Let’s see what the policies are for Harris

Price gouging as a means to protect consumers in the wake of a hurricane is one thing.

Villifying entire industries to deflect blame on your own admin's inflation record, and falsely accusing a 1.5% margin industry of price gouging, then making government control of pricing of groceries a cornerstone of your economic policy is something entirely different - displaying either:

1) a terrifying mis-understanding of how the market sets pricing, and what price controls would do up and down the supply chain, from farmers to suppliers, to employees, etc.


2) A pathetic attempt to both deflect blame towards honest businesses and away from your shitty own policies.

Watching her side attempt to defend or backtrack her terrible speech Friday is entertaining.
He knows that and he also know that what she is saying is just to pander to the low IQ dem voters. But, she will do it if she can and then watch inflation skyrocket. At this point, we will need the Federal Govt to control the entire economy. Then, watch the starvation set in.

All the while, they will blame Trump.
He knows that and he also know that what she is saying is just to pander to the low IQ dem voters. But, she will do it if she can and then watch inflation skyrocket. At this point, we will need the Federal Govt to control the entire economy. Then, watch the starvation set in.

All the while, they will blame Trump.
Two things can be true:

“Most of the criticism is from well-intentioned but poorly informed people who are interpreting the elevation of state laws to the federal level as price determination."


profits are a bigger driver of inflation at the grocery counter than ever before, via the FTC:

"Retail grocery revenues increased to more than 6 percent above costs in 2021 and more than 7 percent in 2023, “substantially higher” than their most recent high point of 5.6 percent in 2015. "
How many things that are actually happening today did we all say "no way in hell" about 20 years ago.
I understand, but not many or any of those would actually deal a major blow to the economy
Yep, and why I am voting for her.
user photo checks out. Explains a lot and why he approves of amnesty for all illegals in our country...approves of everyone including illegals to receive free healthcare and education...boys in girls bathroom...boys with tampons in their bathrooms....boys competing with girls in sports...I could go on and on. I guess the past 4 years have been so much better for you than Trumps 4 years. Wow.
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Two things can be true:

“Most of the criticism is from well-intentioned but poorly informed people who are interpreting the elevation of state laws to the federal level as price determination."


profits are a bigger driver of inflation at the grocery counter than ever before, via the FTC:

"Retail grocery revenues increased to more than 6 percent above costs in 2021 and more than 7 percent in 2023, “substantially higher” than their most recent high point of 5.6 percent in 2015. "
Sooo…their profit margin went from 6%-7% and that explains why grocery prices have doubled in 4 years. Gotcha.
Therefore if Kroger would just drop their profits by 1% their prices would be so low they could crush their competition. Yet, they haven’t, I wonder why. Charity I assume.
What's sad is, it doesn't matter what ridiculous policies Harris proposes NOW, or how impractical they are. They sound good to the left and that's all that matters.

Promise the moon
Get elected
Blame the right for failing to deliver YOUR promise.

It's a great strategy. Nothing to lose!
It is the Nancy Pelosi method of you have to elect her first to see what her policies really are.
Show me I am interested. Not being a smart ass.

For context I was referring to the market only.
I know you were talking about stocks. The principle of taxing unrealized gains, if ever allowed in our tax system would soon be broadened to include other types of assets. This type of tax would also face a strong constitutional challenge, as it conflicts with the 16th amendment.

When I saw the following in your post, the first thing that came to mind was property tax.

Who in the hell is going to invest and pay taxes on money that’s not even in your hand?

That sounds a lot like property tax, which is inherently dangerous. It has been used by some government entities to force people to sell property by dramatically increasing the appraisal value. You should be taxed on the sale, not taxed into selling.
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Two things can be true:

“Most of the criticism is from well-intentioned but poorly informed people who are interpreting the elevation of state laws to the federal level as price determination."


profits are a bigger driver of inflation at the grocery counter than ever before, via the FTC:

"Retail grocery revenues increased to more than 6 percent above costs in 2021 and more than 7 percent in 2023, “substantially higher” than their most recent high point of 5.6 percent in 2015.
That is not profits. That is gross revenues. The cost to run the stores went up as well and margins(profits) went down.
her polling seems to be falling quickly since her policies came out, anyone that votes for her is a dumba**
It's okay, man. Take your time.

BTW, you gotta link to that polling. Can't find that.
Cant wait to hear the DEI Queen try to explain her sudden change of heart and beliefs that she’s had all her Canadian reared life….Changing her Democratic and Socialist beliefs Republican ideas in just two months…damn she must of had a life changing event, or maybe she’s just saying shi+ to get elected
Sooo…their profit margin went from 6%-7% and that explains why grocery prices have doubled in 4 years. Gotcha.
Therefore if Kroger would just drop their profits by 1% their prices would be so low they could crush their competition. Yet, they haven’t, I wonder why. Charity I assume.
relevant >

"In a March email to his bosses, Andy Groff, Kroger’s senior director for pricing, acknowledged that the company had raised its prices more than required to adjust for higher costs.

“On milk and eggs, retail inflation has been significantly higher than cost inflation,” Groff wrote.

relevant >

"In a March email to his bosses, Andy Groff, Kroger’s senior director for pricing, acknowledged that the company had raised its prices more than required to adjust for higher costs.

“On milk and eggs, retail inflation has been significantly higher than cost inflation,” Groff wrote.

Not sure if you bothered to read the article but it doesn't show some sort of devious collusion to fix prices.

They explain their competitive pricing plans and how they compete with other retailers. Beyond that, there can be many other reasons a retailer may want to increase their prices. I know many times a retailer will absorb some prices for a period of time until they do an increase later. Maybe they want to invest in a higher end experience for customers and need more revenue for store upgrades. Of course, you can see they are obviously watching the prices closely of their competition, so if they were to "gouge" their customers the free market would punish them for that.
Ever been to Fresh Market or Trader Joe's? Why can they charge so much more for a steak or a bag of peanuts? If there is price gouging going on, this is where it happens not at Kroger.

In a free market, price gouging doesn't survive.
Not sure if you bothered to read the article but it doesn't show some sort of devious collusion to fix prices.
I did read the article. It raises questions which Kroger people push back on. This comes to light in the approvals for the Albertsons / Kroger merger.

In a free market, price gouging doesn't survive.
In a market where near-monopolies exist, it's absolutely the strategy.

This is about eggs and dairy - i.e. necessaries - my complaint is more often with Conagra, Unilever, etc.
Price gouging as a means to protect consumers in the wake of a hurricane is one thing.

Villifying entire industries to deflect blame on your own admin's inflation record, and falsely accusing a 1.5% margin industry of price gouging, then making government control of pricing of groceries a cornerstone of your economic policy is something entirely different - displaying either:

1) a terrifying mis-understanding of how the market sets pricing, and what price controls would do up and down the supply chain, from farmers to suppliers, to employees, etc.


2) A pathetic attempt to both deflect blame towards honest businesses and away from your shitty own policies.

Watching her side attempt to defend or backtrack her terrible speech Friday is entertaining.

Ok- help me understand some math here.

Have most oil companies posted record profits? Yes or No?

If this is true, how can that happen, if Inflation is so wide spread, but companies are making money fist over fist. I literally don't know what I am missing.

If everything (costs) went up due to Inflation and that's why the (prices) have gone up...then the profit margins should be compatible with a Year over Year Comp...yes or No? Instead- I see oil companies posting record PROFITS.. What am I missing that is driving both Inflation and allows for record profits?

Lastly- Yesterday, Kroger Senior Executive testified, in front of the Federal Trade Commission, and stated that YES, some items were indeed price gouging. You don't believe this testimony?

Oh...and I saw where that "1.5%" margin is now 7%. Is this wrong too?
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Ok- help me understand some math here.

Have most oil companies posted record profits? Yes or No?

If this is true, how can that happen, if Inflation is so wide spread, but companies are making money fist over fist. I literally don't know what I am missing.

If everything (costs) went up due to Inflation and that's why the (prices) have gone up...then the profit margins should be compatible with a Year over Year Comp...yes or No? Instead- I see oil companies posting record PROFITS.. What am I missing that is driving both Inflation and allows for record profits?

Lastly- Yesterday, Kroger Senior Executive testified, in front of the Federal Trade Commission, and stated that YES, some items were indeed price gouging. You don't believe this testimony?

Oh...and I saw where that "1.5%" margin is now 7%. Is this wrong too?
Two things can be true:

“Most of the criticism is from well-intentioned but poorly informed people who are interpreting the elevation of state laws to the federal level as price determination."


profits are a bigger driver of inflation at the grocery counter than ever before, via the FTC:

"Retail grocery revenues increased to more than 6 percent above costs in 2021 and more than 7 percent in 2023, “substantially higher” than their most recent high point of 5.6 percent in 2015. "
WRONG…Margins in grocery stores avg about 2%..where do you get your info?

This was even noted by your liberal state run media news sources…Unbelievable!

WRONG…Margins in grocery stores avg about 2%..where do you get your info?

This was even noted by your liberal state run media news sources…Unbelievable!

I can't believe we are arguing with people who think the 7% profit if gouging. I wonder what business they are in and if they have any clue about what their company makes. Throw in the fact that Kroger is a publicly traded stock and if they wanted to cash in on all this gouging they could just buy tons of Kroger stock. How many millions of people have stock in Kroger in some form and they base their retirement income off of these stocks?

The truth is, the Democrats want 0% profit. They think corporations should exist only for the benefit of the Proletariat.
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