sick of seeing this dumb dipshit"

"I hope this pussy starts for Georgia at some point and we lay him out"

"And I’m sure Smart did more than simply give his blessing."

"Dude is realizing he ain’t gonna make it to the NFL

Read the ESPN article and sounds like a bunch of talk between people, but nothing actually substantial.

What are his grounds for adding Napier?"

"Not a big Napier fan but I could care less about this. One of those deals where they will settle out of court kid gets more $$$ then he could want and we learn a painful lesson. His dad seems like a punk"

"Why would he wait to sue. He could have sued immediately"

"Yeeeah totally coincidental timing after a productive portal season for an attack on our NIL dealings….with Kirby’s blessing🙄😏"

"He’s never going to play, so there won’t be much of a chance for a LB to tee off on him.

Now etienne on the other hand…"

"And now we see why he transferred to Georgia of all places. Kid and his father and his football daddy Kirby are scum. Daddy is using this last resort meal ticket since now it’s obvious there’s no future in football and Kirby would shoot his own dog if it meant UF would lose a dollar. Them hiring Deshaun Watson’s lawyer tells you all you need to know. Wouldn’t surprise me to see Etienne and his scum family get in on this somehow"

"To the lawyers on the board, I saw this poster comment and was interested in your thoughts:

Here is- imho- how to respond:
Deny all allegations
Counter sue for extortion and slander/ libel
Then go for depositions of him , all of his family, ex team mates , Kirby and Uga Nil people.
In that mess will appear their”stuff”.

Most people dont know how to handle questions in a depo after 2-3 hours” "

"Wow. Came to see if anyone posted about Emmitt Smith and him finally wanted to get involved in "promoting" UF and see this. Annoying news day."

"This is just Kirby using any ammo he can to keep UF down in recruiting for as long as he can. UGA knows the court of public opinion has already been cast, and no one will pay attention when this is dismissed. So, Kirby and UGA have already won this battle."

"Yeah. I wouldn’t be shocked if some UGA booster is bankrolling this lawsuit.

It doesn’t sound like they have any proof Napier said what they claim, so he’s probably safe."

"Nope. There was a cooling off period, the contract was revoked prior to ESD.

This is another Kirby Smart ploy. Problem will be is what did CBN know, and how involved was he."

"Hope we Kash Daniels this mf"

"I'm so tired of looking at this guy's ugly rat face..... be gone Mole Boy!"

"It's just too coincidental that this is coming after he signed with Georgia. Which of course then begs the question, why didn't he do this earlier while at Arizona State?"

"The only way to fight back is to beat them on the field. Period."

"BS, SOS would never promote a kid to sue Uga. Ruts, yes but not that. Kirby is a prick."

"Nah man this is a whole other level. Spurrier and Urban were content with beating their asses on the field. That was revenge enough and nothing they could do about it.

This is major bush league if true that Smart played a part in this."

"Honestly glad this kid didn’t turn out to be a gator. Sounds like a drama queen. Hes doing this after a year at ASU? Wild."

"You laughin but it's true. What you gonna do? Sue em back? And for what?

Hate to say, but they have the advantage. Until we whip em on the field, they are gonna continue to pile on.

Truth hurts here."

"I’m sure this and going to UGA have nothing to do with each other too."

"I think he is "Lol" because we are presently nowhere near beating them on the field."

"At present, no. So we'll just have to sit and take it until we do. I don't like it anymore than the next person, but it is what it is."

"Need Billy to use this as ammo for the game. If this was Spurrier or Urban he would try to hang 50+ on them."

(In response ^)
"I like the idea but I don't see Napier doing this at all. Hope I'm wrong."

"Kirby has a big distain for Florida, thereby the same is said for the coach. Napier is clearly picking up steam, what better way to distract a coach than to have him involved/worried about a lawsuit."

"I'm sure Kirby would like Napier to stay at Florida for as long as possible."

"Should we be worried about Napier job @JasonHigdon ? I am worried about what could come out of this. Discovery could get nasty."

"Seems like Kirby would spend his time better trying to figure out how to mess with Texas, LSU, or Bama. Then focus on us in a couple of years when we are back towards the top of the mantle."

"🥱🥱🥱🥱 nice try Kirby"

"Dumb family and dumb of UF to associate with shady individuals facilitating whatever deal this was."

*Edit- More tears added. They have added 5 pages of more tears since I posted this originally. See below...

(in response to one of the guys talking about needing to beat UGA... 😂)

"It takes a specially saturated pair of orange and blue glasses to think that Billy Napier, who has a losing record at UF, cannot manage a game effectively, cannot land top 5 classes, and has a history of making bad hires, is somehow emerging as an existential threat to Kirby Smart. But this thread is about Rashada, so I'll leave that discussion to another day."

"Hal's comments make perfect sense. I hope Napier and Hathcock fight this one."

"And I'm sure that "reason" has nothing to do with the fact that Josh Pate was given exclusive media access to the program and has almost universally held a reputation for only saying nice things about different programs and coaches.

But sure, ignore all the other hard facts and evidence, I'm sure Kirby is shaking in his topsiders about an 11-14 P5 coach."

"What in the actual ****!"

"The real question is: If we find evidence that Billy promised Rashada 1M, do we fire him for cause w/ no buy out?
This needs an extensive investigation IMO."

"Pretty funny that Rashada does this after being at UGA for not even a month. Hope Napier fights it and the full details come out"

"Well, so much for a quiet summer!
The gift that just keeps on giving!
Player and Father can say or do whatever they want...
Meanwhile, Florida has to keep quiet!
Smart "gives his blessings" on suing us...but he can not clean up his own mess in Athens, which I might add, includes deaths....and all you hear is crickets....or right now in Middle Georgia all you hear are Cicada's!
And, it is about 99% certain we will never know the truth!"

"That is what I would think and now the school will have to spend money on this. Just not good."

"This is ****ing embarrassing. I won't post the rest of my thoughts until I calm down.

Absolutely ****ing embarrassing."

"It seems so odd to me that media outlets would go out of their way to say Smart "signed off" on this, which is very ambiguous to begin with and could mean anything. You don't normally do that unless there is some significance to it.

Rashada doesn't need Smart's permission to file a lawsuit over something that had nothing to do with him or Georgia. So why is the media pointing this out? 🤔"

"My brother is a lawyer…his interpretation is “Napier called him and promised him $1 million if he signed after his camp told him don’t sign without a contract. That’s the fraud. That’s an oral contract.” "

"I agree. This smacks of a money grab. I laughed pretty hard when I saw the subject line.

I have a few thoughts, but first the disclaimer - I am not an attorney nor do I play one on TV:

I think there are a few possibilities that play out

1 - a judge, takes a look at this and throws it out

2 - It throws a big light on NIL and the garbage show it has become. everyone involved gets egg on their face and the whole trial is a circus if it comes to that

3 - Congress or the NCAA gets involved and makes really stupid decisions about NIL moving forward

4 - turns out to be a minor distraction and for the most part a big nothing burger

I am leaning towards number four, but will get out my popcorn and watch what transpires, #Michael Jackson eating popcorn gif ..."

"Would be a good opportunity to avoid a buyout…..just sayin. I mean how much do you want to go to bat for an 11-14 coach with this kind of PR?

At the very least this must ramp up the heat to win pretty decently this year or else"

"The cancer known as Rashada is already starting to spread at UGA!!! Them bringing JR in will be viewed as the tipping point in this rivalry and we will be back on top soon!!!

It’s just gonna keep spreading up in Athens i love it!"

"Correct your headline. Rashada's family is not suing Florida or the UAA. They just want money $$$$$$$$. Everyone will be deposed and truth will prevail."

"The suit refers to UF as “a top offensive program”. Case should be tossed based on that false statement alone. 😜🤪"

"An analysis by one of the best sports legal analysts in the business. Gives an idea of what UF's response may be to the lawsuit. It also didn't hit me until I read this that this is a federal court lawsuit. Yikes."

"Kirby not bout to stop our motion"

"Kirby hates UF with a passion ...Billy just in the way"

"I think some insiders said this would never see the light of day, which now we know why.

I can sue anyone for anything, and make it seem like I got hosed too. Just b/c someone files a lawsuit does not mean they win.

I dunno, after reading that lawsuit, I feel like Rashada wanted more money after agreeing to the original deal to flip, we called his bluff and said we dont even want you here anymore, go kick rocks, and things began to spiral. Ironically, the opposite of what is shown in that lawsuit.

^^I have absolutely zero intel or information. Just my hunch on how things went down."

"All this does for me is confirm Urban did infact make a deal with the Devil, that deal was simple. Give us two titles and I'll move on and the program will be cursed in perpetuity once I'm gone.

Simply unreal. Assuming Billy acted in good faith, which everything I've about him, I assume that to be the case, I think its unlikely this has a significant negative impact on the program. It might add fuel to the fire though that winning on the field this season is extremely important for a long-term successful Billy Napier program at Florida. Fortunately I expect us to win on the field this season."

"The timing of this lawsuit becoming public is a little more than coincidental."

"Yep. The Rashadas may be petty and ridiculous but UF looks shady and it's because of the individuals they chose to get money from and facilitate this deal."

"Regardless of someone’s opinion on Billy, firing with cause and not paying the buyout is the absolute worst thing for the program as a whole. UF should fight this tooth and nail. The instability would set the program back years - again."

"This is 100% Kirby giving us some bad press and tying up resources to defend this insanity. It will have some kind of effect, whether it's someone not considering the Gators or another coach being able to negatively recruit, or some other small thing. That's all he wants, it's all about finding any advantage and exploiting it.

I would guess that's one of the reasons he took Rashada in the first place."

"Seems like a sleazy PI needs to be hired to rip this family to piece's in the media. Plus cat heads in the mailbox type stuff."

"This is a nuisance lawsuit. I have to think Rashada's plans to sue made him more attractive for Kirby & UGA. This is negative recruiting 101.

For those on this thread (& every other one) hoping this cements Napier's downfall I have bad news for you. This lawsuit probably guarantees he gets more time. The UAA is well aware of all the details of what went down. Remember we're talking wild, wild west phase of NIL : "the rules are there are no rules". You really think the UAA, Sasse amd SS are going to fire a coach with this frivolous lawsuit in the background? Doesn't make the job too attractive for the next coach that some of you are clamoring for."

"Yup, couldn’t cut it at UF so went to UGA."

"To quote Samuel Goldwyn: “a verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on….”"

"All I know is we better beat the shit out of UM on Aug 31st"

"I hope once this is all said and done, someone from UF goes scorched earth with digging up dirt on our rivals."

"This just adds to my disdain and disgust for anything from that school this “qb” is a part of. Not worth mentioning either of them formally."

"Hard for you to fathom this, but the powers that be are not looking to avoid a buy out like the Nancy sorority is. Many fans and admin people are very happy with Billy."

"It's a huge black eye regardless of the outcome. Perception is reality and the perception continues to show the football program is a bumbling shit show.

Sure we had a better off season than the last two but it's ALWAYS one step forward, two steps back with this current staff and administration. The Kirby angle pisses me off even more. I have no doubt Kirby knew all about this before Rashada even enrolled.

Amateur hour. We're now in the Jeremy Pruitt era of mediocrity with a side of Ray Goof."

"Agree….those that continue to whistle past the graveyard amaze me. This is a huge PR black eye combined with 11-14 and repeated amateur special teams mistakes and inexplicable losses.

I agree with the pumpers on the following: Napier by all accounts seems like a good dude. He’s a great ID of talent and a good recruiter.

Unfortunately he seems over his head in coaching on gameday and PR crap like this …. I think his seat is hotter than folks think. If SS had more security he may have already been let go but since SS and Napier will stay or go together , that decision will have to come from above SS.

We are a bit of a shitshow right now let’s just own it. If we go out and finish 9-3 and settle out of court this will all be a blip. But we lose 6 or more and this lingers at all and it’s hard to not see a cleaning house. Either way we will make progress."

"I am on the "I have hopes and doubts" right now when it comes to the Napier train. This season will be the deciding factor for me. But I think this is a big nothing burger. The only thing I think could be concerning is if conversations on texts get released and they reflect negatively on Napier. Hopefully Napier is a lot smarter than that though."
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