Just had a liberal tell me


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 4, 2004
The one thing we are NOT going to do is politicize this death and fuel this false narrative on undocumented workers. Made my blood boil 🤬🤬🤬

My parents told me never hit a lady, but by God it took every ounce of strength not to knock that women through the damn wall.

She probably would go bat crazy if I told her we should do what Willie sung about which my grandpa was a true supporter of it. Find a tall oak tree. Round up all of them bad boys hang them high in the street.
The one thing we are NOT going to do is politicize this death and fuel this false narrative on undocumented workers. Made my blood boil 🤬🤬🤬

My parents told me never hit a lady, but by God it took every ounce of strength not to knock that women through the damn wall.

She probably would go bat crazy if I told her we should do what Willie sung about which my grandpa was a true supporter of it. Find a tall oak tree. Round up all of them bad boys hang them high in the street.
Almost had Mike Pence on one. Why not?
I don’t like politicizing an issue such as this, ie one family’s loss. However, at the risk of being hypocritical, if I were the Georgia GOP, there are 2 issues I would shout about from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Golden Isles to the quail plantations in SW GA every day till Election Day.

A beautiful young lady who aspired to be a nurse was killed by Biden’s shitty border policy.

Three young BLACK (ie typically Democrat) people who joined the military to protect all of us were killed due to Biden’s shitty foreign policy of weakness and appeasement.

I’d hammer those two things till my throat was raw.
The one thing we are NOT going to do is politicize this death and fuel this false narrative on undocumented workers. Made my blood boil 🤬🤬🤬

My parents told me never hit a lady, but by God it took every ounce of strength not to knock that women through the damn wall.

She probably would go bat crazy if I told her we should do what Willie sung about which my grandpa was a true supporter of it. Find a tall oak tree. Round up all of them bad boys hang them high in the street.
Has she ever heard of George Floyd?
Say her name.
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all libs love Floyd
he is their angel and he was also a great man who never did anything wrong
time for a riot
Not a liberal. Floyd should've never been held up as a hero. But I want to give a little context. Y'all probably all watched the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis. I did as well. I try to listen to many sides to make up my mind. I watched it and then searched to see if any journalists or those involved would attack anything they presented as fact. After a week or so, I didn't find anything. Made me think there was a lot of truth in it.

About a month or so ago, Coleman Hughes wrote an article citing the documentary and saying he had done some of his own research and basically felt that all of the cops should've been cleared, including Chauvin.

Why it took so long? I don't know. But an investigative reporter out of Nashville that specializes in criminal justice answered back, detailing what the documentary got wrong. Chauvin did not follow procedure. You can even see in the video, not shown in the documentary, one of the other cops twice going to him and asking him if they should roll him over. Chauvin declined. Police are trained (including those in Minneapolis) that once they get a person on the ground, they are suppose to hobble them and roll them over. The reason for this is that lying on the ground on your chest could cause respiratory issues and heart problems. It's suppose to be done within a minute. Chauvin was on Floyd for nine minutes. You are not supposed to keep your weight on the person, even if it's on their shoulder (which is the argument the doc made, although it appears part of the time Chauvin has his knee on Floyd's neck). Radley Balko is the name of the reporter. I checked to see what his political leanings are. He said he's a libertarian. Believes in free markets. Socially, leans left as libertarians generally believe adults should be allowed to do what they want if it's not hurting others. So I'd assume that means he kind of lax on laws against gay marriage, drug use, etc. You can read his work here.

You can hear Glenn Lowry, a conservative and John McWhorter, a liberal (two Ivy league profs,) discuss it here. They believed the documentary and interviewed the creators of it on their show. They admit they got it wrong.

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Not a liberal. Floyd should've never been held up as a hero. But I want to give a little context. Y'all probably all watched the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis. I did as well. I try to listen to many sides to make up my mind. I watched it and then searched to see if any journalists or those involved would attack anything they presented as fact. After a week or so, I didn't find anything. Made me think there was a lot of truth in it.

About a month or so ago, Coleman Hughes wrote an article citing the documentary and saying he had done some of his own research and basically felt that all of the cops should've been cleared, including Chauvin.

Why it took so long? I don't know. But an investigative reporter out of Nashville that specializes in criminal justice answered back, detailing what the documentary got wrong. Chauvin did not follow procedure. You can even see in the video, not shown in the documentary, one of the other cops twice going to him and asking him if they should roll him over. Chauvin declined. Police are trained (including those in Minneapolis) that once they get a person on the ground, they are suppose to hobble them and roll them over. The reason for this is that lying on the ground on your chest could cause respiratory issues and heart problems. It's suppose to be done within a minute. Chauvin was on Floyd for nine minutes. You are not supposed to keep your weight on the person, even if it's on their shoulder (which is the argument the doc made, although it appears part of the time Chauvin has his knee on Floyd's neck). Radley Balko is the name of the reporter. I checked to see what his political leanings are. He said he's a libertarian. Believes in free markets. Socially, leans left as libertarians generally believe adults should be allowed to do what they want if it's not hurting others. So I'd assume that means he kind of lax on laws against gay marriage, drug use, etc. You can read his work here.

You can hear Glenn Lowry, a conservative and John McWhorter, a liberal (two Ivy league profs,) discuss it here. They believed the documentary and interviewed the creators of it on their show. They admit they got it wrong.

Divide a conquer, @kckd. That's been the plan since Obama.
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Not a liberal. Floyd should've never been held up as a hero. But I want to give a little context. Y'all probably all watched the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis. I did as well. I try to listen to many sides to make up my mind. I watched it and then searched to see if any journalists or those involved would attact anything they presented as fact. After a week or so, I didn't find anything. Made me think there was a lot of truth in it.

About a month or so ago, Coleman Hughes wrote an article citing the documentary and saying he had done some of his own research and basically felt that all of the cops should've been cleared, including Chauvin.

Why it took so long? I don't know. But an investigative reporter out of Nashville that specializes in criminal justice answered back, detailing what the documentary got wrong. Chauvin did not follow procedure. You can even see in the video, not shown in the documentary, one of the other cops twice going to him and asking him if they should roll him over. Chauvin declined. Police are trained (including those in Minneapolis) that once they get a person on the ground, they are suppose to hobble them and roll them over. The reason for this is that lying on the ground on your chest could cause respiratory issues and heart problems. It's suppose to be done within a minute. Chauvin was on Floyd for nine minutes. You are not supposed to keep your weight on the person, even if it's on their shoulder (which is the argument the doc made, although it appears part of the time Chauvin has his knee on Floyd's neck). Radley Balko is the name of the reporter. I checked to see what his political leanings are. He said he's a libertarian. Believes in free markets. Socially, leans left as libertarians generally believe adults should be allowed to do what they want if it's not hurting others. So I'd assume that means he kind of lax on laws against gay marriage, drug use, etc. You can read his work here.

You can hear Glenn Lowry, a conservative and John McWhorter, a liberal (two Ivy league profs,) discuss it here. They believed the documentary and interviewed the creators of it on their show. They admit they got it wrong.

The issue isn't necessarily the circumstances of his death. Yes, there is a debate and all facts should be reviewed openly and honestly without political spin and any procedures, in accordance with police training and otherwise, should be adjusted where possible to ensure each arrest is executed in the safest manner for the officer and the suspect.

The reason why many see the political maneuvers, MSM coverage and resulting riots as a problem is because:

1. George Floyd was a career criminal that had to be detained.
2, He was obviously a large and strong man that was under the influence of narcotics.
3. After being safely placed under arrest and moved into a squad car, he had to be removed for his own safety.
4. And most importantly, the officers that had the unfortunate responsibility to arrest Mr. Floyd were held accountable for his death.
This was not a situation where a bunch of white officers were cruising around Jim Crowe style looking to beat the hell out of a black man. Yes, there have been plenty of police actions worthy of protest and places like Brunswick where white officers have been (ahem) given to much of the benefit of a doubt but George Floyd and Michael Brown were more situations where protesters were looking for a reason rather than enforcement targeting them due to race.
The issue isn't necessarily the circumstances of his death. Yes, there is a debate and all facts should be reviewed openly and honestly without political spin and any procedures, in accordance with police training and otherwise, should be adjusted where possible to ensure each arrest is executed in the safest manner for the officer and the suspect.

The reason why many see the political maneuvers, MSM coverage and resulting riots as a problem is because:

1. George Floyd was a career criminal that had to be detained.
2, He was obviously a large and strong man that was under the influence of narcotics.
3. After being safely placed under arrest and moved into a squad car, he had to be removed for his own safety.
4. And most importantly, the officers that had the unfortunate responsibility to arrest Mr. Floyd were held accountable for his death.
This was not a situation where a bunch of white officers were cruising around Jim Crowe style looking to beat the hell out of a black man. Yes, there have been plenty of police actions worthy of protest and places like Brunswick where white officers have been (ahem) given to much of the benefit of a doubt but George Floyd and Michael Brown were more situations where protesters were looking for a reason rather than enforcement targeting them due to race.
I don''t know how much you've seen of the video but some of the stuff you've listed here is kind of inaccurate.

3. He was never really moved into the car due to resisting arrest. He never got in there fully. The doors were never closed with him in the car as his body was never fully inside.

4. Looking back on it, I can see an argument that none of the officers should have been charged with the exception of Chauvin. Chauvin did not use proper procedure. The reason they were taught this procedure was to minimize the likelihood of a person dying while being detained and arrested. Another cop at the scene asked him twice to roll him over once they had him hobbled and he refused. Their training manual plainly states that the person is supposed to be rolled over as soon as he is hobbled and that should take no more than a few seconds. They hobbled him, but did not roll him over. This is with him plainly telling them Chauvin he couldn't breathe. The reason you hobble him is to make him no longer a danger to himself or others. Again, he was hobbled. Balko's article that I linked gives clear evidence explaining that just because a person is speaking to you, does not mean they can breather properly or are getting enough oxygen to keep them alive. Chauvin kept telling him that if he couldn't breathe, he wouldn't be able to talk. This is not the case.

Floyd was not a good person. That does not mean that it was okay for the police to not follow procedure. And that very likely resulted in his death. There is a reason you are trained.

Your last paragraph reallly has nothing to do with it. Jim Crowe was never brought up to my knowledge. The problem is that Chauvin did not follow his training. The reason he was supposed to follow the training is because if you don't, the person might die. The person died. He died exactly how you could die if an officer doesn't follow the training.
Your last paragraph reallly has nothing to do with it. Jim Crowe was never brought up to my knowledge. The problem is that Chauvin did not follow his training
And Chauvin was held accountable. That's really about all you can ask and you damn sure don't riot and build statues for a career criminal and hold him up as an example of racial inequities in LE. WTH were the authorities supposed to do to mitigate the chances of a riot? Should they have immediately hung the officers in the town square?

It was a bad arrest to some degree and to what degree is debatable but those that executed the bad arrest were charged with crimes. Imo, that is how it should work.
I don’t like politicizing an issue such as this, ie one family’s loss. However, at the risk of being hypocritical, if I were the Georgia GOP, there are 2 issues I would shout about from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Golden Isles to the quail plantations in SW GA every day till Election Day.

A beautiful young lady who aspired to be a nurse was killed by Biden’s shitty border policy.

Three young BLACK (ie typically Democrat) people who joined the military to protect all of us were killed due to Biden’s shitty foreign policy of weakness and appeasement.

I’d hammer those two things till my throat was raw.
Exactly. If Trump doesn’t bring up this girl in every single debate, he’s a fool.

And I’m not voting for him either way, so that should tell you something.
The one thing we are NOT going to do is politicize this death and fuel this false narrative on undocumented workers. Made my blood boil 🤬🤬🤬

My parents told me never hit a lady, but by God it took every ounce of strength not to knock that women through the damn wall.

She probably would go bat crazy if I told her we should do what Willie sung about which my grandpa was a true supporter of it. Find a tall oak tree. Round up all of them bad boys hang them high in the street.

This is their strategy when they can’t spin the facts for their political advantage. Remember when Obama said we should politicize the death of people killed by a gun? Its a lack of principle that defines these people and it manifests itself
As hypocrisy

A person died as a direct result of their party members refusing to uphold our laws. They know it and they would like to neutralize the issue by claiming it shouldn’t be political. But it is.

They want to politicize cow farts but we shouldn’t dare draw attention to the fact that their policies are getting people killed. They will never debate on facts, reality or logic.

Don’t argue with them in person, it’s like going into an insane asylum and debating mental health. You’ll just end up frustrated and they will still be mentally handicapped
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I don’t like politicizing an issue such as this, ie one family’s loss. However, at the risk of being hypocritical, if I were the Georgia GOP, there are 2 issues I would shout about from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Golden Isles to the quail plantations in SW GA every day till Election Day.

A beautiful young lady who aspired to be a nurse was killed by Biden’s shitty border policy.

Three young BLACK (ie typically Democrat) people who joined the military to protect all of us were killed due to Biden’s shitty foreign policy of weakness and appeasement.

I’d hammer those two things till my throat was raw.

The left politicizes every issue it possibly can. Let a white male with an AR go on a mass shooting rampage, and see what happens.

If I were a Republican politician, I'd be screaming about this murder.
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The issue isn't necessarily the circumstances of his death. Yes, there is a debate and all facts should be reviewed openly and honestly without political spin and any procedures, in accordance with police training and otherwise, should be adjusted where possible to ensure each arrest is executed in the safest manner for the officer and the suspect.

The reason why many see the political maneuvers, MSM coverage and resulting riots as a problem is because:

1. George Floyd was a career criminal that had to be detained.
2, He was obviously a large and strong man that was under the influence of narcotics.
3. After being safely placed under arrest and moved into a squad car, he had to be removed for his own safety.
4. And most importantly, the officers that had the unfortunate responsibility to arrest Mr. Floyd were held accountable for his death.
This was not a situation where a bunch of white officers were cruising around Jim Crowe style looking to beat the hell out of a black man. Yes, there have been plenty of police actions worthy of protest and places like Brunswick where white officers have been (ahem) given to much of the benefit of a doubt but George Floyd and Michael Brown were more situations where protesters were looking for a reason rather than enforcement targeting them due to race.
Goes to show what these people are when they honor criminals.
And Chauvin was held accountable. That's really about all you can ask and you damn sure don't riot and build statues for a career criminal and hold him up as an example of racial inequities in LE. WTH were the authorities supposed to do to mitigate the chances of a riot? Should they have immediately hung the officers in the town square?

It was a bad arrest to some degree and to what degree is debatable but those that executed the bad arrest were charged with crimes. Imo, that is how it should work.
Now we're talking about two different things. The documentary and Coleman Hughes were saying that Chauvin did his job. All I was trying to say is that he didn't and it's likely his actions caused Floyd's death. I never defended rioting. Always interesting what is said and what we hear in a conversation.
The one thing we are NOT going to do is politicize this death and fuel this false narrative on undocumented workers. Made my blood boil 🤬🤬🤬

My parents told me never hit a lady, but by God it took every ounce of strength not to knock that women through the damn wall.

She probably would go bat crazy if I told her we should do what Willie sung about which my grandpa was a true supporter of it. Find a tall oak tree. Round up all of them bad boys hang them high in the street.
LMAO..DEMS and this admin are the very first ones to politicize any tragic event that helps their narrative…tell the liberal that said this to you..’OH HELL YES WE ARE”! Terrible Politics on behalf of Biden and his administration caused this death…if it wasn’t for the terrible views and bad politics, this young lady would still be alive period! SO HELL YES WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT POLITICAL!!! Enough is enough of this shi+
Not a liberal. Floyd should've never been held up as a hero. But I want to give a little context. Y'all probably all watched the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis. I did as well. I try to listen to many sides to make up my mind. I watched it and then searched to see if any journalists or those involved would attack anything they presented as fact. After a week or so, I didn't find anything. Made me think there was a lot of truth in it.

About a month or so ago, Coleman Hughes wrote an article citing the documentary and saying he had done some of his own research and basically felt that all of the cops should've been cleared, including Chauvin.

Why it took so long? I don't know. But an investigative reporter out of Nashville that specializes in criminal justice answered back, detailing what the documentary got wrong. Chauvin did not follow procedure. You can even see in the video, not shown in the documentary, one of the other cops twice going to him and asking him if they should roll him over. Chauvin declined. Police are trained (including those in Minneapolis) that once they get a person on the ground, they are suppose to hobble them and roll them over. The reason for this is that lying on the ground on your chest could cause respiratory issues and heart problems. It's suppose to be done within a minute. Chauvin was on Floyd for nine minutes. You are not supposed to keep your weight on the person, even if it's on their shoulder (which is the argument the doc made, although it appears part of the time Chauvin has his knee on Floyd's neck). Radley Balko is the name of the reporter. I checked to see what his political leanings are. He said he's a libertarian. Believes in free markets. Socially, leans left as libertarians generally believe adults should be allowed to do what they want if it's not hurting others. So I'd assume that means he kind of lax on laws against gay marriage, drug use, etc. You can read his work here.

You can hear Glenn Lowry, a conservative and John McWhorter, a liberal (two Ivy league profs,) discuss it here. They believed the documentary and interviewed the creators of it on their show. They admit they got it wrong.

Now we're talking about two different things. The documentary and Coleman Hughes were saying that Chauvin did his job. All I was trying to say is that he didn't and it's likely his actions caused Floyd's death. I never defended rioting. Always interesting what is said and what we hear in a conversation.
and what is to be believed from one side
The left politicizes every issue it possibly can. Let a white male with an AR go on a mass shooting rampage, and see what happens.

If I were a Republican politician, I'd be screaming about this murder.
thread over
great post
and what is to be believed from one side
???? Have no idea what you're asking here and it takes around a minute for me to read what I posted above. Sorry about the ADD. They have meds for that.
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Not a liberal. Floyd should've never been held up as a hero. But I want to give a little context. Y'all probably all watched the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis. I did as well. I try to listen to many sides to make up my mind. I watched it and then searched to see if any journalists or those involved would attack anything they presented as fact. After a week or so, I didn't find anything. Made me think there was a lot of truth in it.

About a month or so ago, Coleman Hughes wrote an article citing the documentary and saying he had done some of his own research and basically felt that all of the cops should've been cleared, including Chauvin.

Why it took so long? I don't know. But an investigative reporter out of Nashville that specializes in criminal justice answered back, detailing what the documentary got wrong. Chauvin did not follow procedure. You can even see in the video, not shown in the documentary, one of the other cops twice going to him and asking him if they should roll him over. Chauvin declined. Police are trained (including those in Minneapolis) that once they get a person on the ground, they are suppose to hobble them and roll them over. The reason for this is that lying on the ground on your chest could cause respiratory issues and heart problems. It's suppose to be done within a minute. Chauvin was on Floyd for nine minutes. You are not supposed to keep your weight on the person, even if it's on their shoulder (which is the argument the doc made, although it appears part of the time Chauvin has his knee on Floyd's neck). Radley Balko is the name of the reporter. I checked to see what his political leanings are. He said he's a libertarian. Believes in free markets. Socially, leans left as libertarians generally believe adults should be allowed to do what they want if it's not hurting others. So I'd assume that means he kind of lax on laws against gay marriage, drug use, etc. You can read his work here.

You can hear Glenn Lowry, a conservative and John McWhorter, a liberal (two Ivy league profs,) discuss it here. They believed the documentary and interviewed the creators of it on their show. They admit they got it wrong.

Based on what I read about his autopsy report, he died from drugs, coronary artery disease and he had a pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma which could lead to sudden hormone release causing massive spikes in blood pressure and heart arrhythmias as well as other issues. He complained he could not breathe when put in patrol car before anyone restrained him so he could get out of the car and he asked to lay on the ground. The I can’t breathe complaint was on video from a prior police interaction. His lungs were filled with pulmonary edema typical of a fentanyl overdose.Fentanyl kills you by suppressing respiration. It is clear that the officer did not cause his death. George Floyd caused his own death based on poor life choices and a life time being an addict. They need to retry that case those cops are in jail due to the left political narrative.
Based on what I read about his autopsy report, he died from drugs, coronary artery disease and he had a pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma which could lead to sudden hormone release causing massive spikes in blood pressure and heart arrhythmias as well as other issues. He complained he could not breathe when put in patrol car before anyone restrained him so he could get out of the car and he asked to lay on the ground. The I can’t breathe complaint was on video from a prior police interaction. His lungs were filled with pulmonary edema typical of a fentanyl overdose.Fentanyl kills you by suppressing respiration. It is clear that the officer did not cause his death. George Floyd caused his own death based on poor life choices and a life time being an addict. They need to retry that case those cops are in jail due to the left political narrative.
Well, even with all of that, putting him a position that could/would worsen those symptoms when you were already told not to do it because it can restrict breathing and cause heart and lung issues is enough for Chauvin to be put in prison.

Had a college classmate that broke into a building with his buddies to pull a prank. They weren't gonna steal anything, just gonna rearrange furniture and other silly stuff. Had an older security guard on duty that had heart issues. They ran when they saw him. He chased after them, had a heart attack and died. The judge could have actually sent all of them to prison, but considering their age and intent, placed them on probation for several years instead.

Chauvin was trained to know what he was doing could cause problems for anyone he arrested even if they weren't already having breathing issues. One of the other cops asked him on two different occasions to roll him over. He was the senior officer, so he wasn't questioned after denying to do it twice. It's long, but read the article. Much of what you are saying here is addressed in it. Or of course, just go with what you think and don't worry about any other evidence. That's cool.
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