Let's hear the excuses

Where are the Freedom Fighters?? Come on fellas. Defend your idol and slam Orange Man for lying. Let's go!!!
I haven’t seen anyone defending Biden’s performance. It was campaign-ending and anyone suggesting otherwise is delusional.

Maybe if you start another five threads in the next thirty minutes you’ll get the interaction you are clearly looking for.
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Fair enough. The victory laps are entirely earned based on what happened last night.
In fairness his SOTU gave hope that he would have a pulse. The format did him no favors. Zero energy in that room. No crowd adrenaline to draw on. And the split screen was a killer. His face when anyone else was talking was worse than his performance.
In fairness his SOTU gave hope that he would have a pulse. The format did him no favors. Zero energy in that room. No crowd adrenaline to draw on. And the split screen was a killer. His face when anyone else was talking was worse than his performance.
this. Just a downright piss poor showing last night. There is absolutely nothing to defend for Biden.

Joe lost any chance to get undecideds. But I don't think trump gained them either; I stopped listening to Joe 15 mins in (after the first just God-awful stumbling broken answer he had 😬) and focused on trump. He dodged questions, would accept questions and then continue to ramble on a previous topic and then lied about countless things. He was quintessential trump. A lot of projection.... no real depth or substance.

To a degree...tapper and bash were trying not to make themselves the story but have become part of it by not more aggressively redirecting trump to stay on the question. There were some important questions that he just flat out disregarded...and numerous occasions.

I think after last night we are in for the lowest turnout election in quite a while given the fatigue around both candidates. The split screen and changing Joe's camera angles were killer for one point I thought he was looking to his left and not the moderators but it was just the camera switching. His frozen stares are going to be his "Nixon sweating" moment but worse given today's media apparatus.

A sad state of affairs. America lost last night. I said it to friends at the time: Biden should've come out in 2020 and said he was only running for one term. His decision not to do that is a failure to us all.
Fair enough. The victory laps are entirely earned based on what happened last night.

No victory lap from me, toward you, if that makes sense. A few weeks ago, you could have spiked the ball, when Trump was convicted. You didn't.

I take no joy in what I saw last night. It certainly captured my attention, but Mr. Biden's condition isn't something I celebrate.
In fairness his SOTU gave hope that he would have a pulse. The format did him no favors. Zero energy in that room. No crowd adrenaline to draw on. And the split screen was a killer. His face when anyone else was talking was worse than his performance.
Agreed on all that, and I think the week of debate prep was also a huge unforced error. Biden did not need to be a policy wonk last night. He needed to come out with a hand full of facts and figures, clear messaging on the big topics and then be prepared to jump on Trump’s lies. To be clear, I’m not saying he could have pulled of the simplified messaging approach, but he would have had a better shot at that than what he attempted last night.

Anyone on the left suggesting it was one bad night is delusional. He was interviewing for four more years and left the stage with legitimate questions about the next seven months.
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No victory lap from me, toward you, if that makes sense. A few weeks ago, you could have spiked the ball, when Trump was convicted. You didn't.

I take no joy in what I saw last night. It certainly captured my attention, but Mr. Biden's condition isn't something I celebrate.
I appreciate that. I try not to be a jackass, and I don’t always pull it off. I was dead wrong about Biden. After last night, I still feel I was more right than not about Trump, but given Biden’s performance that doesn’t matter at all, at least not until the Dems pick a new candidate.
Agreed on all that, and I think the week of debate prep was also a huge unforced error. Biden did not need to be a policy wonk last night. He needed to come out with a hand full of facts and figures, clear messaging on the big topics and then be prepared to jump on Trump’s lies. To be clear, I’m not saying he could have pulled of the simplified messaging approach, but he would have had a better shot at that than what he attempted last night.

Anyone on the left suggesting it was one bad night is delusional. He was interviewing for four more years and left the stage with legitimate questions about the next seven months.
He lost and had the debate questions, that should scare you and who is running the country?
Agreed on all that, and I think the week of debate prep was also a huge unforced error. Biden did not need to be a policy wonk last night. He needed to come out with a hand full of facts and figures, clear messaging on the big topics and then be prepared to jump on Trump’s lies. To be clear, I’m not saying he could have pulled of the simplified messaging approach, but he would have had a better shot at that than what he attempted last night.

Anyone on the left suggesting it was one bad night is delusional. He was interviewing for four more years and left the stage with legitimate questions about the next seven months.
Over prepared.
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Well said.
In the end, America loses.
Meh trump was an asshole as always but is decisive in command and sharp. Makes him an effective leader / negotiatior. He’s not wrong when he says it makes countries think twice about acting up, and he isn’t afraid to look like the asshole to get a better deal for USA.
He lost and had the debate questions, that should scare you and who is running the country?
There were no questions that both candidates shouldn’t have anticipated. Regardless, Joe totally crapped the bed. That’s why I said there are legitimate questions about the next seven months.

Meh trump was an asshole as always but is decisive in command and sharp. Makes him an effective leader / negotiatior. He’s not wrong when he says it makes countries think twice about acting up, and he isn’t afraid to look like the asshole to get a better deal for USA.
I realize I’m not arguing from a position of strength, but I can’t see how you or anyone would characterize Trump’s performance last night as “decisive and sharp”. Compared to Joe? Sure. By any reasonable objective measure? No way.
Meh trump was an asshole as always but is decisive in command and sharp. Makes him an effective leader / negotiatior. He’s not wrong when he says it makes countries think twice about acting up, and he isn’t afraid to look like the asshole to get a better deal for USA.
I disagree, that's OK.
Unless Trump comes completely unhinged, or Biden is replaced, Trump will be the next President.
If the polls don't shift in a BIG way in Trumps favor after last night, that tells you something as well.
I have said in the past that the only way Biden has a chance is vs Trump.
Likewise, the only way Trump has a chance is vs Biden.
If Trump can't beat Biden after last night, the Rep party may never recover.
Was just a sad night all the way around for our country....IMO
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State of the Union was only four months ago, gave me hope Biden had a chance (and I was pulling for Biden only because Trump is running). My Mom is in her nineties, and she has gone downhill fast in the last five months. Same has obviously happened to Joe. I can’t believe his family and friends put him in that position last night, shame on them. They had to know that was coming.
There were no questions that both candidates shouldn’t have anticipated. Regardless, Joe totally crapped the bed. That’s why I said there are legitimate questions about the next seven months.

I realize I’m not arguing from a position of strength, but I can’t see how you or anyone would characterize Trump’s performance last night as “decisive and sharp”. Compared to Joe? Sure. By any reasonable objective measure? No way.
Confirmation bias. You may not like where his leadership leads, but he is an effective leader no doubt about it. And hasn’t lost a step. His faults have always been there. Not a function of losing a step. He didn’t look like he had lost a step at all.
Fair enough. The victory laps are entirely earned based on what happened last night.
Classy post brother. I know we dig at each other a lot but I appreciate the honesty here.

To be honest, I was laughing my a$$ off for the first 3/4 of the debate and then I slowly started to get a little depressed. Maybe it was empathy for the old man. He has always been an asshole but I can't celebrate someone slowly dying on stage like that. The media and the democrats in DC deserve every bit of derision coming their way. They have lied to all of us for years and created division between us as citizens just to retain their power.

RFKJR had a great quote. The government is being run by anonymous men with lanyards.
There were no questions that both candidates shouldn’t have anticipated. Regardless, Joe totally crapped the bed. That’s why I said there are legitimate questions about the next seven months.

I realize I’m not arguing from a position of strength, but I can’t see how you or anyone would characterize Trump’s performance last night as “decisive and sharp”. Compared to Joe? Sure. By any reasonable objective measure? No way.
Decisive and sharp aren't the best descriptors, only because he tries to cram as much info in to 60 seconds as he can and it comes off and all over the place sometimes. It's hard to be specific which would have been better.

He was very controlled and seemed even empathetic to Biden in a couple of moments after he started to realize Joe was in bad shape. I noticed at the end he waited at his podium til Jill came out to get Joe. Not sure if it was intentional but it did seem like he didn't want to leave Joe standing there alone.
Classy post brother. I know we dig at each other a lot but I appreciate the honesty here.

To be honest, I was laughing my a$$ off for the first 3/4 of the debate and then I slowly started to get a little depressed. Maybe it was empathy for the old man. He has always been an asshole but I can't celebrate someone slowly dying on stage like that. The media and the democrats in DC deserve every bit of derision coming their way. They have lied to all of us for years and created division between us as citizens just to retain their power.

RFKJR had a great quote. The government is being run by anonymous men with lanyards.
Same here. At first I was having a blast with it. Then the realization comes over you that he is in serious decline. No one with any kind of heart can look at that debate and feel good about seeing Joe like that. No matter how much you want to say I told you so.

@willdup and I go back and forth as much as anyone here. But never any real name calling or anything too personal. He has handled this with class. I appreciate that.

I do completely disagree with him about trump and what we need. I think Trump came off well. He was controlled. Biden was doing the name calling and anger bit. He did what he had to do. I agree he at times tried to squeeze too much into sixty seconds. He isn’t a politician. So I get it. He side stepped some questions they surely wanted him to answer. Kudos to trump for that.

We need someone who isn’t afraid to be a villian. One of the stats from last night was most scary. 25% of the country is skipping meals to survive. We have some harsh decisions that have to be made. It needs to be someone who isn’t afraid to be an asshole in how they run the country. It is where we are. No one from the left fits that bill. Anyone who thinks otherwise isn’t paying attention or is in total denial.
Classy post brother. I know we dig at each other a lot but I appreciate the honesty here.

To be honest, I was laughing my a$$ off for the first 3/4 of the debate and then I slowly started to get a little depressed. Maybe it was empathy for the old man. He has always been an asshole but I can't celebrate someone slowly dying on stage like that. The media and the democrats in DC deserve every bit of derision coming their way. They have lied to all of us for years and created division between us as citizens just to retain their power.

RFKJR had a great quote. The government is being run by anonymous men with lanyards.
Couldnt agree more. I feel like the systems that are supposed to protect us have failed , all under the guise of Orange Man Bad. We have thrown all the rules out the window for power and control. I firmly believe that Ukraine would never have been invaded under Trump. Also Hamas doesnt attack Israel under Trump. Afghanistan , 13 Marines killed and billions of equipment left behind. Utter carnage everywhere . Americans and friends of Americans abandoned in Afghanistan.

Now what worries me is now our enemies see the weakness , China might invade Taiwan tomorrow. Hezbollah might attack Israel from Jordan. Russia , who knows? Scary times indeed.
Couldnt agree more. I feel like the systems that are supposed to protect us have failed , all under the guise of Orange Man Bad. We have thrown all the rules out the window for power and control. I firmly believe that Ukraine would never have been invaded under Trump. Also Hamas doesnt attack Israel under Trump. Afghanistan , 13 Marines killed and billions of equipment left behind. Utter carnage everywhere . Americans and friends of Americans abandoned in Afghanistan.

Now what worries me is now our enemies see the weakness , China might invade Taiwan tomorrow. Hezbollah might attack Israel from Jordan. Russia , who knows? Scary times indeed.
Jan 2025 needs to get here fast
Confirmation bias. You may not like where his leadership leads, but he is an effective leader no doubt about it. And hasn’t lost a step. His faults have always been there. Not a function of losing a step. He didn’t look like he had lost a step at all.
I strongly disagree, but I also like to think that I’m smart enough to know today isn’t the day to fight that fight (again) with you and @zingerdawg.

Instead, I’ll humbly retire from the field of battle for the day and leave this small peace offering.

I haven’t seen anyone defending Biden’s performance. It was campaign-ending and anyone suggesting otherwise is delusional.

Maybe if you start another five threads in the next thirty minutes you’ll get the interaction you are clearly looking for.
The problem is that it wasn't a one-off or one bad night performance,...but a known quantity of incompetence hidden for 3 years, seems like protection of the herd,...what 30 percent of the country already knew, 70 percent understood in one night because of a massive telecast,.. China and Russia should study the tactics that the Dems used to hide Biden the last few years