Jesus Biden’s Kenya press conference….

Despite everything being scripted this guy is completely unable to form and communicate a lucid thought. Most powerful man in the world.

English is probably a third language for the Kenyan President and he is 5,000 times more capable than our President.
Did he address them as African Americans?

It’s what happens when a liberal political elitist speaks in front of a group of people he has never lived with, schooled with, employed or been close friends with but goes down the assigned label route.

Heck, he’s never employed anyone…….
This was sooooo embarrassing. The most powerful man in the world suggested Africa's population will go down to 1 billion (currently 1.5 billion), he referred to VP Harris as President Harris, interrupted reporters as they asked questions, on top of not being able to coherently speak. I don't think it is political to say that anyone that says he is cognitively well has their head buried in the sand.