Looks like Kamala was given the debate questions ahead of time. Not surprising since her sorority sister was one of the moderators

WTF questions do you think were going to be asked? It looked like one person took the time to be prepared to answer questions you could have posed. The other was not prepared. If he was he could have stayed on topic and challenged her answers. Instead, as we all watched not surprised in the least, he took the bait and failed.
WTF questions do you think were going to be asked? It looked like one person took the time to be prepared to answer questions you could have posed. The other was not prepared. If he was he could have stayed on topic and challenged her answers. Instead, as we all watched not surprised in the least, he took the bait and failed.
Weird. He failed but gained in the polls. Plus lots of undecided people didn't like how unfairly he was treated. People don't like seeing 3 against 1

PS: Then why share them with Kamala if nothing was to be gained?
The rebranding of Kamala Harris into a viable Presidential candidate by Washington DC and the MSM is one of the greatest Houdini acts pulled off I have ever seen.

It’s actually phenomenal
Exactly. All these same Democrats were trying to convince Joe to drop her cause they were afraid she would be a drag on the ticket.
Weird. He failed but gained in the polls. Plus lots of undecided people didn't like how unfairly he was treated. People don't like seeing 3 against 1

PS: Then why share them with Kamala if nothing was to be gained?
Show me where he gained in the polls. He's further behind overall right now. What is lots of undecided people - do you have some evidence of this? Don't tell me you talked to dozens or hundreds of people - that doesn't cut it. Where is the proof there were shared with Kamala? All I keep seeing is all this spin. The fact Trump appears to have listened to Loomer sheds light on his poor preparation.
Show me where he gained in the polls. He's further behind overall right now. What is lots of undecided people - do you have some evidence of this? Don't tell me you talked to dozens or hundreds of people - that doesn't cut it. Where is the proof there were shared with Kamala? All I keep seeing is all this spin. The fact Trump appears to have listened to Loomer sheds light on his poor preparation.
Of course I am kidding. I was just remembering those that said Trump was scared to debate her and preparing for those who will say it again if they don't have a third debate
Of course I am kidding. I was just remembering those that said Trump was scared to debate her and preparing for those who will say it again if they don't have a third debate
He went into the lion’s den with this debate. Goes to show people that he is not scared to discuss his views any where. Even sitting down with communist who will do anything to destroy him.
Do you not own a TV? Do you not have internet access? There was a lot of I’m studio audiences that were polled. Get off your lazy ass and go look for it.
You are kidding right? You made a claim about a poll and when I said where you posted something that wasn't a poll. You made a claim about undecideds and you still haven't back that up, but think this is all funny. If you post something you should be able to back it up, otherwise it appears to be made up. And you are calling me out for your insufficiencies - what a joke.
Just because you put "BOMBSHELL REPORT" on a tweet doesn't make it true...
Wait, leftist use bombshell reports on tweets all the time to slander trump. Which is it. OH, never mind, I know. If a leftist idiot posts something on X and its anti Trump always true, if it is pro Kamala always true. Got it. SMH dims are so shallow and transparent in their hypocrisy.
Weird. He failed but gained in the polls. Plus lots of undecided people didn't like how unfairly he was treated. People don't like seeing 3 against 1

PS: Then why share them with Kamala if nothing was to be gained?
Independent polls are showing little to no movement in polls. CNN et al is showing Kamala with a 5 % jump and Fox et al is showing Trump with a slight gain. People putting stock in the liberal or conservative biased polls are just getting the info those networks think their main consumers want to hear.
You are kidding right? You made a claim about a poll and when I said where you posted something that wasn't a poll. You made a claim about undecideds and you still haven't back that up, but think this is all funny. If you post something you should be able to back it up, otherwise it appears to be made up. And you are calling me out for your insufficiencies - what a joke.
Emerson et al polls are a good source of unbiased polling data.
Also given assurances by her ABC pals that only Trump would be fact-checked by the moderators.

No surprises here, even talked about before the debate..the DEI Queen still couldnt answer in details or explain her policies..left the undecided voters wondering WTF, is she ever goimb to explain her policies? Instead she just copies and paste something off of Joe Biden’s web site..very smart
No surprises here, even talked about before the debate..the DEI Queen still couldnt answer in details or explain her policies..left the undecided voters wondering WTF, is she ever goimb to explain her policies? Instead she just copies and paste something off of Joe Biden’s web site..very smart
For real......and Joe's policies have worked so well. But he must've forgotten to tell those grocery stores to quit price gouging. And I guess Comma La thought she was sent to the border because penicillin is cheaper down there.
Still haven't seen the whistleblower or the affidavit. Is this more of the BS you believe? Are you aware of where this all started?
Don't worry. It's coming.

Along with comers BS about Biden.

And trump's infrastructure week.

Have faith.

Trust the plan.
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Sort of like Russia, Russia, Russia, the pee tape and every other made up allegation over the last 10 years huh?
Not necessarily...

It qualifies the entire premise of the article in the first 2 words..."if true..."

Immediately devalues the article from news to opinion piece. Don't even have to read it because the writer is given leeway boff the bat editorialize. It's no longer grounded in fact but opinion.
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