July 13 Assassination Attempt


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fairview, NC
I hate that the news about the assassination attempt on Trump is slowly fading away.

Audio analysis shows the counter sniper kill shot came from a 2nd floor window, above the rooftop Crooks was shooting from, by a local. So if there was a stand down order until Crooks showed he was a threat, why was he allowed to get off multiple shots before the local placed a bullet at the base of his right back skull that exited from his forehead above his left eye? Shouldn't that kill shot have come immediately the moment Crooks started firing, if not before he even started taking aim?

I hope the Congressional investigations are more transparent than the JFK and 911 whitewashes. Everyone should realize that the FBI investigation will probably be a whitewash.

That is the "Cliff Notes" from this investigator. Here is a link to the "deep dive".

Chris Martenson, PhD
damn, I thought that was an entry wound over the eye and why did the SS sniper say it was a "one in a million shot" if he didn't take it? So crazy how they lie with impunity, surely they are aware of how information flows these days with cell phone cameras and mics everywhere. I guess they have faith in gaslighting and the media.
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I heard something this morning that I found interesting.. It was the first Live Rally broadcast by CNN in many years. Did they know something?
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I hate that the news about the assassination attempt on Trump is slowly fading away.

Audio analysis shows the counter sniper kill shot came from a 2nd floor window, above the rooftop Crooks was shooting from, by a local. So if there was a stand down order until Crooks showed he was a threat, why was he allowed to get off multiple shots before the local placed a bullet at the base of his right back skull that exited from his forehead above his left eye? Shouldn't that kill shot have come immediately the moment Crooks started firing, if not before he even started taking aim?

I hope the Congressional investigations are more transparent than the JFK and 911 whitewashes. Everyone should realize that the FBI investigation will probably be a whitewash.

That is the "Cliff Notes" from this investigator. Here is a link to the "deep dive".

Chris Martenson, PhD
Has SS or the FBI said who took the kill shot? I haven’t heard that it was from behind. The initial reporting was a sniper that could only see the top of his head and rifle scope.
I heard something this morning that I found interesting.. It was the first Live Rally broadcast by CNN in many years. Did they know something?
That’s definitely not true. They cut to rallies ALL the time. They don’t show more than a couple minutes but they definitely do it a lot.
I hate that the news about the assassination attempt on Trump is slowly fading away.

Audio analysis shows the counter sniper kill shot came from a 2nd floor window, above the rooftop Crooks was shooting from, by a local. So if there was a stand down order until Crooks showed he was a threat, why was he allowed to get off multiple shots before the local placed a bullet at the base of his right back skull that exited from his forehead above his left eye? Shouldn't that kill shot have come immediately the moment Crooks started firing, if not before he even started taking aim?

I hope the Congressional investigations are more transparent than the JFK and 911 whitewashes. Everyone should realize that the FBI investigation will probably be a whitewash.

That is the "Cliff Notes" from this investigator. Here is a link to the "deep dive".

Chris Martenson, PhD
Everything about this entire episode is certainly unusual.

Everything about this entire episode is certainly unusual.
Audio analysis does not indicate a bullet strike that would have produced shrapnel flying by Trump's head. Steele is probably the dumbest RNC head ever. The GOP bent the knee and made an affirmative action hire with him.

It is not surprising the FBI is covering up the audio analysis taken from spectators' phones. Typical FBI coverup.
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The lying Mockingbird media is hurrying up the news cycle of everything that must not be talked about. I just said to my wife yesterday, that isn't it amazing the Baltimore bridge collapse may has well been 4 years ago when it was only 4 months ago? Crickets from the media on the event and zero tough questions asked about it.

Sadly, they will do the same with the assassination attempt as in "nothing to see here" and it will not be mentioned very soon. Easier to cover up all that was involved that led to the attempt when there aren't cameras and so-called journalists asking questions about it for months and months. Anyone who denies that the deep state runs corporate media only needs to look at how fast this will disappear from "their" news.

After the FBlie testimony yesterday that they found 8 shells on the roof tells me that they are done with talking about it. I would have liked someone to have asked him why the first 3 shots and the second 5 shots sounded different, if the same person was shooting.

I remember Reagan's shooting and while I didn't watch the news back then I think it remained a story for much longer, even if there wasn't a true investigation. It remained a story longer because their MK ultra patsy Hinckley didn't get a bullet in his head. This attempt on Trump needed to be cleaner with no hanging chads as they knew too many cameras would capture too much conflicting information.
Audio analysis does not indicate a bullet strike that would have produced shrapnel flying by Trump's head. Steele is probably the dumbest RNC head ever. The GOP bent the knee and made an affirmative action hire with him.

It is not surprising the FBI is covering up the audio analysis taken from spectators' phones. Typical FBI coverup.
He’s always deflecting
That was the quickest "site cleanup" for a crime event of this magnitude I have ever seen.

"Nothing to see here now. Move along."
Was thinking the same thing after watching the first couple of days of footage …amazing how they cleaned everything up so fast and the FBI was trying like hell not to allow Congressman to visit
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