It's fitting our new offensive coaches were ''hogs''..

You want to win...end of your concern about the program, you and many others.
Our guys will get bigger, stronger, faster and gain endurance, all through the magic cheer leading of Scott Cochran.

Take that as a no then on the request for documentation besides just what you type?
How is asking for proof...or hell, just someone else to back you up, asking you to pander. Run little from accountability.
And you run from statements that your state as gospel truth, yet can't back up whatsoever. Or, if pressed on a statement, you refuse to even entertain a simple question.
Truth hurts. Your refusal to answer the question shows a lot about your true allegiances.

You're annoying for sure, a bit of a pain in the ass, absolutely, but hurts, not so much.
I've yet to read anything you've posted that makes me respect your opinion, you're a small annoyance,
LOL. I love watching the board shithead get called out all the time. Every time I come on someone has exposed him for the little fraud he is. And he lives on a free message board. What a POS. LOL.