Since the plan is to fatten offensive linemen like you would live stock for slaughter. Not that they'll actually be slaughtered. Death will come far more slowly from clogged arteries, enlarged hearts, diabetes, cancer and the many other health issues that arise from obesity.
Come on Moms, send your babies to UGA, We'll make sure they don't miss any meals.
All sarcasm aside, I was horrified when We fattened the OL to ridiculous proportions back around 2008/2010.
Somebody needs to intervene in the interest of these Kids before Our new OL Coach takes already big kids and turns them into waddling heart attacks waiting to happen.
If You don't have HGH, IGF-1 and a mountain of food on Your training table, You just ain't tryin.
Come on Moms, send your babies to UGA, We'll make sure they don't miss any meals.
All sarcasm aside, I was horrified when We fattened the OL to ridiculous proportions back around 2008/2010.
Somebody needs to intervene in the interest of these Kids before Our new OL Coach takes already big kids and turns them into waddling heart attacks waiting to happen.
If You don't have HGH, IGF-1 and a mountain of food on Your training table, You just ain't tryin.
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