It's fitting our new offensive coaches were ''hogs''..


Letterman and National Champion
Apr 30, 2015
Since the plan is to fatten offensive linemen like you would live stock for slaughter. Not that they'll actually be slaughtered. Death will come far more slowly from clogged arteries, enlarged hearts, diabetes, cancer and the many other health issues that arise from obesity.
Come on Moms, send your babies to UGA, We'll make sure they don't miss any meals.

All sarcasm aside, I was horrified when We fattened the OL to ridiculous proportions back around 2008/2010.
Somebody needs to intervene in the interest of these Kids before Our new OL Coach takes already big kids and turns them into waddling heart attacks waiting to happen.

If You don't have HGH, IGF-1 and a mountain of food on Your training table, You just ain't tryin.
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you are strange helen
I'm right though. I tried to shame Richt into changing how OL were trained back when staff were making them morbidly obese. Whether it had an effect I don't know, I do know our O-linemen look a lot healthier now.
I'm right though. I tried to shame Richt into changing how OL were trained back when staff were making them morbidly obese. Whether it had an effect I don't know, I do know our O-linemen look a lot healthier now.

They're also soft as hell and got pushed around all year.
They're also soft as hell and got pushed around all year.

So the end justifies sacrificing the long term health of kids, while also setting a terrible example for even younger kids ?
The only reason it isn't obvious to everybody how wrong headed it is to treat kids this way is because people don't want to see it.
Imagine a PE teacher recommending to a parent they fatten their kids to the point of obesity and claim it's for their health. It would be absurd on it's face.
There should be rules that limit the percentage of fat allowed for players to get playing time based purely on what is best HEALTHWISE.
Helen, I always suspected but now I know for sure that you are a soccer mom.
If you don't want these guys to ever be heavy because of "long term issues." Then you would want us to most...240ish at our heaviest position. That's if the guy is 6'4" or so....shorter, need to drop that weight down.
I'm right though. I tried to shame Richt into changing how OL were trained back when staff were making them morbidly obese. Whether it had an effect I don't know, I do know our O-linemen look a lot healthier now.
Too bad they can't block worth a damn.
If you don't want these guys to ever be heavy because of "long term issues." Then you would want us to most...240ish at our heaviest position. That's if the guy is 6'4" or so....shorter, need to drop that weight down.

There are degrees of right and wrong. Taking a 285lb kid and turning him into a 340lb blob is EXTREMELY wrong. Every one of you would agree if not for the situation, which morally changes nothing.
I expected this reaction of course, but the obvious truth of My statements will eventually sink in with some readers. Some will never see past their interest.
Your interest have been well displayed for as long as I've been here.
You have zero interest in anything about the program other than wins and losses.

You're a wimp who doesn't give a damn about wins and losses, which is the problem with so many associated with this program. These aren't kids. They're grown damn men. They make their own choice. Nobody is mistreating them.
You're a wimp who doesn't give a damn about wins and losses, which is the problem with so many associated with this program. These aren't kids. They're grown damn men. They make their own choice. Nobody is mistreating them.

You're a tiny dick blowhard who thinks posturing on a board makes him tough.
I've seen posers like you often enough, you're easy to spot.
I'm posting what is right, many of You already know as much.
You're a tiny dick blowhard who thinks posturing on a board makes him tough.
I've seen posers like you often enough, you're easy to spot.
I'm posting what is right, many of You already know as much.

Now that is hysterical...since all you do is posture as an expert on everything. Politics, international policy, taxes, college football..not only do you portray yourself as completely above being wrong and above reproach compared to everyone who posts here, but you know more than world leaders, coaches, players, parents of players, etc...according to you.
A bit of info..
The average weight of OLs picked in the 1st rd over the past 3 drafts is 313lb, in 2013 it was 308. Throw out 1 lard ass like DJ Fluker from each year and the 3 year average is 309lb.
The 1st team All Pro OLs from last season average 313lb, and they are naturally long and broad guys.
It's not true that Arky recruits great OL, they come in mostly 3 stars with a couple of low 4 stars in the past few classes.
They're taking 285lb/290lb 18 year olds and juicing them up.
Their line averages 328, 15lb more per player than the 1st team All Pros.
They cheat and overfeed their kids like cattle.
Again, many of You know it's true.
Now that is hysterical...since all you do is posture as an expert on everything. Politics, international policy, taxes, college football..not only do you portray yourself as completely above being wrong and above reproach compared to everyone who posts here, but you know more than world leaders, coaches, players, parents of players, etc...according to you.

I mess with blowhards like You in response to the usual ''you know more than a coach'' wise ass sarcasm, you should expect it.
On this I'm absolutely 100% sure I'm right, and on the right side.

In what other situation is it ok for a teacher to fatten students up like live stock ?
Someone highly respected at making offensive lineman do well...the juice and're pathetic...period.
Go cheer for someone else. Everything you say is overshadowed by the fact that you don't care about wins, would rather have Richt no matter the wins or losses or lack of titles...why not go cheer for a service academy or NAIA religious institution.
You're a tiny dick blowhard who thinks posturing on a board makes him tough.
I've seen posers like you often enough, you're easy to spot.
I'm posting what is right, many of You already know as much.

You're an idiot who needs to get hell off of this board and go do something else. I don't care about posturing. You simply are what you are. You spent days whining about how UGA was doomed after firing Richt and how we deserved it. You crapped on Kirby Smart numerous times. Then you crapped on our OC for the past two days. Now you've gone off into this weird bitching and moaning about the size of offensive linemen, who are adults that don't need your supervision. This thread is just straight up weird.

Your pathetic and your shtick has gotten old.
You're an idiot who needs to get hell off of this board and go do something else. I don't care about posturing. You simply are what you are. You spent days whining about how UGA was doomed after firing Richt and how we deserved it. You crapped on Kirby Smart numerous times. Then you crapped on our OC for the past two days. Now you've gone off into this weird bitching and moaning about the size of offensive linemen, who are adults that don't need your supervision. This thread is just straight up weird.

Your pathetic and your shtick has gotten old.

You have quite the imagination, useless and uninteresting as it is. I never said half the things you suggest.
It's always good for a laugh when somebody tells somebody else to get off a board though. It let's Me know how powerless you feel.
You have quite the imagination, useless and uninteresting as it is. I never said half the things you suggest.
It's always good for a laugh when somebody tells somebody else to get off a board though. It let's Me know how powerless you feel.

Actually, you did say we were screwed for firing Richt, you have crapped on KS several times, you have crapped on the new OC, you have crapped on the new OL coach (even going so far as to say he is having his players use steroids and cheating)...Where did he say something you didn't actually say?

As for me with no're the only one who has slandered anyone here (the OL coach)...if your the judge of character, I am happy to be, probably one of many, one who you see as having none.
Actually, you did say we were screwed for firing Richt, you have crapped on KS several times, you have crapped on the new OC, you have crapped on the new OL coach (even going so far as to say he is having his players use steroids and cheating)...Where did he say something you didn't actually say?

As for me with no're the only one who has slandered anyone here (the OL coach)...if your the judge of character, I am happy to be, probably one of many, one who you see as having none.

I didn't post those things doofy.
I have been critical of Chaney, he has a very underwhelming record, much like your posting history.

Back to Bama's offense. In 2013 before Kiffin was hired Bama was 116th in offensive plays per game at 65.9.
This year they're 42nd at 75.8 offensive plays per game. Trying to explain why that is significant to You would be about as useful as explaining it to my dog.
I didn't post those things doofy.
I have been critical of Chaney, he has a very underwhelming record, much like your posting history.

Back to Bama's offense. In 2013 before Kiffin was hired Bama was 116th in offensive plays per game at 65.9.
This year they're 42nd at 75.8 offensive plays per game. Trying to explain why that is significant to You would be about as useful as explaining it to my dog.

So you didn't defend Richt from firing, saying it was a mistake?
You haven't crapped on Kirby at all?
You admit chaney, but you didn't say Pittman cheated and juiced his players?
So you didn't defend Richt from firing, saying it was a mistake?
You haven't crapped on Kirby at all?
You admit chaney, but you didn't say Pittman cheated and juiced his players?

I have defended Richt against petty attacks from piss ants like you, but I never said firing him was a mistake. I did say I would have let things play out another year.
I have only said I disagree with several moves Kirby has made, particularly firing Pruitt and hiring Chaney, but I've never called him a bad coach.
I don't ''admit'' being critical of the Cheney hire, I will restate it though, it was a bad hire.
As for Pittman, I wouldn't hire a coach who gets results by treating young men like live stock, so, no, I wouldn't have hired either of the lard asses.
1) Pruitt said he was moving on before Kirby was even hired, so not sure Kirby had any role in either UGA or Pruitts decision.
2) Did you say Pittman juiced his players (aka steroids) and cheated?
3) As for petty 0-9 and 5-21?
You're an idiot who needs to get hell off of this board and go do something else. I don't care about posturing. You simply are what you are. You spent days whining about how UGA was doomed after firing Richt and how we deserved it. You crapped on Kirby Smart numerous times. Then you crapped on our OC for the past two days. Now you've gone off into this weird bitching and moaning about the size of offensive linemen, who are adults that don't need your supervision. This thread is just straight up weird.

Your pathetic and your shtick has gotten old.

Just wish he could get past Pruitt. Kirby has a right to hire his own DC. Pruitt is not the only good defensive coach in this world. All the coaches were to stay and coach the team through the bowl. Pruitt chose to leave early before Kirby made a decision since he was focusing on offense this past week. Quite possibly, Kirby told him he wouldn't be retained after working with him once before. Then Pruitt decided to bail early. Probably good idea with new baby, house hunting, etc. since he can't recruit or coach at Bama yet.
1) Pruitt said he was moving on before Kirby was even hired, so not sure Kirby had any role in either UGA or Pruitts decision.
2) Did you say Pittman juiced his players (aka steroids) and cheated?
3) As for petty 0-9 and 5-21?

No Pruitt did not decide to move on, he was let go.
He expressed his wish to remain on staff several times.
I do believe Arky's OL are using some sort of PEDS.
I've got quite a bit of experience working out around users, and they certainly look the part.
I doubt you even know what I mean, in fact, I'm sure of it.
Now, I'm done unless you have something worth responding to.
Just wish he could get past Pruitt. Kirby has a right to hire his own DC. Pruitt is not the only good defensive coach in this world. All the coaches were to stay and coach the team through the bowl. Pruitt chose to leave early before Kirby made a decision since he was focusing on offense this past week. Quite possibly, Kirby told him he wouldn't be retained after working with him once before. Then Pruitt decided to bail early. Probably good idea with new baby, house hunting, etc. since he can't recruit or coach at Bama yet.

If Kirby had planned on keeping Pruitt, Pruitt would have known.
So now, in addition to politics, international policy, domestic policy, taxation, add drug use and drug trade to the things you know better than everyone, including the experts.

Pruitt said, before Kirby, that he expected to be moving on, possibly as a HC. Show me where he was fired...on i know, you either have some inside source or your expertise tell you this.
So now, in addition to politics, international policy, domestic policy, taxation, add drug use and drug trade to the things you know better than everyone, including the experts.

Pruitt said, before Kirby, that he expected to be moving on, possibly as a HC. Show me where he was fired...on i know, you either have some inside source or your expertise tell you this.

No, you guys know everything about politics, etc, I just think you're wrong and full of shit.
Yes though, I know what PED use looks like, think Barry Bonds, body builders and wrestlers. The over inflated vascular look is the first thing I notice. That look rarely if ever occurs naturally. It certainly doesn't happen to a whole group naturally.
Well, they'd have to mask it constantly due to nature of NCAA drug testing.

I believe schools do their own testing, besides HGH and IGF-1 are very hard to spot, that's why their use is rampant in The NFL.
The NFL didn't even test for HGH till this season.
I believe schools do their own testing, besides HGH and IGF-1 are very hard to spot, that's why their use is rampant in The NFL.
The NFL didn't even test for HGH till this season.

They do not. Every athlete, heck, every student staff of the athletic department can be called for NCAA testing. Now, in terms of weed, that is up to schools to do policy, but for PED's it is not...hence QB at UF being suspended for a year and having his appeal rejected by NCAA. The call is made by the head trainer of the sport in question at Midnight -1:00 AM...person being tested must come in at 4:30 - 5:00 AM. Its not a fun process. Man or woman, depending on gender, literally watches you pee into cup. He/She transfers to a vial. If you cannot give the required CC's you can add to it, but cannot leave (they provide OJ, or at least did when i went through it.) If the temperature ever drops below 96 degrees, you have to start again. I had to go twice the first go around as I mistakenly pissed when I woke up and couldn't get out much. If the amount can never be reached, at least in 95 and 96, they would take hair and blood.
They do not. Every athlete, heck, every student staff of the athletic department can be called for NCAA testing. Now, in terms of weed, that is up to schools to do policy, but for PED's it is not...hence QB at UF being suspended for a year and having his appeal rejected by NCAA. The call is made by the head trainer of the sport in question at Midnight -1:00 AM...person being tested must come in at 4:30 - 5:00 AM. Its not a fun process. Man or woman, depending on gender, literally watches you pee into cup. He/She transfers to a vial. If you cannot give the required CC's you can add to it, but cannot leave (they provide OJ, or at least did when i went through it.) If the temperature ever drops below 96 degrees, you have to start again. I had to go twice the first go around as I mistakenly pissed when I woke up and couldn't get out much. If the amount can never be reached, at least in 95 and 96, they would take hair and blood.

Most testing is done in-house, Also you don't honestly think PEDs are as rare as test results suggest do you ?
While I'm being honest, Cochran is widely thought to have introduced the antler serum to Bama players. The circumstantial evidence was fairly convincing that they were/are? using the stuff.
Are We now supposed to pretend We don't believe what we believed until the recent hires ?
Show me one bit of conjecture or proven data that says cochran did any such thing. I find it hard to believe that CMR, the Georgia way guy, the program in your words, would bring in the right hand man of a guy utilizing PEDs. I worked closely with athletes and coaches back in the day, and some of the trainers are life long friends....I never saw PED usage at, saw a ton of weed and some other recreational drugs (nothing hard,) but never any PED's. Everything you say about PED's and such is conjecture. With the absolute hatred of football by the mass media, you don't think some enterprising reporter wouldn't have provable data yet? I mean they have taken down on some very powerful people.
Show me one bit of conjecture or proven data that says cochran did any such thing. I find it hard to believe that CMR, the Georgia way guy, the program in your words, would bring in the right hand man of a guy utilizing PEDs. I worked closely with athletes and coaches back in the day, and some of the trainers are life long friends....I never saw PED usage at, saw a ton of weed and some other recreational drugs (nothing hard,) but never any PED's. Everything you say about PED's and such is conjecture. With the absolute hatred of football by the mass media, you don't think some enterprising reporter wouldn't have provable data yet? I mean they have taken down on some very powerful people.

Well the salesman of the antler juice first said Cochran was the first to buy the stuff at Bama. He has since changed his story to ''he showed Cochran his products, but the first story is usually the honest one in cases like this. He also forgot which players he supplied as well. He said the products he distributed to players from his hotel room were paid for by ''staff''.
No, I do not think it's likely there would be absolute proof. Armstrong, Barry Bonds and many others never got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. It's always testimony and circumstantial evidence that traps them. Most are never convicted though.
I think You don't want to believe it. Most UGA fans were convinced at one time. Now what has changed to make people look the other way ?
Well the salesman of the antler juice first said Cochran was the first to buy the stuff at Bama. He has since changed his story to ''he showed Cochran his products, but the first story is usually the honest one in cases like this. He also said the products he distributed to players from his hotel room were paid for by ''staff''.
No, I do not think it's likely there would be absolute proof. Armstrong, Barry Bonds and many others never got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. It's always testimony and circumstantial evidence that traps them. Most are never convicted though.
I think You don't want to believe it. Most UGA fans were convinced at one time. Now what has changed to make people look the other way ?

Yes, but there are written reports of bonds, armstrong, etc...where are the articles on these. So far is just you posting.
No it's not, the salesman was quoted in articles in Sports Illustrated and other sites.

You want to win...end of your concern about the program, you and many others.
Our guys will get bigger, stronger, faster and gain endurance, all through the magic cheer leading of Scott Cochran.
If Chubb put up these numbers with a crapy oline.imgane Chubb behind a Bama line.